OMG! BTS is nominated in the BMA's!!!

For those of you that didn't know, I just found out that BTS has been nominated for Top Social Artist.

The other nominees are:

Justin Bieber
Selena Gomez

Ariana Grande
Shawn Mendes


You have to sign in though. If you have twitter or facebook you can vote with that. I just voted for BTS. I would be soooooooo happy to see them win. It would be my first Korean idol to appear on American tv and win an award. 


I still remember Big Bang was supposed to be on an award show, only to find out later that that part of the program was on the European award show. It pissed me off because I kept hearing people talk about the award show and Big Bang was going to be on it. I taped it and was waiting after Taylor Swift did her song, the award show ended. I was like WTF where is Big Bang. Then I found out they were on the MTV award show but it was in the European one. That bummed me out. 

These award shows don't understand how hard it is for international fans to watch award shows from other countries. Big Bang is a BIG idol group that has come to America a few times, but they ended up winning on the European MTV award show, and I guess Taeyang talking in English. 

But aside from that. I am sooooo happy to see that BTS is finally being recognized in an American award show. I might be selfish if I say that I hope they win. But, if you think about it, the other artists will most likely win, because the majority of the fans will vote for them. It would be nice to have someone from another country win an award on an American award show. Hell, I would even love it if they sang on the award show too. But, it looks like they won't be performing. Bummer. John Legend will though, but not them. :( 

Here's the link if you wanted to vote for BTS: Click on the Top Social Artist to be taken to the nominees for that award. I'm not sure how many times you can vote. It does say that if you want to vote again for BTS you can. So, I'm not sure if it keeps counting how many times you've voted.

Just wanted to let all the A.R.M.Y's out there know about it. Also, it looks like the award show is on May 21 in Las Vegas. 

This tells you how to vote on Twitter:


Happy voting, and let's try to get BTS some numbers and see what happens.






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That's so awesome for them!! :) People would be blown away if they heard them!!! Maybe they'll change their minds and let them perform!