Matsumoto Aria

松本 ありあ // 아리아




Tokki (토끼) which means rabbit ⋮ Heechul : Only for the sole reason that she's cute like a rabbit but knows how to bite. Usually uses it when he wants to so most of the time it's just "Aria" or something silly. 
Fallen Angel ⋮ Her fans : Because of her personality, which can be a play on definition as she is like an angel from heaven due to her pretty looks but a fallen angel because of her sassy side.
Ria ⋮ Taemin (sometimes), Amber and Seulgi : Just to make it simple and cute like her as the two mentioned. 
Bonsai ⋮ Johnny : Used to just compare their height difference as Johnny is taller compared to her.
Lucifer ⋮ Members and fans : Because with the lead rapper, the two always seem to be plotting something and she does live up to her nickname due to her sarcastic remarks and playfulness, add the fact that she would help the lead rapper with pranking the other members and is practically like a hyper kid when she's really enjoying herself. 
Sassria ⋮ Fans and a few of her friends/members : Again it is because of how sassy she could get, especially when she's with the lead & main rapper and is a combination of sassy and aria. 
Copycat ⋮ Fans and maybe Saeran : Since she is skilled in imitating anything and anyone, people would call her that either as as an amusement at her skill or maybe an insult on what she does. But she doesn't really mind the nickname. 

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ 7th October 1997
⟪ AGE ⟫ 19 years old ;  20 years old
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ New York, USa

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Japanese
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ American


→ English ⋮ Fluent : Having been born in New York, she had been more accustomed to the language than Japanese.
→ Korean ⋮ Fluent : She had only started learning the language since going to S. Korea after passing the audition and after studying hard has finally mastered it.
→ Japanese ⋮ Fluent : The agency was quite in shock when they learned she wasn't fluent in Japanese and only gave a reason as 'she rarely used the language while living in New York'. But has started learning and improving along with her studying Hangul.  

⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ Kim Jennie / (x) (x)
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Gfriend's Eunha / (x) 
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 163cm | 48kg

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Aria's fashion style mostly leans more on the comfortable but definitely still on the stylish side. She does prefer to wear baggy or loose shirts or sweaters more as it feels lighter for her to move in, especially if she is practicing but wouldn't mind wearing fitted clothes. She has gotten used to or wouldn't mind wearing heels but of course she prefers slippers or sneakers and boots. She doesn't really wear too much make up unless needed in a performance or project, but if not then she wears just a simple powder and pink or red liptint. Even if her clothes may seem simple it attracts a lot of attention and most of her style and inspiration in clothing is due to her mother who previously works as a model and is now a Boutique owner who usually took her shopping when she turned 14 years old to give her tips and how to properly style herself; her/group's stylist always enjoys styling Aria who looks good in anything she wears all thanks to her shoulders and thin waist. She also does have a liking to hoodies or parkas, even owns anime related ones. 

Casual : X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X

Practice: X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X

Airport : X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X

Formal : X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X

Other : X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Originally has black/dark brown hair but would sometimes dye it light brown in color, has big round brown eyes that is angled upwards. She has a smooth skin thanks to her diligent management and careful use of products, that even if she was sweating she'd still look beautiful, but she doesn't sweat heavily and only visible when the weather is really hot or when she practices too hard for too long. Although, there seems to be something about her physique that sets her off rather differently than a typical Japanese person.

A lot of people have acknowledged how she has a sweet baby face look but a cool and chic charm/charisma when performing though when keeping a straight-face, others would probably think she is cold or rude but she really isn't. Becase of her pretty face she has been compared quite a lot of times with Daisy Jo Saeran, the visual of the group. When questioned if she had undergo any PS she would say she hasn't and doesn't want to get one done which is the truth.

Basically has the expected petite body of female idols and at least has a good height but is underweight due to the strict diet given to her considering how she gains weight if she doesn't watch her diet. She does have a desire to at least get her weight to normal. 



⟪ Positive ⟫ Kind, Honest, Friendly, Humble, Confident, Witty, Caring, Fair, Sensitive, Hard-working.
⟪ Neutral ⟫ Amusing, Determined, Tough, Strict, Sarcastic
⟪ Negative ⟫ Childish (at times), Stubborn, Irritable, Blunt.

"I really want to break away from being a wallflower." 

♪ Growing up without any siblings Aria may have had all her parents' attention but somehow had found it hard to socialize or befriend any of her classmate when she had started studying, showing how she is an introvert and was pretty much shy until she had met her first friend, Nicole. Naturally kind and honest she would always lend a hand to help as much as she can which was being taken advantage of by other people. When she had joined the dance club at her school she learned to be expressive and socialized with the rest of the members of the club since as their club advisor says that teamwork is the key to a perfect group performance. Upon becoming a fan of Girls Generation and K-pop she had wanted to be someone like them, full of charm and confidence when in stage which was why she had studied and learned almost all of the different girl group's dances which shows how skillful she is in dancing and how strong her memory is to be able to learn all those and add that memory to her ability to impersonate almost anyone and anything but she does choose or just shows which impersonation she wants to unless asked and if she has at least seen it. Meeting the members of Super Junior who were really dorks and noisy. somehow they all took a liking to her and she found them easy to be around with despite being her seniors in the industry, and along the way she had really 'come out of her shell and bloomed' as what her mentors said. 

