ok im really sorry for these blogs

So ever since I put up my previous blog, I haven't been like, messaging my boyfriend so I don't come across as being too "needy" or "desperate". So it's been like 4 days?? since I haven't messaged him

BUT LULZ, IT'S BEEN A WEEK since we last talked and I think I'm going mad, my dudes. I'm sorry, I'm not like clingy or anything. I just miss him and we hardly (and I mean HARDLY) see each other face-to-face since we go to different schools and all. Plus, this never happened where he'd ignore me for this long.

I'm trying to keep my cool and stay level-headed so I don't do something regretable but this :) is :) too :) much :)

I'm just kinda laughing this off, since that's the only way I can comfort myself hahahhahAHahhah 


And I'm not really talking to anyone or like, seeking comfort from others since, my boyfriend doesn't really enjoy me talking to my peoples (mostly my friends are guys, but girls, not so much. I talk to one girl but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't really enjoy talking about my relationship lol, that goes to the rest of my girl friends too)

SO YEAH, ON TOP OF THAT, I'm really socially isolated lulz

I feel like my boyfriend would be condemning me, if he talks again, that I talked to other people and I must've enjoyed my time or something without him

I'm really sad I'm sorry for these depressing blogs, I'm trying my best to be patient and positive regardless ahaohaohaoh

such drama



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