ahn eunha // the heartbreak (the softhearted)

march 15, 1995 (22)
seoul (seoul)
Appearance: nicknamed snow white by her friends and peers, ahn eunha is known for her milky white skin and tall height that some people think that she could pass as a model. her current hair is black and long, and due to a hair mishap in which she had to cut her hair short, she promised to herself never to cut her hair anymore (unless if it gets super long of course).

Fashion style: as an art major, eunha naturally has a love for fashion as well. her style is mainly inspired by serena van der woodsen's closet, which is mostly from branded clothes, high heels and bright colored dresses.
Personality traits: protagonist (enfj-a) - cheerful, charming, optimistic, flirty, narcissistic 

despite all the private problems her family faced when she was younger, ahn eunha surprisingly still grew up as a happy, cheerful child. her cute and charming smile made it hard for the people around her not to love her. add her positive attitude about almost everything and she was almost perfect.

however, eunha also has her own negative traits. she's an absolute flirt. she doesn't even pick any gender. as long as your hot, better expect a little compliment from this girl. she knows she's hot, and often subtly brags about her looks. in short, eunha is a sweetheart but is a huge attention .

Habits and Trivia:
- likes: tea, amusement parks, roses, movies, cheesy pickup lines, travelling
- dislikes: ballad, cats (well, she likes them is allergic to their fur so...), ghost stories
- hobbies: partying, flirting (yes, that's a hobby to her), drawing, going to museums
- habits: day dreaming, drinking tea before going to sleep, doodling when she's bored
- she has long list of ex-boyfriends, mostly are older than her 'cause apparently she's into older boys
- she thinks red is y so she wears a lot of red
- though she's straight as a ruler, she doesn't mind flirting with girls and has kissed some girls before
- she doesn't mean it, but she gets bored easily when she's in a relationship, hence she likes having flings/hookups more than being in a relationship
- back during her junior year, her then idiotic 17 year old self thought cutting her hair would be a piece of cake but it didn't end up like she wanted to so she had no choice but go to the hairdresser and just cut it short. she cried a lot because of it
- she wishes to live abroad after graduating
- she was scouted to be a model once when she was younger, but refused as she really want to finish school
jang miyeon was just 23 years old when it was announced that she was pregnant. the father of the baby was no other than ahn chanho, her then two year older boyfriend. the young couple and two socialites were both from private but well-known families, so it was no surprise that the two got married after baby eunha was born. the public was also not surprised when the young couple decided to divorce just five years after the marriage, with rumors swirling around that they had actually seperated long before that, but decided to stay together until eunha was a bit bigger.
despite their love for each other reducing every year, both miyeon and chanho promised to give everything that their little girl deserved. eunha spent most of her time with her mother as mr. ahn left the country to continue his studies abroad, he still managed to be with his little princess when his schedules allowed him to. while her mother continued to date other boys after divorce (probably where she got her flirty attitude from), her father eventually married an older woman (probably where she got her preference over older men). despite everything that happened, miyeon and chanho remained friends, which is why eunha is always cheerful and thankful for her parents.

Family and Friends:
kim heechul // 30 // step-brother // 8 out of 10 // despite not really being blood related, eunha is quite close to her now step-brother. they don't even know how and why they got so close so quickly. still, heechul tends to be over-protective of eunha.

son naeun // 22 // best friend // 10 out of 10 // eunha and naeun actually met during their freshman year in college, but due to their closeness, it feels like they've known each other in ages. double eun or naeunha as they call themselves, the two girls are always seen together.

lee donghae (super junior/bussiness man) // jung jinyoung (b1a4)

Birthday (age): november 14, 1988 (29)
175 cm
Style: the boy's a bussiness man, so he's always wearing a suit, or any formal wear. he'd ocassionally wear casual or athletic wear when he's working out at the gym or when he's jogging near han river.

