report this author for plagiarism (please read)

please ignore the lack of layout but this is very important. some of my readers must have seen a blog post from my friend Kai (HeadToToeLove), our mutuals might be aware but for the rest of you, there is a user on tumblr (and seemingly on AFF too) who is taking stories and posting them as her own. 

this is really ing hit the fan of all things to happen today, especially to someone I care about a lot. This is a story she struggled to write a lot (and I know because I was there to witness this from the inception of the story through to the end), and it's very disappointing to see that people would do such a thing. 

This is not only happening to Kai, but to other authors as well. I would really appreciate your help if you could circulate the details of the blog. 

The plagiarism author is called starryoongs on tumblr.
And, I will redirect you to Kai's blog since she has explained it thoroughly >

Please it would help us and the authors out a lot if you could circulate the blog link I posted above in accordance to the tumblr blog mentionned, so more people are aware and we can stop this person from taking more stories as their own. Reblog or comment on the plagiarised story, if you are confronting them yourself please do not be aggressive. 

That's all I really have to say. I'm so disappointed in people sometimes. 

Thank you, I really hope you can help get this around and have her take the post down. Thank you so much guys, peace.

- Haru. 


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I think you shouldn't make this such a scene, just tell the people who keep this site up and they will take her down, now you have descried her. You don't have to turn the entire site against someone, even they did wrong.