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don't doubt your worth ✾
full name hada katsumi (ハダ カツミ)
nicknames you can also place her other name here
 alexandra  : she was first called that way when she started living abroad, but officially started to use it when she arrived in the uk 
 han sungmi (한성미)  : her korean name that her late grandparents used to call her. sometimes, her members and her fans would also call her this way and she doesn't really mind.
 alex  : a shorter version of alexandra and what her members and friends are used to called her
 lexi  : another shorter term for alexandra, and a cuter sounding one on top of that. this is her favorite nickname/name.
 ahjumma  : called and teased by her co-members for her love for older things such as 90s movies and the beatles.
birthdate october 31, 1999
hometown osaka, japan
ethnicity korean-japanese
nationality japanese-british
 japanese  - fluent - it's her first language and speaks it with her family.
 english  - fluent - she has lived in england  more than in japan and spoke english at school.
 korean  - semifluent - though she was taught and spoken in korean by her grandparents, she didn't really pick it up as she lived in different parts of europe. the fact that her father wasn't really fluent at it either doesn't help.
 spanish  - conversational - lived in spain for 4 years. she doesn't remember much and could undestand the language more than speaking it.
confidence breeds beauty ✾
face claim doyeon of ioi/iteens
backup jiho of omg
► standing at 172cm tall, alex has the perfect height for a model and is the tallest member of the group. she is naturally thin as well, only weighting at 54kg despite her eating a lot. her model figure is something that sets her apart from her members, especially when she's towering over the smaller, shorter ones. (nothing is different between alex and doyeon)
fashion sense 
► as the daughter of a fashion designer, alex unsurprisingly inherited her mom's love for fashion. her style is very unique, something that also sets her apart from the others. she love experimenting with fashion and trying out different clothes, which is not really difficult with her physique. some of her usual outfits are:
personality begins where comparison ends ✾
traits minimum of 4 pos and 4 neg, you can include neu
 ( + )   caring, humourous, humble, outgoing
stubborn, childish, erted, dramatic  ( - ) 
► it's not really hard to like to alexandra. she may not be the most talented member of serein, but the fans don't really mind it as she is the group's moodmaker. with her outgoing and humourous personality, it's almost impossible not to be a fan of this girl. she's the loudest and weirdest one of the girls, so don't even get intimidated by the tallest member of the group. even if you are though, she'd probably approach you first to be friends with you. just seeing this girls' expressions is enough to make her teammates laughing and rolling to the floor.
apart from that, for someone who's from a well-off family, alex doesn't brag much about her family's fortune (she does, however, brag about her good looks, this little -). when asked about how much her parents earn, she'd say that they're not that rich despite her father and brother's race cars saying otherwise. even in the future years, she wont be the type to proudly brag about serene's achievements. despite teasing her members a lot and being one of the maknaes, alex is actually a lowkey softie, often cheering up the members and caring for them in subtle ways. 
she does get a little bit stubborn and childish sometimes, often not doing what her unnies and the leader want her to do. she also gets super dramatic quickly, annoying the members in the process. whenver she's hungry, she'd whine and says she's going to die or whenever she's getting teased for her accent, she says that the members bully her. another one of her negative traits is her being a ert, though to her she's just being 'clingy'. she makes subtle dirty jokes, would kiss the girls a lot and has a thing for her members' butts, even to the point of slapping it on and off-cam. they even thought that she was lesbian because of this.

 part one: from han to hada
during japan's invasion of korea, a lot of koreans were forcefully brought to japan and one of them were a young couple who would later become alex's grandparents. as the world war ended, they eventually decided to stay in japan, changing their last names from han to hada and becoming zainichi koreans or japanese residents of korean descent. they are unfortunately not seen in a good way back in the home land, which why alex doesn't use her last name.

 part two: early beginnings 
hada katsumi, or han sungmi as her late paternal grandparents would call her, was born in osaka, japan on october 31, 1999 to a family of three. her father, was just starting out as football player, while her mother was a retired model turned fashion designer. as her father started to become more known in the football industry, he gets international offers to play for teams. mr. hada would eventually accept it, having a love for travelling. but soon got home sick so the family later moved with him. 

