Inside The Mirror / / Ishihara Nana @ Kwon Nana

ishihara nana @ kwon nana




→ Ishihara Nana ⋮ Her real name taken her mother maiden name. 
→ Kwon Nana ⋮ Her real name taken her father name.
→ Lucky No.7 ⋮ Nana stand for 7 in Japanese. And she always got 7 in mostly her exam.

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ August, 23, 1994
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Osaka, JP

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Korean-Japanese
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ Japanese

⟪ SPECIES ⟫ Human
⟪ FACTION ⟫ Deimos Faction
⟪ POSITION ⟫ Deimos Healer


→ Korean ⋮ Her father is a Korean so she learn the language well. And in her house they mostly speak Korean.
→ Japanese ⋮ Her mother is a Japanese and even thought mostly in the family everyone speak Korean, she learn how to speak Japanese too.
→ English ⋮ She learn English in school and being in medical school require her to be good in it. So she eventually grow great at this language. However her English sound like textbook English. Way formal.

⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ E-girls's Kaede
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Searin
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 49 kg & 172 cm

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ she prefer to wear something comfortable like jeans and t-shirt. She is a busy intern in a university medical hospital and always goes running here and there. So mostly she doesn’t take care of what she wear as long as she can move freely in it.

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ to be told she is way too unbalanced. She used to weight around 58 kg. But due to stern environment on her internship that she still in, she lost quite a weight. She used to own waist long hair but it being cut due to lack of management for her own self. And now her hair is shoulder length as it manageable for her. There nothing much a different in her with her looks.



Positive traits ⋮ Observant, Adaptable, Compassionate
Neutral traits ⋮ Naïve, Mysterious
Negative traits ⋮ Rebel, Forgetful, Trust easily

Nana an observant person being an intern as doctor need her to watch and carefully observe people and condition. She need it to makes sure she didn’t miss anything at all. She also adaptable person who can match with most of the thing if she try too. But most of the time people need to adapt to her rather than she adapt to them. She also compassionate especially when she working. She will ignore everything like sleep or eating and when she remember she will takes a few quick nap and a snack to keep her going.

She is a naïve person who doesn’t know most of the thing. All due to her busy work trying her best to be a doctor and no play at all. In another word she also a mysterious person who people just can’t understand her and think what she think.

She a rebel. She doesn’t listen easily and do what she want in most of the time. But she always follow rules and regulation tho. Quite forgetful as she can’t remember people name in most of the time and also have a hard time memorize number and basically everything. However her memory is quite great. She have a bad trust issue as she trust people easily. However not everyone but someone she think she can but not like she can’t be lied.


Ishihara Nana or Kwon Nana born into a parent in which her father is a Korean and her mother is a Japanese. She initially bear the name Kwon Nana taken with her father family name. She lived with that name as well live in Korea until her aged 14 in which everything seemed like fairy tale and happy ever after.

However, things takes turn when she reached 15 years old as her mother and father start to grow distance and she sniff the air of affair around. Soon after that both of them parts way. Her father got married with another woman and her mother decide to go back to Japan to her own family. And her, after a fight in court taken by her mother. She follow her mother to Japan and continue her study there. Following with this she taken her mother maiden name Ishihara making her name from Kwon Nana to Ishihara Nana.

She always think that everything will always go smoothly after a storm but somehow it doesn’t for her as her mother died when she 18 due to malpractice during her surgery. She who have no knowledge in medical then decide to become a doctor and get back at what happen to her mother.

She return to Korea due to her father decide to sponsor her university study in a term she study at one of Korean university. And there she choose to study at Yonsei University in medical preparing to become a doctor. She worked her out all the way through her study and then she became one of the 2nd year intern at university hospital.

And then like a hit of reality or more like fantasy when she getting freshen up in toilet, she see something unbelievable. She always know doppelganger is not a good sign and when she see her own reflection right in front of her. Touching it. The second she know she is nowhere she know. When she change with her counterparts? I totally have no idea. Like right now. When she 23 years old to be exact. 


2nd year intern at university hospital


  • SNACKING. Due to her busy internship, she usually snacking some bread, snack, chocolate, chocobar and anything she can anytime she can. Mostly because she rarely got a relaxing time to have a meals.
  • THE SMELL OF MEDICINE. She somehow likes the smell of the medicine and it somehow odd for her. Even her colleague even think she use antiseptic as a perfume due to her smell the same as it.
  • SLEEPING. She rarely got one and it makes she really like it when she can sleep. She however doesn’t have eye bag due to lack of sleep all because she eats broccoli.