"Why shouldn't I be confident? I was born to be on stage." 

♪  She had become more confident after seeing for herself how good she was in dancing and had always been proud to be one of the best among the trainees but she's still hard-working. She takes great pride in her dancing and wouldn't think twice to show what she can do when it comes to dancing as she loves the feeling of expressing emotions through her dance. The mentors and trainers have always told her to dance as if she owns it and be passionate in dancing as it was her greatest strength. On stage she definitely had the strongest confidence and charisma, making her shine and a lot of people would always find themselves staring at her. Despite becoming really confident in her skills at being quite an all-rounder (Why wouldn't she be like that if she had been stuck training day and night in the "dungeon" for almost 7 years?) she remains humble or down-to-earth which made people all the more be attracted or like her personality which she shows, without faking anything which is why she has loyal fans individually or in the group or people stanning her when they see who she really is. 

"I like being a social butterfly. It's who I am now and it's hard being alone." 

♪ When she had arrived in Korea and met her first few friends there she had become more friendly --but her friends always said that she was someone approachable and easy to befriend-- and once you had gotten to know her will they see how she sociable and easy to talk to. Because of her easy-going and approachable aura people were always drawn towards her. It did earn her quite a lot of friends, fans and connections. But she is quite fair among her friends and will not take any sides unless she can see for herself who is wrong and who is right. She is also caring as shown how she deeply cares for all the friends she has and will feel devasted if she loses anyone of them which is why despite being blunt she is sensitive; displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others' feelings especially if the situation is serious, she's also not the type to touch or mess around with other people's stuff on purpose as she too doesn't like anyone touching her stuff without her permission. 

"We may not be all close-knitted but I do enjoy being with my members. In the end it's all about respect." 

♪  Aria always seems to know what the right things to say in any situation. It could be because she is also sensitive and observant with the people and her surrounding that she knows that it is always best to say something positive and turn a a bad mood to a much lighter mood when in an interview, but she also uses it to charm people or make things funnier with her quick and humorous remarks, showing her witty side. 

"You think I was joking but really that was me being sarcastic, guess intelligence isn't in your genes." 

♪ Aria had also become savage, sarcastic and blunt towards people, saying what is in her mind and not really caring anymore if some hated her for it as it is also her way of being honest but somehow they saw it as her new charm as well and liked how she could be more talkative, hyper; like playing around with a few props or lighsticks if she gets her hands on an item, or even randomly saying nonsensical words to tease and sometimes it annoy some of the members --which is why she will be part of the beagle-line of the group.-- Hanging out with Johnny had influence her and somehow she had become sassy and cheerful, wanting to be someone who makes people happy despite struggling with her own inner struggles as she continued to train and hope to debut as well. 

"Unnie~ Notice me. Look! Can't I get that? Why?!" 

♪  Since she was an only child she would be a bit childish when she really wants something. When performing on stage one wouldn't think she is playful and mischievous especially when she's with the lead rapper or if she was really in a good mood. She couldn't really think about being serious 24/7 and finds it boring if it's all work and no play, she finds enjoyment in the little things, impersonating, loves to members and would laugh whole-heartedly if she finds something funny that she finds it hard to stop laughing even to the point that she's tearing up, showing her amusing side. 

"I don't give up that easily."

♪  One thing that Aria has is a strong determination to keep improving as despite knowing that singing and rapping aren't her forte she still trains in those areas diligently much like how she practices in her dancing. Amber has also stated how tough she was for being able to endure such period of hardship and training for almost 7 years. But partially she thinks it is also because she is stubborn, strict to herself and not wanting to admit defeat or give up when she had already spent so much in becoming an idol. She does know what she wants and she'll do whatever she can to achieve it no matter how many people try to tell her that it is impossible, she can be hard on other people sometimes when she sees that they aren't doing what they can but she's even harder on herself. 

"You are getting on my nerve. You better shut up."

♪  Although, when push comes to shove or if someone really gets on her nerves she will show right away her annoyance of distaste towards that person but really she tends to be annoyed easily displaying her irritable side but she does try to control it with a 50/50 percent chance of success. Which is why whenever she sees Saeran's bad traits it really annoys her sometimes, okay, maybe a lot of times but she really couldn't help it. Although, as much as she doesn't mind a little friendly competition; but can get a bit competitive if she really wants to win, especially when it is against or when people/fans compare her and Saeran as a way to tease or annoy the lead vocalist as well, when it comes to Saeran she finds amusement in seeing the latter annoyed. 