 part three: identity crisis 

from the netherlands to united kingdom, from spain to the united kingdom once again, alex grew up in different countries and in different cultures. she doesn't really have any difficulty in making friends, but does have a difficulty on maintaining friendships as she'd often moved to different places. it was a nice experience, as alex would describe it on interviews, but she was very much lonely growing up as she didn't really have someone she could call a best friend that would last for more than five years as she developed an identity crisis. despite having a really young age, she was very confused on who she really was.

 part four: finding herself 

actually, it was her brother ashton who first entered the entertainment industry. when her father finally retired, the family decided to stay in london. it was perfect for her mother and for her fashion empire, but just as their stay in the united kingdom was starting to get permanent, ashton decided to start a career in the modelling industry and where else it be the best to do but in korea? a country he was supposed to be from but has never been to. during a trip to seoul with her father, alex was amused by the kpop groups and surprisingly approached by a talent scout. of course, her parents doesn't allow to at first, but eventually lets her under her brother's supervision. alex thought that this was a good oppurtunity to finally find who she really was, so she vowed that she'd never give up a as trainee.
trivias include likes, dislikes, hobbies, habits and facts
►  80/90's movies  : she has a thing for older movies, but that doesn't mean that she hates current and modern movies. her favorite movies are the breakfast club and clueless.
 older music  : from david bowie to (and especially) the beatles, the 18 year old's playlist is full of older songs that she enjoys.
 fashion  : she got it from her mama 
 football  : she got it from her papa (she's actually quite good at it)
 memes  : something that makes her somewhat relatable to her fans. she uses memes a lot when talking to them on twitter and absolutely loves it when they make her as a meme.
travelling/moving  : a weird thing to dislike, but she developed this after having to move a lot when she was younger.
►  crocs  : she has no words to describe how much she hates this, in her own words, 'ugly, piece of '. she doesn't even call them shoes. please don't force her to wear them.
 when she's asked about her family background  : okay, more than a dislike, she hates it when she's asked about it on interviews and is just good at hiding it. she finds it uncomfortable to answer since she knows that if she said a word wrong, all hell breaks loose.
 freestyle dancing  : even though she didn't really had any dancing lessons before, she does enjoy dancing whether she does in a funny way or seriously.
 watching older movies  : she really does enjoy watching older movies to the point that she doesn't even mind rewatching them. 
 playing football  : back when she was younger, she'd used to play the sport a lot with her brother and was even shortly a member of a football team when she was younger. these days, she still find some time to play it even when she's busy. 
► giggling when someone mentions butts, or basically any s
► making dumb puns
► using her members as arm rest
► she's surprisingly a fast leaner, and is good at memorizing things such as lyrics and choreographies. maybe that's why she's the lead dancer.
► she has done a lot of photoshoot before debuting, both with and without her brother and mostly for their mother's clothing line.
► she is the shortest one in her family, so imagine how happy she was after seeing that her fellow trainees were shorter than her.
► she admits it that her visual is what got her accepted in the company. on the day of her audition, she came unprepared and just sang do re mi from the sound of music while marching around the room. when asked if she's ever embarrassed because of her audition, she says why would she when she got accepted to the company.
► she a private snapchat account, an instagram account and a twitter account
► she says that her aesthetic self is the one who controls her instagram account, while it's the real alexandra who controls her twitter account, which is true considering the amount of memes she posts and spams her fans there.
► she has this as her profile picture of her twitter account
► since her birthday falls on the same day as halloween, she'd usually celebrate her birthday with a costume party
► because of the complicated relationship japan and korea has, she decided to just use her english name as her screen name and refuses to use her japanese last name. she basically just want to be known as lexi or alex, just like how rihanna is known for being just rihanna.
► though tecnically british-japanese as she holds both passport, whenever asked for her nationality, she'd say she's british to avoid being in hot waters both in korea and in japan.
► her father is okay with her and her brother not using their last names as they stay in korea. however, he was upset when both of his children became more inclinated in the entertainment/fashion industry just like their mother when he wanted either want of them to be an athlete just like him.
► speaking of her father, alex is a total daddy's girl. she's close with her mother too, but is more clingy when it comes to her father.
► because of her knowledge of more than two languages, she tends to forget some korean and mixes it up with either japanese or english.
► when teased for her accent, she'd apologize but sneakily add that it's hard when you know more than two languages.
► speaking of languages, she's the one who thanks the international fans the most on award shows as she knows a lot.
► her real and japanese name katsumi means 'victorious beauty'. though she doesn't like using it, she often brags about its significance to her members.
► she really enjoys her predebut activities as a model and hopes she could do more photoshoots in the future.
► though she did wrote on her company form that her hometown is osaka, she has lived there and just visited twice ever since she left the city. she honestly doesn't even remember anything from japan, and it's not like she could say that the recent places she lived in were her hometown since she did only stayed there for less than four years so whenever asked where her home was, she'd say she feels at home in serene.
ohana means family ✾
relations include the important people
