Re-starting writing

You might have noticed how I deleted stuff, a lot of stuff, most of my stuff. (I deleted "Power of Friendship", "Boy Meets Evil", "You're A Jackpot, Baby!", "The Scent of Love", "Freaking Out" and well, I deleted "The Land of Ice and Snow" ages ago) and I'm also re-writing EVERYTHING, I would ppreciate if you'd read some of my sh1t and tell the biggest pitfalls and if you have suggestions what I could write (1-shot, no EXO, BTS, GOT7 or same pairing because I'm bad at writing them) I can always try, I'd like to write about groups that aren't so popular so if there is not many fics about your favorite group and you don't mind reading B-class (fine, C, but the only way is up) then I am probably your solution. 


Any encouraging words? I used to think I'm going to keep all my fics so then I can see how I developed my writing skills but well, I like deleting also a lot. It's somehow very satisfying. 


Also I made a poll where you can vote should I delete "Sinking" or "Boy Meets Dark" or both. The one I don't delete I'm going to re-write so if you liked one of them you should definitely vote against the one you didn't like that much. (Long story short Sinking is HOTSHOT and Boy Meets Dark is BTS, if you like BTS vote Sinking if you like HOTSHOT vote Boy Meets Dark and if you hate both vote "both")


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*scratching my head*
why are u deleting them anyway?
I know u said that it's satisfying doing that, but at the same time I couldn't fathom of what u mean by that.. satisfying feelings... -_-?

beside, if u asked me whether u should deleted ur stories or not.. (I meant of the story that you've already deleted)
I would say no..

because, even though the story that we've wrote didn't have much readers or ppl rarely commenting on them.. but there's must be one out of ten readers that truly love our work.
as a reader myself, I got really sad and pissed off at the same time when I get back to the old story that I like, only to find out that the authors had already deleted them...

well, actually I'm thinking like the way you used to think. Hee..
it somewhat gives me an achievement feelings to see how much I've developed my writing skills and improved my english skills over the stories I've wrote so far.

but! whatever u decided to do, I hope u know that it's the best choice and u do it for ur own good! ^ ^
hopelesswriter #2
oh...i can never have the heart to delete my own fic(ok most time)...but i always put them to draft anyway if i get stuck n see no light/hope to continue or don't want to welcome new readers to an abandoned i mean, who knows if one day you suddenly feel like picking up back at where you stop. i'm happy to hear/see there are people still interested to write about underrated/unpopular groups despite the obvious result that writing unpopular things will never get you much readers/attention/support, here especially, the courage to go different path when most follow the same ones, is admirable ;)...but even the little support that you get will be really really valuable n satisfying than any kind of support you can get when writing popular least that's how i feel each time i get support when writing unpopular stuffs...though my unpopular stuffs probably makes up at least 80% of things i write if not more...since i write the kind of characters and stories that i really want to read but can never usually i'll end up as my own fics' reader. lol.
Well, this is no smooth ride, but more power to you, fighting~!