  • 1997 : Aria was born into an unexpected pair with an age difference of 7 years, The two married in 1995 with Yoshimitsu at age 28 and Himari at age 21. Yoshimitsu was already a liscensed lawyer who top the bar exam and had gotten an opportunity to further his skill by going to the States; while Himari had a career as a model. Despite being at the peak of her modeling career Himari chose to marry early after finding out that Yoshimitsu plans to migrate to America and she chose to be with him despite her family and Agency's disapproval, she never regretted it though. After leaving Japan, her family lived in New York and in 1997, October 7th Aria was born and raised in New York. She didn't exactly came from a wealthy family but was well-off as much as you can expect from a father who is a lawyer and a mother who ownded a boutique. Her mother loved listening to music and named their daughter "Aria" -- An Italian word meaning “air” or “melody.” -- Growing up she hadn't found anything that interested her, especially in sports and would prefer to stay at home and study. Her father was in a way fine with it at least it made him sure that she would be safe and not get hurt but her mother on the other-hand did encourage her to find a hobby or something that caught her interest to see her own capabilities. Which was why she wasn't exactly sociable at that time and was even a bit more timid considering how she knew that there were kids that looked at her indifferently or even spoke hurtful words because of her ethnicity which was why she only had a few friends while in Primary school.
  • 2003 : Her mother enrolled her in all sorts of classes, hoping for Aria to find her talent or a hobby other than reading. She did enroll in a ballet and gymnastic school, which only lasted 3 years (2 years for ballet, and 1 year only for gymnastic after getting injured) before she decided to try something else, but after recovering from her injury she took lessons in ballet whenever she could to help with flexibility. Discovering her skill in drawing she made sure to practice to at least show her mother that she had something she was interested in. Aria also knew she was good in dancing when a teacher at her old ballet school told her mother how she was one of those that stood out the most from all the other students but somehow she wanted to try a different genre in dancing which lead her to join a dance club in her school, somehow she felt good being able to express herself and emotions through her dancing and it gave her a sense of wanting to learn more and eventually found passion in dancing.
  • 2008 : She had also gotten herself to like anime and manga, even impersonating some characters to entertain her close friends in school after her cousin brought in some Manga when he had visited them. It was also at that time when she had found about K-pop after seeing Girl's Generation's "Into the New World." MV from her bestfriend, Nicole, who was into K-pop. She called it "love at first sight" when she saw how amazing GG was being able to sing and dance on stage with such charm and eventually had become a big fan of them along with her bestfriend, but she does recall how Nicole was more into another group called Super Junior. It didn't take her long to learn their dance steps and songs but of course the language was rather hard for her to speak since she wasn't receiving any serious lessons in it.
  • 2009 : Upon hearing the news of SM's Global Audition in New York she had decided to skip school with the help of Nicole and went for the audition. Upon passing the audition the agency had sent the contract to her parents who scolded her for skipping school and auditioning for something this big without their consent, initially her parents were going to refuse to sign the contract but after Aria had convinced them and showing her desire to become an idol. Despite it being hard that she would have to live on her own and quite possibly not seeing her parents for a long time she still took the step and flew to Korea to start her training.
  • 2013 : After 4 years of being a trainee she was revealed by SM through SM Rookies at the same time with Seulgi, Jeno and Taeyong. Though she knew there were already a few fans of the sunbae group who have kept tabs on her whenever pictures of her with Super Junior or other idols as well were spread on the internet. However it did gave her more opportunities to appear on other videos of SM rookies and maybe other artists' videos and not just be kept hidden by the Agency. 
  • 2017 : After finally making the cut, while preparing to debut as a member of Monoluv, Aria made her early debut by appearing on weekly idol as a Masked Idol, Aria has also started on modeling works after garnering attention for her beauty; slowly gathering more fans. She appeared on Daze, Nylon, Vogue Korea & Bazaar which were recognized as an incredible feat for a rookie who hasn't even debuted in a group but also garnered a few knetz/antifans to question her talents, that she got the projects thanks to Big 3 privilages and say that she's another "visual-only" from SM. Joining Master Key as a permanent cast along with Wanna One's Daniel and Ong, she showcased her variety skills in the show but there are times she is absent due to schedule conflict and debut preparations.  


  • Chocolates (( Especially dark chocolates. ))
  • Spicy foods (( Would challenge herself to try all sorts of spicy foods. ))
  • New books (( The smell of books mostly but does enjoy and find comfort in reading provided her scheduled allowed. ))
  • Cute animals (( Finds them cute but doesn't want to own one seeing as she won't be able to care for it. ))
  • Anime / Manga (( Her current favorites are Prince of Tennis, Fairy Tail, Akatsuki no Yona and Uta no Prince-sama ))
  • Loose / Baggy shirts (( wardrobe basically consists a lot of baggy/loose shirts. ))
  • Rhythm, Otome and Harvestmoon games (( She enjoys playing them and keeps her entertained. ))
  • Learning new dance moves and impersonating new people/things (( Makes sure she's updated with the latest dance moves and see who she can impersonate next. )) 
  • Cute Animals (( Her favorite animals are dogs, cats, rabbit, horses and otters, but she'll definitely go 'aww, so cute' at any animals she sees as cute. ))
  • Beach (( Though she doesn't like the heat too much she does enjoy the sea and sports/activities involving water provided she's wearing a lifejacket/personal floatation device. ))
  • Lip balm (( Her top necessity when traveling or at work, even has a banana shape lip balm. ))
  • Skin and Make-up poducts (( She enjoys pampering herself with skin care products and always keeps a portion of her budgets her allowance or earned money on skin care products and make-up since she enjoys doing her own make-up for work and cosplay reasons ))
  • Cosplay (( She had cosplayed a few times when she was small in America or when in Japan but seldom does it now due to her busy schedules but she still likes looking up cosplay pictures, it helps her get inspiration for make-up and such. ))
  • Art (( She had always enjoyed seeing artworks aside from being a skilled artist herself which is why she took up an art-related course ))
  • Accessories (( She has one big jewelry box full of necklaces, bracelets and rings she uses to add style to her outfits. Majority of her accessories are from her mother ))
  • Sweets (( Aria definitely has a sweet-tooth and enjoys eating cakes, cupcakes, etc. It is also why she learned how to bake. ))