►older brother / ashton "ash" hada / 21 / model / confident & chill / the oldest of the two hada siblings, he is the exact opposite of her younger sister's outgoing and loud attitude. relaxed all the time, he enjoys reading books and having tea off model duty. even when alex started to live in his apartment and ruined her once quiet heaven, he doesn't mad for her screaming and being annoying. though he does get a little cocky and brags about his good looks sometimes as well. alex considers ash as  her 'best friend forever' as he is basically the only friend she tecnically had all these years, but ash insists that siblings can count as best friends, causing alex to get all pissed about it. (fc: park bogum)
► best friend / son jinhye / 18 / student / personality / as soon as she heard that her brother's neighbors had a daughter who had the same age as her, alex got so excited. so excited in fact that she went to their door immediately to beg the girl to be friends with her. yes, she literally begged her. thankfully for her, she's actually very nice and somewhat very chill just like her brother. jinhye and alex's friendship started just like that, and despite meeting her recently, they grew a strong bond especially after jinhye helped her with her korean and when she admitted that she has little crush on ash. she even made alex cry once when she promised that they'll still keep in touch if she ever moves again. (fc: arin of omg)
► co-member / bae eunjoo / 18 / idol / - / ah this cutie. eunjoo is very adorable, that alex cannot deny. but she just can't help teasing the same aged member, especially with that height of hers. though it's already obvious that eunjoo doesn't like standing beside her when they take pictures, alex would purposely stand right next to her (or any other shorter member). she also loves playing with the girl's cheeks despite them being born in the same year and even calls her baby because of her baby face.
being broke is my rival
stage name lexi (렉시) - honestly, at first she was thinking of making alex her stage name, but she thought about how it's already a common name. she wanted to be unique. she wanted to be herself. she wanted people to think of her as soon as they hear her name, hence why she picked her less common nickname. 
persona expression queen - way before she debuted, ceo na minhee took noticed of how expressive the young girl was not only of her movements but with her expressions as well. she could convay her feelings without even opening and by just her expressions, so minhee calls her the expressive kid whenever she forgets her name when she was just a newbie in the company, hence why she got the persona.
position lead dancer, vocalist #3
back up lead dancer, vocalist #2
talent twins be reasonable with this. if you do not have rap in the position, you may not add it. you can add variety, speaking, laughing and aegyo twin if you want
► singing twin: doyeon of ioi/iteens
► rapping twin: -
► dancing twin: yoojung of ioi/iteens
► variety, speaking, laughing and aegyo twin: doyeon of ioi/iteens
trainee years 2 years
trainee life state what happened in her trainee years
► when she first started out as the trainee, her korean wasn't as good as it is today. despite speaking korean sometimes with her father and her brother, she still had some difficulties with the language especially when it came to hangul. still, the outgoing foreign girl really liked making friends, so she approached her fellow trainees with a big smile and her adorable broken korean.
maybe they shouldn't have helped her with korean, because as soon as she gets used to the language, she started to show her real self - the real crazy, erted alex that she has always been. she was known for being loud whenever and wherever she was, and even the ceo herself knows it. it does, however, impresses everyone how fast she could learn. since she had said that she has never received any special classes when it came to dancing compared to the other girls.
predebut activities optional, be reasonable
► muse entertainment allowed alex to have some solo activities before she debuted. already knowing that the girl could have a potential as a model, they let her have some photoshoot here and there, and with her brother if they had the chance. they let her act in some music videos such as an extra in got7's stop stop it, and as the main girl in seventeen's q&a and very nice music video.
scandals be reasonable
► not really a scandal, but her japanese background is often critized by k-netizens | her father is japanese, so yes | some koreans and japanese generally doesn't get along because of the aftermath of the second world war. as a japanese cititzen of korean descent, alex is always mentioned when there are arguements between the two nationalities even though she hasn't done anything wrong.
you and me 'til the end ✾
love interest vernon (chwe hansol) of seventeen
backup scoups (choi seungcheol) of seventeen
personality can be traits or the personality
► very weird, but also very passionate when it comes to his job, alex finds it admirable whenever he talks about his love for music. she wasn't there when he first started, but she watched him grow musically and emotionally in just two years. she also thinks that it's adorable how much he loves his sister, his family and his second family, aka his co-members. long story short, vernon may be as bizarre and hyper as alex, but deep down he's a lovable young man.
love story include how they started, their interactions, etc
► they first met during seventeen's q&a music video. alex, for whatever reason, was quickly smitten by the halfer. however, it was actually leader scoups whom she became close to first. he was such a gentleman and was so caring even though he knew that the day of the shooting would probably be the only day he'd ever see her, unlike woozi and vernon who seem  intimidated by her tall height, not that she wasn't used to that already. during a break at the shoot, she accidentally blurts how pretty vernon looked (yes, she really did say pretty and not handsome). chuckling, scoups offered his younger member's number and jokingly saying that he could allow vernon to talk to her, but they just had to be friends as they were just rookies during that time. at first, she didn't get what he said, but when he explained it, alex flusterred, insisting that she didn't mean it that way when he complimented the younger male.
however, she did get scoups, or as he tells her to call him, seungcheol's number and he got hers. feeling a little generous cheeky that night, he randomly suggested vernon to talk to a number that he gave. it's not like his leader would give him a harmful person to talk to and out of curiosity, vernon did messaged the number first without knowing who it was.