Personality traits: logistician (istj-a) - intelligent, calm, gallant, workaholic, dull

there is no denying that lee donghae is an intelligent, young man. when he was in his high school and college days he was continuously at the school's top five. he's incredibly calm and is very good at hiding his anxiety/nervousness around people. he's also known as a gentleman, though unfortunately people often misunderstands it as him being a flirt when just wants to be nice to people.
much like his father, donghae is a huge workaholic. they even say that he has never skipped a day in the office, even when he's sick. but can you really blame him? he was raised that way. he's actually more nervous when he's not working and feels like he's wasting time when he's not at the office. the word 'vacation' is not in his dictionary, which is why he is also often described as a party pooper or boring by the people around him.

- likes: coffee, classical music, nature, movies
- dislikes: loud music, being absent, not doing anything
- hobbies: jogging, exercising, reading books, going to cafés
- habits: drinking water whenever he could, writing down on his journal before he sleeps
- he always carry a pen around
- even though he doesn't look like it, he actually loves cuddling
- compared to his friends, he doesn't drink much
- is actually secretly hoping to get settled and start a family soon
- he used to smoke but has since stopped when he turned 25
- he drives an audi
- he lives alone in his apartment in gangnam

just like eunha, lee donghae is from a rich family. an only son, he is expected to take over the family's company when the time comes. his mother died due to cancer when he was young, something that he doesn't really talk much, and though he only has his father left, he isn't as close to him as normal father-sons are. because of this he is constantly trying his best to improve himself to gain the approval of his father.
Love story: 
they say that you shouldn't have one night stands with a friend, but lee donghae is just an acquaintance to ahn eunha. apart from his name, his adress, and his family background, she doesn't really know much about him. she had only talked to him in parties and events but she had called him her friend. sure, she calls him oppa but she only does that because heechul's a close friend of his. still, she's not really close with the older boy. plus lee donghae seemed like he really need someone to accompany him that night that she saw him in the club. so spending a night with him wouldn't hurt, right?

well that's what she thought.

eunha felt the world crumble when she saw a tiny lee donghae on her nighttable. she freaked out, even to the point of planning of throwing him out, 'cause honestly who wouldn't? one night stands were supposed to be a one time only. it was never to be talked about ever again. it didn't include your partner turning into a small version of himself. donghae had to beg eunha not to throw him away until they figure out how to turn him back to his normal size. at first, eunha was skeptical about it, but after finding out how boring his life is, she promised to make his experience as a tiny man exciting. eunha herself had to inform heechul that donghae had to leave the country for a 'well deserved vacation'. heechul was of course unsurprisingly not convinced. he knew his friend wasn't the type to go on vacations, and that fact that it was eunha, a girl donghae wasn't even close to, was the one who told him didn't really help. but then she explained that she saw him in the club, and heechul was instantly reminded by the breakup donghae had before that so he finally believed her, even offering to tell his father.

First meeting:
just like what was mentioned above, donghae and eunha already knew each other way before their one night stand. they just don't know when exactly they met since they've probably known each other since young. however, donghae earliest memory of the girl is when he attended her father's wedding.
Relationship trivia:
- eunha has always had a small little crush on the older boy hence why she was okay with sleeping with him this little omg, but since heechul has always told her not to flirt with any of his friends, she never really did anything to become closer to him.
- donghae had actually broken up with his ex-girlfriend who cheated on him before their one night stand, which why he was in the club (as he doesn't usually go there). eunha doesn't know that.
- the two often talks about heechul and complains about how noisy he is.
- eunha is the total opposite of donghae. she's a very lively person, while he is very serious. after turning into a pocket sized version of himself, eunha teaches him how to have fun.
​​​​​​​- donghae was very awkward after the one night stand, but eunha seemed to forget it easily.
​​​​​​​- eunha purposely makes donghae jealous by flirting with other people.
​​​​​​​- donghae becomes more and more caring to eunha.
- they both enjoy movies and would often stay up all night watching them.

Password: ioi + all of them tbh + whatta man

Last comments: i know you said to make it all pg, but my girl's the heartbreaker, so i hope it's okay to subtly mention the deed? i'm sorry in advance if it's not okay ;AAA; also, i'm really happy to have a suju member as a love interest. i've been really wanting to have one of them as one so yay! (though my character's story is somewhat so cliche?? ORZ)
Boys in Pockets
theme credit 2016 trxsh
storyline by Finally_Home and marshybleep


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