​​​​​​⟪ DISLIKES ⟫

  • Scary movies (( Gets scared easily but would try to watch it, only to regret it later on. )) 
  • Creepy crawly bugs and worms (( You'll hear her scream if one manages to get on her. )) 
  • Nightmares (( Caused by scary movies and her paranoia on zombies. ))
  • Those with 'attitude problems'  (( She can't stand those who are all bark and no bite or acts as if they're superior than others. ))
  • Cockroaches and spiders (( Even the sight of these two and she'll run away fast. )) 
  • Heat or Hot weather (( Prefers the cool or cold weather. )) 
  • Strawberries (( She's allergic to it and one of the symptoms which is swelling of the mouth, tongue and throat makes it hard for her to breath and she hates it when that happens, which is why she always gives foods with strawberries to the lead rapper or to anyone else and is careful with eating fruits as well. Though apple is in the same Rosaceae household/family as strawberries, she doesn't get any reactions from apples unlike with Kiwi, blackberry, and raspberry, any other fruits aside from those are safe for her to eat. ))
  • Smoking/People who smoke (( She really doesn't get why people even smoke when it's bad for the health and the health of those around the smoker. ))
  • Rumors/Backstabbers (( She definitely isn't a fan of seeing articles or news about people be it false or just a rumor if it will cause negative impact knowing how vicious knetz can be and she isn't one to really gossip or talk behind someone's back. It's just pathetic and annoying. ))
  • Hardcore &  (( It really isn't her cup of tea, she can still stand shippings and slight tease but if it's too much she avoids it as much as possible but she always clarify that it's the artworks and fanfics of hardcore or s of (But she really doesn't like either way) and that the hardcore fujoshis who force every little interaction between two characters really doesn't sit well for her, saying that it ruins her favorite anime/manga. ))
  • Keyboard warriors/Harsh Knetz/Anti-fans (( Seeing how horrible and harsh some knetz, antis, or so called keyboard warriors are made her dislike those type of people who have nothing better to do than comment and hate on people. )) 


  • Drawing (( Would stay up late in the night to finish a drawing, hides under an alias to post her drawings in art sites. )) 
  • Reading books (( Her favorite are mostly adventure and fantasy novels but she would read non-fiction and suspense/thriller books from time to time. )) 
  • Playing games (( During breaks and before going to bed she'll play for a couple of hours. )) 
  • Taking pictures (( Even if others says she takes pictures that can be found or googled easily she enjoys taking pictures of her friends, members and family aside from sceneries. ))
  • Watching dance practice videos of girl groups (( Some boy groups as well. It's mostly what's in her youtube history. ))
  • Working on choreographies or making dance moves (( Sure with the main dancer being there and the other lead dancer/leader she usually just pinch in some advices or giving her opinion on possible moves with her wide knowledge of choreographies from watching so much dance practices of other idol groups. But she sometimes work on a choreography as well that she uses on variety shows and such. ))
  • Writing lyrics or composing (( Aside from dancing she does enjoy writing lyrics and working on composing songs, she knows she still has a lot to learn in those areas but she definitely wants to be able to produce her own songs for the group or for herself someday. ))
  • Concerts/Theater (( She would always make sure to attend concerts or theatrical play of her favorites, sunbaes and friends but if she can't due to schedule conflict she would instead send flowers to congratulate them. )) 
  • Dance (( She watches dance practices of her group and other artists, and if she's not posting pictures, she uploads 1 minute videos on instagram of her dance covers )) 
  • SNS (( Spends a at least 10 minutes to 15 minutes checking accounts and answering messages from friends unless they're also online and does ig live and such when schedule permits, she enjoys interacting with fans through lives. )) 


  • Puffing her cheeks and/or pouting (( Most especially when she is thinking or sulking. ))
  • Sticking out her tongue a bit (( Does this when her attention is focused on something interesting. ))
  • Having the need to at least tap her foot or hand, or even her nails (( When not doing anything or just sitting down. ))
  • Randomly hugs someone she is comfortable with from behind, with her arms wrapped around their waist (( Girls most of the time, or Koyuki who is very handsy as well. ))


  • Dolls (( Good lord, make sure there is none or she'll freak out big time. ))
  • Zombies (( Tbh it almost as if she has a paranoia that a zombie apocalypse will happen and it is one of the reasons for her nightmares. ))
  • Heights (( But is slowly learning to conquer it by doing wall climbing and rappelling. ))
  • Drowning (( She can swim, but only knows the basic moves in swimming (thanks to  her lessons back in America). her fear only shows when she's in a deep part of the sea/bpdy of water and not wearing any life jacket ))
  • Being abandoned and rejected (( She had seen this happen to a lot of people and honestly it pains her to even think about this happening to her by those she consider as friends and family. )) 
  • Losing the people who are important to her (( It reminds her of when she didn't have any friends. ))
  • Injections (( Just No. She has kicked a nurse and hid from them to just avoid getting shots during her childhood, you'll have to either hold her down or close her eyes to lessen her nervousness when getting a shot. )) 


