Fantasy book recommendations?

So, i love books. Big time. Which i guess all of you readers here do as well, so what better place to ask for some awesome recommendations? I used to be really into crime books, but over the last two years i've been drifting into fantasy themed books, and i almost never buy crime books anymore (just a few from time to time). 

I usually buy books online, because book stores around here rarely has a good number of English books. I prefer reading in English, because the language has more words to choose from so it doesn't just repeat the same word over and over again, and i feel it describes a story way better than my native language. 

It hasn't been long since i started reading retellings, and OMG, i loved them! I've read quite a bunch already, and while i loved most of them, not everyone appealed to me as much. But to name a few books (and series) that i really do love are Lunar chronicles (never in one hundred years thought i would love a story about an cyborg, and especially not fall in love with an android!), Throne of Glass (an awesome assassin goddess... and lots of hot guys to choose from *-*), White Rabbit Chronicles (this is the book series that opened up my interest for retellings!), Morganville Vampire (it's been years since i picked up a copy of the first book in this series, and this one is really special to me!). 

So these are my favorites in the fantasy genre. I also don't mind romance mixed with fantasy, as long as it's not just romance, and hardly any fantasy action going on. Although, some make out action (0r further than that*.*) wouldn't get any complains from me. But my inner book geek is craving new books to read, and being a little picky (maybe a little too much) it's so difficult to find a story that really drags me in. So if you know any books similiar to this (but not too similiar so it feels like i'm reading a copied work) or you know some awesome fantasy books that you really love, please, leave them in the comments and i will do a full on background check on them! 


- CK0330


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Rick Riordan is a great author for fantasy. Give his books a read. Especially the Kane Chronicles..
If you like fantasy you should totally read A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. I'm currently on the third book and it's absolutely amazing. Dragons, mythical frightening ice zombies, totally bad as fight scenes, deception and betrayal. Love it!

If you're willing to give dystopian science fiction novels a chance, please check out The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. I didn't really know what I was getting myself into when I first decided to read this. I remember feeling physically angry about what was happening in the book. The Handmaid's Tale is responsible for shaping a lot of my views today.

Similarly 1984 by George Orwell is also a classic dystopian novel. The concept of the reality TV series big brother was taken from this novel. Lol its very disturbing.

I don't want to make any assumptions so if you haven't already read it I would also like to recommend the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. HP is just one of those series that no matter where you and how many years from now, you will always find people who will turn out to be potter heads.
I'm not a big fan of YA but if you're open to others, you could try these series:

Fairyland by Catherynne M. Valente (5) - basically anything by her she's a goddess of words her voice is distinct and absolutely fantastic! I'm being biased but idgaf a+++++ recommend her work especially fairyland (and her book Deathless. very beautiful.)
Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis (7) - if you've seen the movies then you know what it's about, if not it's about this fantasy world called Narnia. unfortunately, the movie hasn't delved into Narnia's origin but one book in the series covers it. all the books are pretty short but all equally magical.
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater (4) - this is a YA series actually and more of a contemporary ya with fantasy elements. if you're into Paganism you will love the characters. I loved the first two books but the last two were pretty disappointing.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (2) - I've only read 3 chapters but I plan to finish the two books. it does seem interesting. set in the same universe as the author's Grisha trilogy (which I tried to read but the cliches drove me away) but different timeline. a heist is done by some supposed teens/young adults... I'm not sure exactly. if you have tumblr and you see people going crazy over a character named Kaz Brekker this is the book.
Gentleman Bastard by Scott Lynch (3 so far but 7 planned) - con artists doing complex heists in a fantasy world similar to medieval Venice. it's just so good I wish more of my peers would read this goddamn masterpiece but unfortunately, they prefer something else.
Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander (5) - children's high fantasy based on ancient Wales culture. gives me bbc's merlin-ish vibes which I loved and hated bbc for canceling that awesome show I'm getting emotional just thinking about it
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin (5 so far but 7 planned) - again if you've seen the series then you know what it's about. the books are better (they're always better than the adaptations) and personally I think it's not an overrated series. I think Martin and the writers of the tv series did an awesome job in terms of worldbuilding- geography, culture, everything!
Lord of the Rings (3), The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien - same but movies instead of series, adventure fantasy basically. not a big fan but this is my sister's top fave.
The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King (9) - idek how to begin to explain what this is about. it's like a dark western multiverse. just google it or something or watch the upcoming film adaptation. I also think King is not an overrated writer, I think he's really just that good at it.

Surprisingly Harry Potter is not on this list, just because I didn't find Rowling's voice as unique. And I've read fan-fiction better than canon.
Soohya #4
I'm not sure about this one, but Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor. I just started reading it, so i'm not sure if you would like it. There are angels and chimaeras and a girl with blue har, and there are 3 books, if I' not wrong.
Mistborn (I listen to the audiobook I'm on the last one) howl's moving castle(I'm reading the first one but I've watched the movie)
Mewlrose #6
A Darker Shade of Magic by V E Schwab is really good! It's in a series.