"new phone who dis."
"uhm, i'm hansol."
"oh, hansol! jk, i don't know any hansols. unless!!! you're han solo from starwars???"

"haha unfortunately im not. a friend just told me to text u so i did. sorry if im not who u expected."
alex had to think who would even give her number to random people. she was about to give up but remembers her little convo with seungcheol.
"holy ure that vernon dude!!!"
a start of an unlikely friendship as they would describe it, their conversations on kakaotalk happened almost everyday and if their schedules allowed them to, text messages turned to phone calls, and phone calls turned to actual meet ups. they never said anything about their relationship, but alex knew that she was slowly starting to like him. she just didn't know how to tell him, since she is just starting her career, while he is still very focused with his.
ending please make up an ending for them c:
relationship status textmates/bestfriends
► alex still calls vernon han solo
► alex likes to wear boot that have heels on them when they meet up so that she could be taller than him
► vernon actually (and secretly) made a song with her in mind and wants to record it with her someday. she doesn't know what it's but but vernon did say that he wanted to have a collab with her.
► alex would always criticize vernon's fashion choices since he's not really the fashionista of seventeen
► speaking of seventeen, alex has met all of them way before she starred in very nice. it was actually them who suggested her again, though vernon was a bit sceptical about it
► vernon calls alex shorty though she's not even that short.
► alex once went to a seventeen disguised. she hasn't debuted then, but thought that she should go incognito since people might recognized in the future. the rest of the boys recognized her including vernon himself. giggling at the sight of her pretending like another person, vernon accepted the tiara that she brought for him.
a goodbye is never painful, they said ✾
final words ahh this was longer that i intended it to be :( i hope it's okay? also hope that her background isnt too complicated. i was inspired by model kiko mizuhara (ive always found it amusing how she's of korean descent, is a japanese citizen and has american blood lol) and this movie i recently saw.
scene reqs . . .
► the girls having a japanese debut
► serene having a reality show
► alex celebrating her birthday by having a costume party
password (since the group's name is in french, i figured that maybe the fanclub name should be french too) - nuage (clouds), lucide (lucid/clear - synonym of serene), macarons (idk i like macaroons lol), pétales
cheat sheet


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