  • ♪ My gadgets ♪ Has a Samsung S8+ in orchid gray as it is easier for her to use for her games and SNS accounts, she changes her phone case depending on her mood. Also has a laptop and tablet, both used for her SNS accounts, drawings and of course for her games or for watching anime. Making her quite active in posting in her SNS accounts much to the joy of her and group's fans. Her IG account is @MelodyHaven.
  • ♪ What's inside her bag ♪ Her phone & earphones, a small digital camera, 2 small notebooks (one for her lecture/school notes and the other for her schedules and lyric writing practices), lip balm, lemon water, gameboy/nintendo DS, powerbank, and compact powder. 
  • ♪ Relaxation 101 ♪ Despite being cheerful and energetic when the cameras are on, she loves to use her day off to simply do nothing or read a book or watch anime with Koyuki and the lead rapper, just relax to recharge herself.
  • ♪ Promises ♪ Another thing that fans love about Aria aside from not faking her personality is that she always keeps her promises, so if she knows she can't do it she won't promise but if she knows she can then she would and will really do as promised.
  • ♪ Wizarding world ♪ Is a fan of the Harry Potter series and even owns her own wand, scarf and robe. And of course has all the books which she loves to reread whenever she could or if she has no new/unread books in store. Her Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff, 
  • ♪ Collector ♪ Has a collection of anime, plushies, Mochi Mochi Mascot, and many more official items, and any other collectibles from disney kept inside a large plastic black storage box. While her collection of Cds/Albums and books are in a book shelf. 
  • ♪ A Disney kid ♪ Grew up watching Disney Movies as well. Her favorite is Mulan and Tangled. Owns a baymax LED Night Light (x).
  • ♪ Suju's little sister ♪ Is actually pretty much close or friends with the members of Super Junior --minus Kangin as she finds him a little scary or intimidating but knows he isn't bad.-- Which makes her bestfriend Nicole half happy and half envious (in a good way) as a fangirl.
  • ♪ Cooking 101 ♪ She knows how to cook and bake a few desserts, and is quite good at it; and would cook for anyone who asks nicely or if she just feels like cooking for that person.
  • ♪ Nico ♪ Usually uses the famous "nico-nico nii" or Nico Yazawa impersonation on Heechul when she wants or needs something.
  • ♪ Aegyo ♪ Doesn't really mind doing (too much) aegyo and is good at it without even having to try hard. (x) (x) (x) (x)
  • ♪ Impersonation is my game ♪ Her skill in impersonating is from Characters from anime, tv series and other celebrities, to a few animal sounds and can even fake a "paper being ripped" sound.
  • Mask It really isn't easy for some netizens or those who aren't her fans to see the changes in Aria's mood at how different she acts when she's just conserving energy during rehearsals (especially if she sometimes looks this way (x) (x)) or tired, or when she's really in a bad mood unlike her loyal fans who defends her and understands her despite those moments since they know that Aria shows her true self to them, but in a way only her members and close friends seem to always notice her mood and tone of voice right away. But she always gives her 100% when performing or other activities. 
  • ♪ Routine ♪
    • Has a daily routine to always jog in the morning while singing which helped her having a stable vocal even when dancing. If she can't jog, she'll do yoga/stretching instead.
    • Using skin care products every night and morning, and eating an apple every morning.
    • Practicing her dancing and facial reactions (for performances) for 3 hours and 4 hours on vocal training. 
  • ♪ Sone ♪ Wants to someday collab or perform together with her favorite idols, Girl's generation sunbaenims. Also has a collection of SNSD's albums, and attended some of their concerts in Seoul when her schedule permits. 
  • ♪ Queen of Fanservice ♪ She is willing to give in to fans simple request of fanservice (is basically willing to do a pocky game with the other girls), or if they asked to form a heart, flirt and such as she can't refuse her fans but will even playfully tease them a bit to show her affection towards them. Which is why she has a fair amount of both female and male fans as well.
  • ♪ Running is my game ♪ She doesn't consider herself athletic but is interested in martial arts (Though did get bruised once when she tried using Sungmin's nunchucks; never again. She also doesn't want to bring up how she studied gymnastics back then because of an accident that injured her before.) And in running, she has the stamina after all. Aria may not be a complete athletic person but she is good in memory games. 
  • ♪ Social Butterfly ♪ She has quite a lot of friends and at the start some fans of the male friends she has didn't exactly like her being too close to their oppas but eventually as time pass, one by one they started to stop getting on her back and see that she merely treats the male idols as friends and nothing more and no clear evidence has comes out that she's dating any of her male friends or any idol which is why she doesn't really have any dating scandal for now. 
  • ♪ The show must go on ♪ Everyone knows and even if they say she's being stubborn and careless, Aria isn't one to stop or halt performing even when injured or sick (unless it's really a terrible injury or her strawberry allergy reaction was too severe), she'll most likely take pain killers or medicine before going on stage. She worked just as hard as the next person just to debut and to prove she has what it takes. 
  • ♪ Education is priority ♪ She is still studying and is in University already as her dad wanted her to continue her education even if she is dreaming of being an idol as part of their deal. Her favorite subjects are music, arts, science, and literature while quite not good in history (finds it a bit boring) and math. Majoring in animation, minoring in performing arts. 
  • ♪ Music and Dance knowledge ♪ With how she knows a lot of choreographies from other idol groups she also developed a skill to recognize a song and dance step by what group but of course her knowledge falters when the songs are those from below 2005 or if she hasn't heard or watch it yet but others are impressed with her memory. 
  • ♪ Instrument ♪ Aria doesn't really have too much knowledge in instruments and only has basic skills in playing the Piano, plus she enjoys watching others instead. 
  • Billiard Aria plays billiards only when she has friends to play with and some fans had only seen her once during predebut (x). She learned how to play it thanks to Taemin.
  • Motto "I respect your likes and dislikes but don't force me to like and dislike the same thing, respect mine as well." & "Work hard to achieve what you want, but always remember to be kind, humble and have courage." 



