Apologize Latter!

To all my Readers, 

I am the author of Love At First Sight. I'm sadly to say that there is a technical problems with my fic account. The story of Love At First Sight has been delete for my account and all the chapter that I had been writing also gone. I'm so sorry about it. 

I can't continue to write this story anymore since all the data has gone. I very sorry about it. I will make sure that next time things like this will never happen again. 

I'm truly sorry for those who been waiting my update and for the those who keep giving me support. 


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My laptop was not in a good condition. It's suddenly stuck and I don't know that to do so I restart it and when I open back my account it gone everything.
You should save everything to cloud so in this kind of tragedies won't effect you. I'm sorry you lost your story, do you know why it got deleted?