When New Ideas Demand Your Attention


You know that feeling when you keep getting story ideas even though you have unfinished stories already published? That's what I'm feeling right now :/

I have a Boyfriend story that I started months ago, but I put it on hiatus due to classes. I have an EXO story that I started earlier this month, and that story has a higher priority than the Boyfriend one. But even though I have these two stories to occupy my mind, I keep going back to this new idea that sprung up a few days ago. In fact, I've already begun planning for the new idea instead of writing the next chapter for Reaper.

I can't help but feel a mix of annoyance and excitement whenever this happens. Annoyed because the new idea distracts me from my current stories, and excited because even though it's distracting, it means I have more stories to indulge myself in.

I will most likely end up with this new idea being published before I even get close to finishing Reaper. I just hope that it won't end up like my situation on fanfiction.net, where I have a bunch of unfinished stories and no motivation to try to complete any of them.


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Ugh 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。 this happens to me all the time! Sooo frustrating!!!
i definitely know that feeling and it stinks because then i feel like i'm neglecting my other stories, which is why i have a google doc purely for these whims. if you really want to stop getting distracted by new ideas, though, i would recommend trying to ignore it for a couple of days. i find that the ones worth writing about will stick with you (for a long time) and the also good ideas but maybe of second importance will kind of sieve themselves away. you can always write them down somewhere for future reference, but maybe being a little more selective with which stories you start writing can help.