Layout is so damn hard.

It's been a while since the last time I touched layout making. I like simple layout but still nice. And mostly I did is like that. 

Thinking back the layout I use for my applyfic is a run away from the original intention. That mean I decide to create one at first but then it flopped really bad that I kill the idea and use other people layout. It nice and I like it. 

Then the real intention come back. The new season must have a great layout I make. And damn because I want to challenge something new or more like I want something different, the layout is like ing kill me. Oh my. The source code and the finished differ like seriously. I can still use it for mine like for foreword, cheetsheet and review. But for apps. I need a different one. 

Maybe I should make a little and simple layout for applications.  Ah~~~ 


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