100 Random Facts about me (stolen from dandelion_26)

A lot of these will be the same as before, but I'll be adding new facts. 

1. Pen name: Raven Uchiha
2. I am an Aries (Ram) and Snake (Chinese horoscope). I LOVE to read on how similar I am to them.
3. LOVE cats.
4. When writing stories I can usually act out the story in my head while I'm at work.
5. Watched all the Harry Potter movies but in my opinion, they are boring. Sorry HP fans.
6. I am naive and can get fooled easily, which results in me being teased which I don't like.
7. I would love to go back and change my past faults.
8. LOVE the movie Frozen.
9. I can't swim, and I'm scared to dunk my head in a pool.
10. My motto: Can't live my life worrying about what is going to happen.
11. Can't stand it when young kids are watching things on cell phones and other devices just so they keep out of their parent's hair. I guess I'm old school.
12. I prefer the Fall season because of the colors and the cool weather.
13. Don't like live versions from cartoons like: Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Alice in Wonderland. Though I have no problem with the Transformers. (Imagine that.)
14. LOVE black cats.
15. I enjoy going to golfing ranges.
16. I love and hate dogs.
17. I can get in a bad mood at a drop of a hat.
18. I'm scared of spiders, though if I have to kill one, I have to talk to it before I can get the courage to kill it.
19. Even though my native language is English, I at English grammar.
20. I LOVE Egyptian mythology. 
21. Favorite Egyptian God is Anubis (God of Dead). Anubis is a dog. LOL!
22. Favorite Egyptian Goddess is Bastet (Goddess of Cats).
23. Have read the History of Middle-Earth book series.
24. My favorite book is The Silmarillion.
25. Have never traveled outside of the United States.
26. The states I've been too besides Illinois are: Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Washington D.C., Indiana, Wisconsin, Utah, and New Mexico.
27. I have Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. If you want to follow me on any of those, ask.
28. Live with ghosts in my house. (Most likely my grandparents.)
29. Paint dragon figurines.
30. All dragon figurines and any other figurines I have painted are on my Facebook page.
31. Taking a road trip with my mom in two weeks to southern Illinois.
32. Going to see our 1st capital before Springfield. It's called Kaskaskia.
33. Trivia: There are only 20 people that live in Kaskaskia, due to the Mississippi River has changed course a few times.
34. First story on AFF that I've written - Porcelain. *In the future, I'll be rewriting it.*
35. Was born with Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula. Or EA/TEF.
36. Can't stand romance novels and movies.
37. I have two older brothers who are annoying and lazy.
38. Used to paint my nails.
39. Due to stress from work, school, and home life, I bite my nails from nervousness.
40. I'm a GOTBangtan.
41. GOT7 bias: Mark.
42. BTS bias: Suga.
43. Got my first cell phone when I was 19 and had my first job back in 1996.
44. Only use my cell phone for emergency calls or if I need to text the associates at work. I'm not technology savvy.
45. I own a Samsung Galaxy S2. Yeah, I know...it's old. So what?
46. Have read the Lord of the Rings trilogy books twice.
47. Never watched the Fast and the Furious movies. Wasn't interested in the movies.
48. Fan of Edgar Allan Poe's collection of Stories & Poems.
49. Don't understand why most parents never taught their kids manners in public.
50. Favorite types of stories - Fantasy, suspense, adventure, fluff, gangs, and school life.
51. Have a hidden talent: Can talk in a British accent and an Irish accent. *Though the British one is used more* Plus, I have a habit of sounding like I'm Canadian.
52. Grew up loving to learn about dinosaurs instead of playing with girl things. Yeah, I had Barbie but was never interested in makeup, dress up and house.
53. LOVE lizards and dragons are my passion.
54. More of a tomboy than a girly girl.
55. Have the theatrical and extended versions of the LOTR trilogy movies.
56. Have the Hobbit trilogy movies.
57. Graduated high school in 1996.
58. Can't stand coffee, tea, and iced tea.
59. I love to read books that can transfer me from reality.
60. Loved the Transformers since 1984 when they had the cartoons.
61. Have the Transformers movies on DVD, but can't stand the new Transformers cartoons.
62. I want to learn Hangul and the Korean language.
63. Took care of my mom when she had cancer in 2010. She had radiation only. Glad they found it in time.
64. Was a fan of Nsync and Backstreet Boys when they were popular.
65. Wanted to punch the girls that told me I had to ONLY like Nsync or BSB.
66. Haven't read all the Kay Hooper stories. LOVE her stories.
67. Favorite anime is Black Butler.
68. I would love to publish a story in real life.
69. After many tries, I finally mastered on how to sing the chorus in BTS "Beautiful."
70. Love to sleep in a cold room. Not a fan of heat.
71. First K-drama was Iris.
72. Love to write stories no matter if it's for AFF or just for fun.
73. I sometimes act more mature than my age.
74. I screamed and jumped around when BTS won the Top Social Artist award at the Billboard Music Awards.
75. When I was in choir in high school, I was a high soprano. Now, I'm able to sing a male's vocal part.
76. I don't get offended easily. 
77. I at giving advice.
78. Meaning behind my pen name Raven - Favorite poem from Edgar Allan Poe *The Raven*
79. Meaning behind my pen name Uchiha - Favorite anime character in Naruto *Itachi Uchiha*
80. Used to be REALLY good at hitting softballs.
81. Watched all the Twilight movies but wasn't interested in them because the vampires never showed their fangs, or biting someone and blood coming out. I don't care for the romance vampires.
82. I sleep with stuffed animals since I was a kid due to nightmares. I still sleep with stuffed animals to this day.
83. Started high school in 1993. Hmm, the same year that Mark and Suga were born. LOL!
84. Never read any of the Harry Potter books. Wasn't interested.
85. I listen to music, read books, and paint figurines to de-stress.
86. I don't listen to a lot of girl groups.
87. When mom and I watch Frozen, my mom is Elsa and I'm Anna. *Mom has blonde hair and I've got red hair* LOL!
88. I'm usually a quiet person, but if you talk to me about something that interests me, then I become talkative.
89. I try acting younger than my age, and I at it.
90. Dislike mushrooms.
91. Favorite American groups: Linkin Park, Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, and Green Day.
92. I prefer K-dramas over soap operas.
93. When looking for K-dramas, I pick and choose what interests me.
94. I don't mind reading , but I couldn't write it to save my life.
95. I wear contacts when the sun's out, but wear glasses at home or when it's cloudy.
96. Don't like the new versions of some of my favorite movies and tv shows: Starsky & Hutch, Dukes of Hazzard, Godzilla, War of the Worlds, and The Mummy.
97. I hate speaking in front of groups.
98. Can't stand seafood.
99. I LOVE watching the Vin Diesel movies: Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick.
100. I've been listening to K-pop since 2009.

This was actually pretty fun and I had to look at what I already have about myself, and wanted to add some new information for people who don't know much about me. Who knows when I decide to open the free Karma again, I might use a lot of these facts. 

Comment if anything is interesting or you and I have the same likes. Also, it's up to you if you want to follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Though I use Facebook more, I do go to the other ones.




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