Another Diet Blog

So my dad was upset and Father's Day and kinda walked out on us (he came back and was chill but like we made dinner for him and everything but my sister made a joke, I guess...? I was in the bathroom when this went down. He didn't even touch his dinner he was just angry and left on his motorcycle and came back at, like was really weird). So we also made a cake for Father's Day and we didn't get the chance to decorate (because he just frickin' stormed out of the house???) and so two days later I decide not to let the cake go to waste so I decorated it and stuff and I told him that it was for Father's Day, but we didn't get the chance to give it to him. He was grateful, but he's worried about his blood pressure so he didn't want to eat it. 

^You can skip the top stuff if you just wanna get to the point^

I'm kinda superstitious. Not a lot, but I feel like energy from certain events can kind of "reside" in objects directly related to the event (or indirectly). I don't know why, but I do. I'm always able to convince myself to eat things that are far from my diet (like hash browns and chocolate...yikes). 

I HAVE EATEN 2/3 OF A CAKE IN TWO DAYS. Why? Because I convinced myself that we should get rid of the cake ASAP since it's full of bad energy (because my dad walked out on us out of nowhere and it totally freaked my mom out), and it shouldn't go to waste, so I've decided to eat as much of it as possible. 

IN CONCLUSION. My body is not used to this much SUGAR. Therefore, my throat burns and I'm nauseous. Love it. 


In other news, if I'm not updating as much (I know I'm not updating much...sorry) it's because I'm trying to not get sick from this damn cake while trying to adhere to my diet's calorie restrictions (which means I'm literally only eating cake and water fml), but that's probably gonna change soon because I canNOT stand being this low energy, so I'll probably eat fruits throughout the day. 



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