S IN CHaos


Kwon Nana
baby dongsaeng - Called by the three of her brother.
Main RAPPER, Lead dancer and maknae
23 August 1994
3/4 Korean 1/4 Japanese
Osaka, Japan
Korean [fluent] She been speaking this language since she a child. And of course she is fluent in it.
Japanese [fluent] she stayed and study in Japan during elementary school to middle school before her family moved to Korea when she in middle school.
English [semi-fluent] she learn it and especially good at it.



PERSONA - MM stand for Mysterious Maknae.




TALENT TWIN - Rap - Heize Dance - Kaede

TRAINEE YEARS - 2 years 3 month




Appearance, style and character background


Nana brings a cold and chic looks. She has brown hair that falls slightly on her shoulder. It cut a little bit uneven and can be seen clearly. She always put her left hair behind her ear as a habit. She got dark brown eyes and pink lips that don’t need a tint or lipstick to color it. She is someone who looks fresh and beautiful without makeup but looks cold when she wears it.

She loves something comfortable like simple t and jeans and along with over sized sweater. When training she prefer something way comfortable like training pants and short to makes her movement easier.

Kwon Nana is not much and worth mentioning. She comes from a normal family of six in which consists of her parents and three older brothers. Being born with mostly male in the family she is quite wild herself and a little bit shy around people. Rather than most people or girls growing up feminine, she grows to be a little boyish in action. She spends most of her time with her brother and even joined the female soccer club due to influence of them.

However, when her family moved to Korea because of her father work, she ended up leaving everything behind. She starts anew in Korea. And this is when she gotten into music and start to enter jellyfish ent after audition for the big three and not manage to pass.

She struggle during trainee and also after CHAOS debuted. But now they have the world.



ACCESSORIES - she likes to wear them and collect them. She got varieties of it that the members think it it too much but she think she want more.
NAIL ARTS - she likes to see her nail painted and decorated. She can do it herself and sometimes she also goes to salon to get them pointed. Her usual one is in black.
VIVIENNE WESTWOOD - she likes to wear clothing of this label. And she always did. Fans of her always wish she will be a model for the label. COSPLAY - Since she born in Japan and stayed there till she in middle school, she watch a lot of anime and also cosplay because she find it fun.
DRAWING OR WRITING ON HER HAND - she always did this. Either she will write something or draw something on her hand. Due to this she also allows some fans to do this on her hand during fan meeting.


COFFEE - she can't drink them as it will makes her have a headache. So she hates it.
SPICY FOOD - she can't handle spicy food. She always eats something mild.
DOGS - rather than dislike, she scared of them. Mostly big dogs since she think they are dangerous.
FEMALE PERFUME - she hates the smell of female perfume that consists of the smell of flowers. It makes her sneezes. So her perfume quite manly or strong.


SOCCER - she likes to play the game since she plays it a lot with her brother.
NAIL PAINTING - it can be called her hobby too since she always did it. And rather than using fake nails she uses her real nails. And due to her always changing her nail color she use peel off base coat.
PLAYING GAMES - she likes to play games and especially on phone. She quite addicted to it and always plays it during her free time.


BITING - she got a bad habit of biting her lips and other people. Especially when people put their finger in front of her reach.
CROSSING HER LEGS - she always sit in this manner and it can't be changed as her legs will automatically did this.
PUT HER HAIR BEHIND HER EARS - She always put her hair behind her ears. And it only on her right side. It is out of habit and sometimes she doesn't notice it.
WEAR PERFUME BEFORE PERFORMING - she wear perfume on daily basis before come out from her house or after shower. But like weird she is, she always wears perfume before the show.


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-Kwon Donghyuk / Father / 57 / own a travel agency. Someone who always busy but when he have time he will spend with his family.  

-Kwon Danee / Mother / 59 / housewife and loving mother who always supportive.

-Kwon Jaehyun / 1st brother / 30 / worked under his father to take over the agency. Mostly stayed in Japan as he taking care of the main branch. Overprotective brother who always watching over Siren.

-Kwon Soohyuk / 2nd brother / 28 / Lawyer and someone serious always inform Jaehyun over Siren movement and such.  

-Kwon Minhyun / 3rd brother / 26 / Alpha team of Korean army. Serious and strict. 


- Ravi / Sunbae-hoobae / out of VIXX, Siren closer to Ravi out of the members. Mostly because both of them is the rapper of their respective group and also both of them compose. Ravi and Siren share their song with each other and ask for opinion now and then.

entertainment experiences

Solo album 2016 n unit 2015 with plotline H. Compose for CHAOS comeback and also full make of her solo album and unit album.


Positive - Hardworking, Adaptable, Observant, Playful, Competitive Neutral - Mysterious, Cool n Chic
Negative - Critical, undeceive, Silence, Hard to get close, Do what she want

Siren is a Hardworking person. She works hard to get and active what she wants. Either in rapping or dancing or even composing. This shows how great she is to be able to stand and have her own presence that overwhelming. She can adapt to everything but people always think she is not because of her usual self that is cold and chic. That's make people try to adapt more to her than she did. An Observant type. Being herself she likes to keep control on everything and watching rather than jumping into everything. This makes her able to learn everything faster. She quite playful and mostly around people she used at. She will throw some prank and such when she feels like. A competitive person that carved into her own DNA. She the one who try to win no matter what.

She got the mysterious aura around her that people can't easily catch. But that makes people attached to her and keeps watching her. She can be seen stayed serious most of the time. A cool and chic person who somehow intimidate people especially her hoobae.

She likes to throw some critic somehow here and there when she feels like and it bad. She also undeceive as sometimes she can't choose between two thing. And sometimes it trivial matter such as what type of milk she should drink. She is also someone who hard to get close with because of her nature that is silence most of the time. And her overflowing aura that might kill. She the types in which do what she wants.

face claim


E-girls's kaede






e-girls kaede





love interest

vixx's leo

10 november 1990

dating as in 2017






Both Siren and Leo started just as sunbae and hoobae as they come from the same agency. They have quite the same personality but somehow different too. Beside that both of them have the same style and liking in some kind of things. Like clothing they can.be seen wearing the same style in most of the time. However despite that both of them stayed in the relationship of sunbae-hoobae until in middle of 2016 when both of them start dating. And till now they are still together.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor.

scene suggestions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor.





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