Father, Yoshimitsu Matsumoto (FC: Fujiki Naohito) ⋮ 50 ⋮ Lawyer ⋮

: Personality

Strict and serious like a military soldier when working but would usually sometimes throw lame jokes when he is with his family, which mostly made Aria cringe. Punctuality is important to him and makes sure that every thing is in order be it at home or work which shows his meticulous side. Despite all that he does have a soft spot for his family, especially his wife and Aria being that she is his only daughter. A bit of a workaholic but does know how to relax and enjoy himself by going fishing with either his family or colleagues.   

: Relationship with your character :

"I do hope we can be much closer." 

Because of his work and rather strict demeanor he wasn't too close with his daughter but would always tend to her needs the best he can. Aria pretty much respects her father but would appreciate it if he could be present during her school activities or watch her perform during a contest and such when she was studying ballet up to when her dance club performed for the school. She knows there is a distance in their relationship but she does try to be understanding but found it hard to approach him first, though she does want to be closer to him if she could and was happy when he had given his permission for her to pursue her dream of being an idol.   

Mother, Himari Matsumoto (FC: Yukie Nakama) ⋮ 43 ⋮ Boutique Owner ⋮

Personality ⋮
Supportive and cheerful she does her best to support her family to the point that she gave up her previous career as a model marry the man she fell in love with and to be there for her daughter. Though she has been always calm and collected she does have a playful side to her which is usually directed at her husband, much to Yoshimitsu's dismay but sees it as something that really made him fall for her. She is understanding and always encourages her daughter to find her dream and do what she can to reach it.

Relationship with your character :

"When you're ready to talk, I'm always here." 

Aria has always been closer to her mother as she saw how Himari has always been there for her, supporting her and appreciates it but sometimes has a hard time expressing it through words. She knows that her mother is someone she can speak her mind or worries to but would half of the time hesitate to say anything until her mother notices and waits for her to open up. She still calls her mother whenever she could and if her schedule allowed it but if not she would just send a message. 


Cousin, Seiichi Matsumoto (FC: Taiyo Ayukawa) ⋮ 25 ⋮ Photographer ⋮

Personality ⋮
Generally seems very relaxed and in control, is particularly protective and will extract his revenge --not in an evil way but rather in a justified way.-- to those who hurt his family or friends but will not hold personal grudges to those who he sees as apologetic. Also has a bad habit of teasing the people that he likes, especially Aria. 

Relationship with your character :

"I'm just a call away." 

Since Aria is an only child the closest to a sibling she has is Seiichi. Even though they rarely see each other being that he lived in Japan, the two still manage to stay in contact with one another and he was one of the few who pushed her to pursue her dream of being an idol. Despite Seiichi saying that it is okay for Aria to call him whenever she felt lonely, she still hesitates on calling him as she didn't want to be a bother and knows that Seiichi has his own life in Japan. 



Besfriend , Nicole ⋮ 19 ⋮ College student ⋮

Personality ⋮
A clever and smart girl in school with a strong-willed personality and a desire to achieve great things through hardwork. Persistent and a bit of a tease but is kind and brutally honest, despite her innocent and timid appearance. Aria sometimes think she is "crazy" whenever fangirling but is one of the most loyal person she knows. 

Relationship with your character :

"With just one look we knew we'd be the best of friends."

Being of the same age, the two would constantly tease each other or fangirl over anime characters, or Aria just simply lets Nicole who talks non-stop about how amazing this character or celebrity is. Honestly, Nicole would always scold her for being too hyper or weird in her book. Despite being far away from each other it doesn't stop them from being bestfriends after meeting back in 1st grade through a drawing the latter was working on. They plan to have those friendship goals they see online and the two barely fight or have any misunderstandings, showing good chemistry and trust with one another.


