welcome to the club, elena l'eveque. ( wip aka actual black girl magic )

elena, L'eveque
NICKNAMES  are there petnames or other nicknames that your character is called by besides their full name? write them down here. 
BIRTHPLACE  anywhere in the world. 
HOMETOWM  at least somewhere in the u.s if you can. 
DATE OF BIRTH  day, month (age)
PRONOUNS  she / her / hers
LANGUAGES  while english and ancient greek are a given, this can be important as for certain greek deities, for example aphrodite, within the percy jackson series, her children can speak french, as it is the language of love. some would say italian is the language of music, so apollo kids may know it, etc. don't go off listing like fifty languages though. three max!
FACE CLAIM  malaika firth.
BACK UP  isabella peschardt. 
APPEARANCE  anything that isn't seen or shown on the face claim should be here. i would not stress too much on these two sections, but if you find it important to go into detail on how your character looks, especially posture/etc. then go for it! also please tell me what they accessorize their yellow camp half-blood shirt with in a couple of sentences (such as how they do their hair, etc.)
DESCRIPTION  here should be a mini-bio of your character. like a quick description of your character and whether or not they're a complete headass. five to ten sentences should suffice. don't make it too long please! roughly the length below would work. 
Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

one time she accidentally summoned a demon while making a sandwhich by putting mustard on in the shape of an occult symbol. she made another sandwhich and put some chips on the plate and the demon took it & disappeared. then, she aced that test she was worried about. no contract had been made, no words spoken. now every once in a while, a demon will pop in for lunch.

her grimoire is a crusty fifty cent notebook from the dollar store that has a bunch of coupons wedged between the pages. its messy, thoughtless, and scribbled with pages taken from school notebooks and written in like 6 different pen colors bc she's always losing pens and her damn pen finding spell just isn't working.

her familiar is a rabid squirrel she picked up off the street that p much only eats straight trash.

ask her for an energy potion and she'll make you coffee with redbull in it with some like random herbs to enhance the flavor.

owns a set of brass knuckles. they're not enchanted or anything, sometimes she just likes to do things the old fashioned way.
PERSONALITY  include traits, archetype, mbti, etc if necessary. i would say a paragraph would suffice, but definitely a mixture of both quality and quantity isn't so bad. seeing as how i will be focusing on the lives of the demigods of camp half-blood, one's personality is crucial, so be creative. this can be formatted in anyway just don't mess up the basic layout of the application. 
demure, goofy, bright, gungho, naive.
inquisitive, simple, confident, clumsy, abstract.
disorganized, detached, self-centered, indecisive, airheaded.

idk how im gonna elaborate this but BASICALLY
she looks really cool and elegant and too food 4 u but then she turns out to be boo-boo the fool.

elena l'eveque is modest and reserved at first glance. she is elegance paired with excellent manners, good posture, and a softpoken-ness to her. she doesn't need much to keep herself satisfied, and she seems to be separated from the other camp-goers for the first few years. and then you begin to notice more about her. she set her hair on fire while performing a spell, she dropped a sword and her initial reaction was to kick it and she ended up in the infirmary. you notice all sorts of sigil-charged bandages on her arms and legs and hands and feet. she speaks to you more. she's still polite and modest, but the more you listen to her words, the odder you realize they are. like, she pulls you off to the side one day and with the most serious, earnest look on her face she tells you, "cutting a worm will not make two worms" like??? and don't forget that time she said "people are filled with sin but dirt is filled with worms, a holy and righteous thing". all you can deduce from that is that she really likes worms and that she's weird.

she makes the lamest jokes ever like they're half dad jokes and half things that aren't even jokes but she thinks are hilarious?? like "lebron james only as raisin bran cereal". she has a book on how to make friends and she collects action figures and also containers. and she always knows what dumb thing to say to make people feel better?? she's super confident for like no reason like she has all this baseless, benevolent confidence?? like "i'm so great and therefore i should continue to be great by being myself" you literally can't insult her or be mean to her because she doesn't understand malicious intent!! and she's super literal so like even if you hit her with a really sassy sarcastic quip she won't get it and will think ur being dumb
BACKGROUND  describe how life was before they entered camp half blood. perhaps they actually lived a regular, normal life and one day their mortal parent just decided to drop the bomb and send them off to "summer camp" or perhaps they had a satyr guide them safely to camp? remember to include how old they were when they first arrived at camp, and if you want to, how their godly parent claimed them. keep in mind that most children of gods tend to arrive at camp around the age of 13. 
LIFESTYLE  how does your character spend their time at camp half-blood? do they stay there for only the summer or year-round? a good paragraph should suffice. include things like daily shenanigans they're apart of, if they spend time in the archery field or the sword fighting arena. do they hang out with their own cabin more or fraternize with the enemy aka other cabins? do they help out at the infirmary or hang with the nymphs and satyrs? anything to be honest!
RELATIONSHIP(S)  friends, family, love interest, etc. i don't really care how you'll format this, to be honest. just be sure to include their name (face claim), age, their godly parent, and relation to the character. if you want a love interest, include it here too and format it the way you want. the reason i am not including a separate section for the love interest because it is totally optional. if you do decide on a love interest, remember to include the basics of how they met, how they act around each other, and etc. you know how it goes. 
"WHAT IS YOUR FATAL FLAW?"  answer here. more information on it, here
"APOLLO IS HOT, FACT OR OPINION?"  answer here. 


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omg the rosy, earthy aesthetic is absolute goals. ELENA IS SO PRESH I WANNA HUG HER
are you open to collabs?