When you can't sleep

It's almost 1am and I can't sleep. I keep turning and tossing and nothing ive done has work. I get really anzy at night and it makes it impossible for me to sleep. Anyone got any ideals. 


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Don't check your phone what time it is
could you try and make an extreme effort to stay up? like try to go as long as you can without blinking and stop trying to think about going to bed, maybe reverse psychology will work and you'll go to sleep

sorry i can't be of more use
Meant believe in air conditioners
I used to read all the time and it used to work but for some reason I stop reading at night. Kinda hard to not be on my bed when my room is so small. Lol the window always up so I get fresh air because my grandma doesn't believe in fresh air and not touching my phone well that's hard lol
THATS SO ME! But well you should wake up early in the morning, avoid being on bed when not sleeping (such as not even sitting on it during the day), change your covers, make sure the air in the room is fresh and the room is clean and dark, create evening routines, don't touch your phone in an hour before going to bed and before going to bed read a book.

I hate it how I know those things help me but I never do them like the duck is wrong with me????
I've even take melatonin and my body like nope just keep turning and tossing. But yeah insomnia !!!!!