  • THE SOUND OF SILENCE. She really hate the sound of rings on her ears when there nothing makes a sound. It somehow can drive her insane out of hearing that and she even freaked out because of it.
  • SPICY FOOD. She really can’t handle spicy food at all. She will have runny nose and she will drink like a jug of water if what she it is too spicy.
  • DOGS. She likes animals and also included dogs. But she scared of big dogs as dogs somehow bark when she around and it makes her scared.
  • COFFEE. She can’t drink it on daily basis since she will have a headache. But when she sleepy and need to stay awake she can.


  • PUTTING HER HAIR BEHIND HER EAR. She got this kind of habit and always did it without she know it. And it just for one side of her hair / ear. On the right side.
  • BITING. She have a bad habit of biting her own lips. And that makes her avoid wearing lipstick in most of the time as it will be gone in matter of minutes.
  • CROSSING HER LEGS. She just automatically sit in this manner no matter how hard she want to sit the other way around.


  • She good at drawing and sometimes draw when she have time. All due to her mother DNA who have a great drawing skill and graduated in fine art.
  • She can’t sleep unless she wearing a t-shirt and just .
  • She feel uncomfortable if there nothing on her left wrist. So she always wearing a watch or bracelet or a simple hair tie on her left hand.
  • She really bad at remembering people name. Like she will only remember people name after at least 3 days.


Father, Kwon Dongwoon ⋮ 52 ⋮ Strict, serious and want everything to go his way / She not that close with her father but he is the one who sponsor her study. It’s just stop like that as she never comes to meet him and they only talked in phone more like informing her he pay for her house or gas and when he bank in money for her.


Best Friend, Lee Nayeon ⋮ 24 ⋮ Motherly ⋮ Nayeon is the one closest to her as she is also a 2nd year intern as her. Nayeon always taken care of her like a mother did.


Unknown, Kwon Nana ⋮ 25 ⋮ her mirror realm counterpart. She doesn’t know her at all. But seeing I-Nana is in the Deimos Faction and K-Nana in Aries, both of them can be ally and enemy at the same time.


Deimos Faction


Aries Faction

Hate, Deimos Tactician Deimos Tactician doesn’t quite like the idea of their Leader to make Nana as Deimos Healer. Deimos Tactician always think there a lot of people who better suit the post than her as she bear no magic.



She is Deimos Healer so she have no weapon. Wrong. She own a pistol given by him [LEO / Deimos Leader] for her own protection. To top it, he actually want her to teach her some martial arts of sort but when they come across the weapon room and he showed her around she takes the weapon and aim it to him. That’s when he know she can handle piston / gun. And to be told her father is in the army and she since a child learn how to shot the target herself.


She completely got no fighting style as she just load, aim and shoot. Mostly she will heal everyone and doesn’t need to fight.


She usually bring her medial stuff around. Like in a box full of everything needed to treat people. She also carry a gun / pistol and a few extra bullet stashed here and there when she need it.


Her strength is in her medical skill and also her right angle aim when shooting. While her weakness is she physically weak [She did learn Judo but to be compared with others she is really weak]. Lack of speed and even defense.


She possess none of the power bestowed to everyone in mirror realm as she is born human and also from human realm.



She got one in her bathroom, one in her closet and one near the front door. All of it will be three. She also carry around a compact powder with a mirror attached.


⟪ POSITION ⟫ Deimos Leader ⟪ AGE ⟫ 999 ⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ November 10
⟪ FACTION ⟫ Deimos Faction ⟪ SPECIES ⟫ Dragon ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Hero


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ Leo is cold, cool, chic and mysterious. He is someone who doesn’t spare a glance at anyone who doesn’t worth it. Suit and perfect Deimos from every eyes. Even within the faction itself he is unknown to them. Everyone scared of him and know to know get on his bad side as they doesn’t even know what this guy thinking. However despite everything he is why people choose him as the leader? He is compassionate. He is the one who they just know will bring them all to the winner path. He is intelligent and can lead the whole faction and also have a great leadership of them all. No one can deny him and his ideal.