Bestfriend, Amber Liu ⋮ 24 ⋮ Idol // Member of F(x) ⋮

Personality ⋮
Amber is a fun loving person, is rather smart and athletic. You can trust her with anything and is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. She is very respectable and hardworking. She is quite the playful character with a good sense of humor and a way to make people smile, it's no wonder that people can't stay mad around her. With her outgoing nature it seems like she may make friends easily which is true but what she finds hard is making really close friends. Others may assume that due to her boyish appearance and behavior Amber may not show more feminine traits or thoughts like the average female, however rather than showing her femininity she tends to hide them because no one would believe how feminine she can be but really she has all the same problems anyone of her age would. So those who take the time to get to know her may be surprised by how feminine she really is under all that exterior. In saying this she does have hobbies and talents that show of her confidence from music to sports and even though she's been brought up in a family of all girls with her older sister Jackie, both she and her sister share the same boyish features so Amber's never been one to be afraid of who she is despite the many harsh comments she's heard during her teen.

Relationship with your character :

"I'll be there to support you!"

Being they were both from the US and speak english, they had managed to become close and would share stories about each other's hometown. There is also that point where Amber was basically one of the few she could talk to upon her arrival in Korea and seeing how friendly Amber was made her feel at ease and comfortable to hang out with. Amber had become an older sister figure to her whom she knew she could rely on and would even tell Amber to rely on her too when things gets rough. The two would even sometimes play around or tease Super Junior-M's Henry --Heck, even other people to simply put it-- Making it seems as both of them were completely dorks. In a way Amber had helped her be more open and approach other people as well and eventually make more friends. 


Bestfriend, Kang Seulgi ⋮ 23 ⋮ Idol // Member of Red Velvet ⋮

Personality ⋮ 
She has a strong and attractive personality. Being a funny and sensitive person. She tries to think well before acting and always show her best for everyone. Seulgi is really kind and a helpful person, would even help the other members the best she could or by simply trying to cheer them up which shows how caring she is towards people she considers her friend or family. She may be shy at first but when with people she is closed with, she shows her playful side as well and wouldn't mind goofing around with them. (Note: Since she's also in Koyuki's friends, I didn't add the once you have said and only added what else I could remember.)

Relationship with your character :

"Let us improve together!"

Since Seulgi was her senior of two year as trainees they had been attending basically the same dance lessons and even practiced together for almost 6 years. In a way she admires Seulgi and at how she really has that aura or charisma when dancing that captivated her so much that it pushed her to work harder. The two would even spend time together outside of practice to simply just talk and even hoped of being in the same group, which of course didn't come true as Seulgi had debuted first as a member of Red Velvet. But they still manage to keep in contact with one another despite their different schedules now.


Best Guy Friend/Brother-like, Kim Heechul ⋮ 34 ⋮ Idol // Member of Super Junior ⋮

Personality ⋮
There was one word that described Kim Heechul and that was Psycho, for the male idol was savage, completely crazy or weird as what others call it, a tv & dancing mania, prettier than most girl idols when crossdressing and heavily teased or dissed other celebrities as he is rather blunt and basically says what is on his mind. But anyone who knew the other side of Kim Heechul knew that he is completely loyal to Super Junior and the members, protective, kind and deeply cares for all of them that if one of the members gets into a scandal he would get upset in a brotherly way but wouldn't let anyone trash talk or bring up the issues his fellow members were involved in. Always helps his co-labelmates by promoting or telling them to promote their current projects (x) in a smooth way or simply saying what they are good at, and would defend them if needed. A sweet talker, acts flirtatious and quite proud of his looks.

Relationship with your character :

"Go wild and use your appearance to your advantage!"

Although, she and heechul has somewhat one of those best guy friend relationship the two would also have that big brother and little sister relationship because of their huge but Heechul being more of that teasing and somehow embarrassing older brother. She finds him sometimes a bit of a narcissistic especially when they first met but somehow she had learned to just go with the flow and back which sometimes lead to their friendly bickering. They would even diss one another for fun but usually Aria looses as Heechul always seems to have something to say back. Heechul more of helped her with finding her inner funny side and savage side, Leeteuk sometimes think that Heechul is being a bad influence on Aria. But Aria has seen how Heechul was during his dark times when Hangeng, his closest friend, left and wanted to provide support for him, and always says that she'll be there for him and the others. 


Best Guy Friend/Brother-like, Park Jeong-so / Leeteuk ⋮ 34 ⋮ Idol // Member of Super Junior ⋮

Personality ⋮
Leeteuk had always been somewhat opposite to Heechul's personality but is also kind, caring, loyal, protective of s as he is the leader of the group and would at times wouldn't mind being burdened by them. Has always been determined and persevered to keep the members together and getting his work done. Quite Emotional as he easily cries much like Eunhyuk, strict but almost as if angelic with his smile --that needs to be protected-- and would bottle up the frustration, worries and negative vibes in his life. Despite sometimes being teased by s he doesn't let it get to him if the teasings were light but of course he himself knows he has a bit of a temper when things really have gone out of hand. He does make sure to be cheerful around the members and on camera to not worry anyone as he knows he needs to be strong for them. Just like the other members of Super Junior he is a completely playful person and a dork but usually gets teased by the other members. 

Relationship with your character :

"As what Hodong told me, let your voice be heard."

Compared to Aria's relationship with Heechul, she sees Leeteuk more of a strict older brother who seemed to be always proud of his dongsaengs and helped her out the best he could but part of her wants to be strong to support Leeteuk after a tragic incident in 2014 during his Military service. It is always hard for her to choose who was more important to her between Leeteuk and Heechul as she cares deeply for both of them and have been like older brothers she wanted to have. Which would result to her saying that both of them are important and dear to her or that she jokingly chooses Donghae just to avoid the question. Leeteuk is a great influence on her being skilled at Variety shows but Heechul more of helped her with being able to say funny comments or savage remarks, to get the attention pointed towards her which Leeteuk sometimes think that Heechul is being a bad influence on Aria.

