‹ IXT › ZOFIA // D6

replace with fc 120*172

  han sunmi  

birthname. han sunmi (한선미)
other names. han sofia (소피아 한) - it's her english name and what her family calls her. 

– cinderella :: since she's such a clean freak, she spends most of her free time on the dorm cleaning that she call herself cinderella when she gets dramatic on t.v.
– coach han :: when she's playing sports, sunmi gets hella hyped that she forgets that it's just a game.
– princess :: she's called like this by both members and fans to because of her background.
– ceo han :: another nickname they call her to .

date of birth. december 5, 2000
birthplace. seoul, south korea
hometown. seoul, south korea
ethnicity. korean
nationality. korean
language spoken. 

– korean :: 100% :: it's her native language. 
– english :: 100% :: she had been attending an international school ever since she was young and has been going to america on vacations so she has no problem communicating in english.
– mandarin :: 50% :: she learnt it at school, but is not very fluent.


  a girl like me

personality traits. 

( + ) optimistic, neat, caring, playful
stubborn, savage, competitive, dramatic
( - )


maybe it's because of her young age, but sofia is very positive in life, often cheering up fellow trainees by telling them they'll debut someday.  she's certain that by the end of the day, things will always be alright (though she's not always right) and finds positivity in every little thing. she doesn't blatantly show it, but sofia is actually very caring to her unnies and dongsaengs. she's the type to cover someone with a blanket when someone's sleeping and the type to subtly give her members drinks or snacks when they don't even ask her to.

her young age ìs evident when her playfullness shows. she's very keen to games to the point that she'd always ask her unnies/members to play something on their free time. because of this, she could also be easily impressed. another thing that sofia is notorious for is her neat trait. she's such a clean freak that it's not just her room that she clans, it's the whole dorm that she cleans. even if she's one of the youngest, she often complains and nags her unnies for not cleaning enough.

just because she's very young doesn't mean she's all sweet and innocent. maybe she does it less in front of the cameras, but her unnies know how big of a savage she is. sofia doesn't pick any victim, even if you're older or younger than her, she would just straight up say something brutal if she had the chance to. She's also very stubborn, often not listening and does her own thing  which is why she gets scolded at by her unnies. when she gets scolded at or punished, she'd often get really very dramatic about it.

another negative trait that sofia has is her competitiveness. it only applies to games and sports, but it annoys her members nonetheless. she's actually good at both, but sometimes she loses and she gets really pissed about it. she even ends up cheating when she knows that she's about to lose.


in every kpop group, there's always going to be that kid that has a well off family. that's the case with sofia. though sm didn't want to reveal it at first due to the family's wishes, the netizens ultimately found out her family background when she debuted.

born han sunmi on the fifth of december in the year of 2000, she was the last of the four han siblings blessed with good genes. their father, han seunghun is a ceo of a real estate company while their mother barbara han, an american born korean, is a housewife but spends most of her time helping out in charities not only in korea but around the continent as well. then there are her older brothers who are 24, 21 and 19 respectively. the two oldest are currently studying abroad while the youngest son and the one closest to sofia is attending one of the country's most famous universities. despite the s, sofia is actually very close to his brothers, as they used to play a lot when they were younger. she also might have gotten her competitiveness from them as they were all into sports.

not much were futher discovered about the family, apart from their huge devotion to christian faith and the fact that they have some family in america that they visit a lot. due to their background, nobody in the family really expected sofia to be interested in the entertainment industry, much more when the usually strict patriach of the family actually allowed her to audition after being street casted by a scout talent manager when she was out in the mall with her mother. maybe it's because he never actually thought she'd get in, but she did. 


  dancing queen

face claim. xiyeon of pristin
backup face claim. heejin of loona

appearance. nothing much is different between sofia and siyeon. sofia stands at 163 tall and weighs in 51kg. she has long black hair that she is lowkey scared of cutting and has pale white skin. her eyes are somewhat bigger than most koreans.

style. fashion is one of the things sofia likes, to the point that she'd even beg her coordis to dress her up nicely on stage. her preferred style is preppy, often seen all dressed up even when there aren't cameras around. her favorite fashion item are skirts and berets and would often dress up wearing those when the weather is perfect. however, when she's practicing or when she's back at the dorm, she doesn't mind toning it down. she is the most comfortable when she's at the dorm as she just wear shorts and t-shirts.

everyday wear: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
formal wear: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
practice: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
airport: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


– sports: she's actually very good at sports, with her favorite one being baseball and volleyball. please let her go to isac.
– travelling: she hopes that ixt can have a world tour someday, or at least participate on kcon concerts so she could go to different countries with her members.
– dancing: before even getting casted, sofia had some ballet lessons when she was younger. however, after becoming a trainee, she developed a love for dancing in general.
– fashion: just like any kid her age, she's very keen on fashion.
– food: no explanation need. who doesn't like food, to be honest?

– when the dorm is dirty: she goes crazy when the dorm is messy and says she can't live like that.
– being on diet: she gets all dramatic whenever she's on diet.
– being called a shorty: when the taller members call her this way, she'd fight back and say that she'll still grow anyways because she's still young.
– losing on games: since she's very competitive.

– cleaning: yes, it is a hobby for her.
– being a savage towards her members: yes, it's a hobby for her too.
– surfing the net: whether she's on her sns stalking her fans, watching videos on youtube or internet shopping online, sofia spends her free time on the internet.

– eating secretly: it's something that she gets scolded at for.
– biting her lips: when she's embarrassed, she tends to bite her lips.
– strolling on han river: she finds it very relaxing and goes there with friends when she's stressed.