⟪ WEAPONRY ⟫ Leo doesn’t fancy any weapon at all. He always think his physical strength and also his power alone is greatest enough to win him any match. However he have one weapon he keep in need. A sword made from his own breath. Being a dragon he breath a blue fire and he pay a someone to makes him the greatest sword make by iron melted by his own breath. Sword make from dragon breath said to be able to kill everything and inflict permenent wound even with a simple contact.

⟪ POWER ⟫ His power allow him to control everything out his own will. However it only limited to things and nothing alive at all. In another word, his power is telekinesis.

⟪ FIGHTING STYLE ⟫ Leo fighting style is quite varies and it what makes people make him the leader. He great at combat as he have a great physical ability and when he added with his own power it just overwhelming. He never leave any of his body open for enemy to strike his attack and he can makes sure of it. To top of that, Leo is a dragon and he can change his own body at his will to dragon. When fighting he sometimes change his skin to dragon skin to makes it untouched by any blade. He also can grow his wings out of his human form to fly whenever he want. And there so on.

⟪ EQUIPMENT ⟫ Leo mostly will bring nothing when fighting. Even if he have his own sword, if he need it he will use his power to bring it to himself. The only thing he carry is a pocket watch that have a small mirror in it.

Leo in strength is perfect in every angle. He good in physical strength and even his own power. There no fault can be seen. But however he have one. It is his own heart. Due to a certain spell / curse he got when he involved with someone. [He fall in love once before but she put a curse on him when she think he will never love someone truthfully] A curse that put his and her heart together. If she dies and so does him.

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT FOR THE EARTH-REALM CHARACTER ⟫ Nothing much. Just hope she okay and you like her. 

⟪ EARTH-REALM SCENE REQUESTS ⟫ Anything interesting.



Leo and Nana relationship can be shown as ownership. Leo own her and she need to follow him or every what he say. She did in most of the time since she doesn’t know what to do and can only depend on him. But due to time she sometimes revolt and rebel against him. He doesn’t mind and think it interesting. Leo actually like her and the amount of it nearing love. While it kind of the same for Nana. And because of this he overprotective on her. 


Leo just finished his meeting and going back to his room just to find someone he never seen before sleeping on his bed. Just to his amusement he sit on the sofa near the window and closely watch the girl sleeping until she woke up. [Like in the picture. LOL]


  • He never want her to leave from his own eyes. 
  • At first he keep her hidden within his room but she sneak out and let people see her and this makes him mad and makes her officially Deimos Healer.
  • He say to her “You’re mine and if I get bored of you I will kill you”
  • She his own nemesiss. If she die he will die. 


→ Siren ⋮ Taken over his own power. She carry this name like it is her medal. 
→ lowo ⋮ a name people use to gossip about her since they don't want she know. it stand for lone wolf. 

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ August, 23
⟪ AGE ⟫ 25
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ White City

⟪ FACTION ⟫ Aries Faction
⟪ POSITION ⟫ Aries Scout

⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 58 kg & 172 cm

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Nana always wear something in the color of black, dark blue, dark green and anything in sort of unseen. This is due to her position as a scout for Aries. Her most familiar style is military gears.

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Stand tall at 172 cm with weight of 58 kg that really normal. She have a toned body a little tan skin that mostly helped her to hide when scouting. He got a great deal of muscle trained since before. She used to have a long hair before she cut it when it caught into enemy trap when she go to scout.


Positive traits ⋮ Passionate, Hardworking, Confident.
Neutral traits ⋮ Independent, open minded.
Negative traits ⋮ Selfish, Closed-off, Impulsive.

In positive side Nana can be a passionate person who when she given a mission will do it like it is her first and last mission ever. And this lead to her great achievement as a scout as she always bring the great information need. She definitely a hardworking person who work hard through her life to achieve what she is right now. In another possible she try to makes sure she is the best. She also confident as in this line of work if she not confident she will flopped or run away from mission.

In neutral side she is independent person who growing up alone without anyone with her. She know how to take care of herself and manage everything. She also an open minded person who takes everything no matter what it is. She never flustered over something she just encounter.

In bad side she is selfish. A very selfish person who always think of herself alone and herself with no one else. And this can be seen when she traded place with the Earth realm without even care about it. She is closed-off person who not making friend with any people at all. For her all think is business and nothing personal. An impulsive one who done think on the matter without even thinking first. Even though she is intelligent due to her DNA, however she trained more of skills and body than her mind.  


