
Unpopular opinion here!!!!


It seems like I'm the only one who is annoyed with the recognition system here

Most of the popular writers I know usually have like one or two (at the most) fics going on and they're getting SO MUCH LOVE (from me as well, not gonna lie)

What I'm salty about is some of the other writers who are getting very little attention 

Some are like the popular ones, with only a few going on at a time

But there are ones like me and my friend, who have about three different ones with coauthors and two of their own plus one that they promised or something and no one seems to care how much they're working to provide all of this

This happens to me, but I'm not mad for myself because I know my writing genuinely , but some of the others ARE SO FRICKING AMAZING and are so underapreciatted 

Please support your small writers on here and give them a chance T^T

Sorry for this rant

I'll go now

Bye ^^


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