– she attended an international school before transferring to hanlim school of performing arts.
– she promised her parents that she will finish her studies even after she debuts. she hasn't thought of what course to take but is already planning to go to college.
– her favorite game is the mafia game.
– she wants to try out a fantasy concept someday.
– the members call her by her real name offcam.
– she cringes at her own aegyo.
– she is not super smart, but is very serious when it comes to school much like her brothers.
– her family knows siwon's family way before she joined sm since they go to the same church.
– she can imitate spongebob's laugh and it's what she shows on variety shows.
– says a lot of so she gets scolded a lot.
– she wants to learn more languages and hopes she can master mandarin.
– her family used to go to new york on vacation. she could go there less when she became a trainee, and almost never when she debuted.
– if she wasn't an idol, apart from working for her family, she'd probably become an actress.


– 2000 squad :: renjun, jeno, haechan, jaemin (17) / idols / 9/10
since they are born in the same year, these five friends are very close to one another. they have a chatroom on kakaotalk where they talk at as they see sofia less due to busy schedules. they used to have the same height back when they were younger but they've since grown taller. because of this they'd always , much to her annoyance. to improve her mandarin skills, she would usually ask renjun for help.

– close 'sunbae' :: kim yerim (19) / idol / sincere & fun-loving / 8/10
despite yerim being a year older than her, the two girls are actually very good friends that started way back to their trainee years. yerim even tells her to stop calling her yeri sunbaenim. sometimes they are seen at school together as they both go to hanlim.

– school buddies :: daehwi & somi (17) / idols-trainees / cheerful & energetic / 8/10
daehwi and somi also attend hanlim, which is why sofia is close with them. since both of them were born on the early months of 2001 while sofia was born on late 2000, they've decided to drop the formalities and just become friends.

– closest teammate :: park hwiseon (22) / idol / eloquent & hardworking / 10/10
despite their , it is hwiseon who is the closest to sofia out of all the ixt members. hwiseon took good care of sofia when she was new to the company as she was just a young kid, and still continues to do so even if they are in different subunits. sofia has always admired and respected the older girl and is one of the few people she'd do aegyo to - which hwiseon would cringe at. 


plotline. d6
backup plotline. d1

stage name. zofia - she thinks that spelling her name with a z will make her sound edgier. she'd probably change it back to s when she grows older and realize how useless it is.
persona. the golden girl
talent twin. 

– vocal twin :: kyla of pristin
– dance twin :: xiyeon of pristin 
– rap twin :: -
– talking twin :: xiyeon of pristin (korean) / sungyeon of pristin (english)

trainee years. 4 years
trainee life. 
when a talent scout manager from sm approached her and told sofia that she should audition for sm, sofia thought that it was all a scam. she couldn't believe that someone just told her that she should be a celebrity as she never thought she has that charm that most famous people have. after all, she has never really stepped on a stage, except for some school events in which she participated. out of curiosity, she decided to go for it, earning the permission from her parents.

much to her shock, she actually got in. she wasn't really good singer, nor was she a good dancer but she did do ballet when she was younger and maybe it was what got her accepted. though she started with little skills, sofia proved herself to be very studious, but this time instead of her school subjects, it was how to improve her skills that she spent studying, often staying up late to practice with her fellow trainees. 

she was presented as one of the original sm rookies in late 2013 despite being a newbie that time. since they didn't reveal much about her except for her name, there were already rumours that she's a rich kid and was even rumoured to be related to lee sooman but of course, that was quickly denied by the company. she was also rumoured to be on red velvet's line up but was deemed to be too young. due to her eye catching beauty, she received offers for small drama roles but sm eventually decline the chance, not wanting to expose her or any of the rookies much to the public. 

predebut activites. apart from some photoshoots, she starred as the main girl in yesung's paper umbrella music video.


   new world

please introduce yourself. "hey what's up! it's ixt's golden girl, zofia!" the young girl smiles as she does a salute. "it's nice to meet you!"

what do you feel about debuting in a group with such a concept. "i feel honored to be debuting in a group like this. there aren't any group concept like ixt's, so i think it'd be a challenge but i know we will succeed." she answers truthfully. though it won't be easy at first, she knows that they'll be able to do it.

how would you describe your relationship with the other ixt members. "i'm very close to the members." she tells the interviewer. she couldn't help but to smile a little after remembering how savage is towards them. "i mean, i guess i do bully them a lot. but i don't think they mind anymore. it's just my way to show how much i love them." 

briefly describe your relationship with the nct members. "pretty good. i mean, i don't see the oppas a lot anymore, but those four annoying idiots-" she quickly changes her words, not wanting anyone to misunderstand. "i mean, i have four friends in nct whom i'm very close to."

name one sm artist that you look up to. "definitely boa sunbaenim." she quickly answers without thinking twice. "it's amazing that she debuted at such a young age and is still active in the industry." nodding a little, she continues, "i was still not born when sunbae debuted! can you believe that? honestly, what can sunbaenim not do? i aspire to be like her someday."

replace with fc 95*95
replace with love int 120*172

  none lol  

back up. she's too young bruh + i dont think she'd be interested in dating.

– start here

love story. 

– from their first meeting, to their interactions, everything you think i need to know about them.

status. here
ending. here

   diamond-breaker : thea : 7/10

last words.  hiii! i hope you like her! i feel like siyeon would fit sm's standards so i picked her hehe. ah, btw, what does ixt mean exactly? is it an abbreviation for something like nct?

scenes requests.

– a vapp with all ixt members (imagine the chaos lol)
– the group on isac and weekly idol
– the girls covering hot's happiness

– ixt galaxy
group name:
– ixt 24/7
– ixt day
– ixt night
– ixt eclipse
– ixt A
– ixt diamond
– ixt city



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