Nana born into a fighter family both her father and mother and even her grandparent are a fighter. All of them is a member of Aries faction and die as an Aries. People always say she should be proud of it but she never as when all of them gone by her side she is just 5 years old.

Loosing everyone that she can depend into makes her been taken as one of the child soldier. Trained to be the next generation of higher up in Aries. And in all of the categories she show the amazing skill in scouting.

She in her first mission at the age of 13 years old and she comes back with a great deal of information about enemy skill and power that bring the Aries to a single win. After that she becomes a great deal and did a lot of mission.

However everything her achievement and her every step is not done for herself. She feels suffocated and want to run away. She hates the decision of her to be a scout or even a soldier. She doesn’t want to follow the trace of her own family and died.

At the age of 25, she got the hardest mission ever in her life. To scout the power and skill of the leader of Deimos Faction. She go for the mission and there when she enter the room of the leader, she feels the chill of the power. She feels someone watching her and she runs to the other side of the mirror. To accidently meet her other self and she decide to trade place. She think this is the way. This is the only way for her to run away and live as herself.


  • She usually think her power is not great and want something like Chameleon power that owned by other people.
  • She can go without sleep for three days.
  • She a big eater and eat a lot
  • She likes to drink coffee and she always drink it when she need to stay awake longer than 3 days. But she actually likes the aroma of it.


Unknown,- Ishihara Nana ⋮ 23 ⋮ her earth realm counterpart. She doesn’t know her since the day she drag her into the mirror realm is the first day she meet her. But seeing I-Nana is in the Deimos Faction and K-Nana in Aries, both of them can be ally and enemy at the same time.


Aries Faction


Deimos Faction



Two small knife she carries on her boot. She usually doesn’t engage in fighting at all. And she know the right method and have the right power to scout without getting caught. And her weapon is only for special case like when she cut her hair due to it being caught in a trap.


She is nimble and fast. Her fighting skill mostly with her jumping or running around. But most of the time she not fighting due to her own stand as scout.


Two small knife stashed on her boots and a long mirror necklace she wears on her neck.


Her strength is her skills and her fast movement. She can easily done her mission without getting caught. However her weakness is her own physical. She weak in physical and if engage with a match she will be the one ended up lose.


Siren. She have the power of the voice. Her singing can entice people and makes them drunk in her voice. She can either kill them or delete their memory of seeing her by singing a certain song. There also a song that can makes people asleep.



A lot of time. When she in dire situation of getting caught and all his in hand method can’t help her at all, she will run to earth realm and then get into mirror realm when she safe. This happen the same thing when she accidentally meet her counterpart. .


Nowhere it’s all work for me. Ah. There a place. Where people play kicking something round on a wide field. Is it soccer? I find that thing interesting to watch.

Jung Taekwoon

⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ Football Player ⟪ AGE ⟫ 25 ⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ November 10
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Kim Jaejoong


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ Taekwoon is a competitive person. He is the star of the team and the one who the best of them. This is due to all of his hard work thru his day. He is also a kind type who smile to kids and animas when he feels it is cute. Some who not much showing his own face and reaction but when he did he is the sweetest ever. However the bad side of him is when it is over he never looked back. But before that he will give his all.


⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT IN GENERAL ⟫ Nope. Just this is really the hardest app I ever done. And I might add trivia if I feel like I found something I want to add. Hope you're okay with Leo. Since he the best one for this type of personality and to be the leader of cold blooded faction. 

⟪ MIRROR-REALM SCENE REQUESTS ⟫ Nothing. I just lets you go wild. 

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ dracona



Their relationship is kind of ambiguous as there nothing definite about it. She and he clearly attracted to each other but they not saying anything at all. Even when both of them live in the same house.


The day she run. The day she traded place, she go to the field to expect to watch a game. However that day is no game day and the only thing she see is Taekwoon practicing his kicking on the field. She just sit on one of the seat and watch as she wait for the game. She even stayed when the sky is darker and the light is switched on. And Taekwoon who think she already gone looked at the seat before he walked away and still see her. He go and talk to her…


  • Nana live in Taekwoon house as he live in a dorm provided for the players. However he sometimes comeback to his house.
  •  Taekwoon think she have amnesia since she know nothing of the world or even anything about it.


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