Bestfriend/Partners-in-crime/Beelzubub's Lucifer, Victoria Mercy Shin ⋮ 20-21 ⋮ Idol // Member of Monoluv ⋮

Personality ⋮
Is intelligent and humorous by throwing in jokes and puns. Protective of those she cares for, friendly, but she can be sassy, profane, savage, hot-headed, sarcastic. But she's also cheerful, closed-off. The third beagle of the group, she makes people laugh with her sarcastic remarks and her prankster attitude.

Relationship with your character :

"Together we're unstoppable! Lolololol." 

The two have known each other since their trainee days and along with the lead and main rapper were one of the other people of her who helped her with her rapping as it is not her best skill. The two instantly clicked and became friends after spending that one whole night trapped in the practice studio (after getting locked in accientally after a prank goes wrong) where they ended up spending it talking and finding out their personalities seem to match well. The two would often be seen talking or plotting for lead rapper's next prank and often times will help one another in their training. Though the two would also bicker a lot of times even at the smallest things but eventually make up after a few minutes or hours apart. Aria always seemed to think that her friendship with Victoria is kind of similar to that of Sam and Carly (from iCarly) and sometimes she whines about how Victoria uses her height to or uses it on their arguments. Though despite how close they are there are still things she can''t tell Victoria about (like about Aria's feelings for Taemin but Victoria has a slight feel that Aria has feelings for Taemin, she just chooses not to talk about it) and she knows there are still things Victoria doesn't tell her, well not right away that is. Though Aria is sometimes called a rabbit, she uses it to friend or usually Aria comments that she is the only rabbit-like Victoria likes since she doesn't eat strawberries.

Bestfriend, Johnny Seo ⋮ 22 ⋮ Idol // Member of NCT 127 ⋮

Johnny likes to joke around, and will do almost anything to make someone laugh. Seriously, he’s so funny, he likes to tease the younger members and act all sassy or savage. One that is really memey and troll-ee friend. He’s the type to not let anyone live anything down, if they do something stupid he will never let them forget it. He’s actually a really hard worker and passionate in what he does; someone who wants to make people happy or entertained. Overall, he’s really just a sweet dude with some humor thrown in all over the place. (Note: I'm still fairly new to NCT so I have not fully seen many of Johnny's personality, I have mostly seen him in Lipstick Prince which started with my interest and liking to him.) 

Relationship with your character :

"You're a friend that I'm glad to have met; but I am not short!".

Aria isn't too close with Johnny unlike her relationship with Heechul and Leeteuk but does consider him a friend and someone she is comfortable with; she knows that he will always bring a smile on her face --or maybe a bit of laugh with his sarcastic remarks and sense of humor.-- The two are mostly seen being playfully arguing about Johnny teasing how tall he is and Aria being short. Somehow meeting Johnny has had a good influence on her (or is it?) being more active upon arriving in Korea when they have met, being one of the few who approached her first. The two would often time share a good laugh whenever they meet. She still thinks that it was Johnny who influenced her sassy side and just became more prominent thanks to Heechul.  


Friends/Big brother-like, Choi Minho & Kim Jonghyun ⋮ 25 / 27 ⋮ Idol // Member of SHINee ⋮

Personality ⋮
Minho is someone who is really, really, really kind but can be really, really competitive, especially if it is sports that it frustrates him when he loses or can't do his best at it, and always tries to lighten the mood of other people. Someone who is approachable and friendly to almost anyone, making it hard to not like him. He does know how to get along with almost anyone and is pretty noisy and as much as a dork as the other especially when he is with his fellow members. Jonghyun on the otherhand; when meeting new people, he's approachable and very friendly. He's a a little shy. He would go up to you and  begin to chatter like a friend. When you get to know him, he's enduring and fun to be around off stage. Sometimes he's a little impatient  He's not very fond of clingy people like the sasaengs used to follow him all the time. He has good relationships with people. He has a strong personality and is very ambitious. Though humble and devoted. He is opinionated and persistent. He is romantic and generous with his love, even to the point of being naive. He uses his aggressiveness to battle for freedom and adventure, and is fiercely independent. He is extremely talkative and can go on babbling about nothing for hours.

Relationship with your character :

"You're so nice, oppa." 

Aria mostly sees Minho and Jonghyun as someone who smiles at people they pass by or even greets those they know really well. She Minho because of the Super Junior members and eventually got to know each other until the two became friends. She finds them as a really supportive sunbaes and is pretty easy for her to talk to, helping her out as well when she was studying Hangul. It was also eventually Minho who introduced the other members of SHINee, though she still is closer to Minho and Jonghyun than the other members and eventually meeting Taemin. Jonghyun is someone she confides in when she herself can't understand the cause of her worries sometimes and grown attach to him and the music he makes that she would even jokingly ask for a song but surprised her on her birthday with a composition she plans to record someday.

Brother-like/Sunbae/Mentors, The rest of Super Junior & SJ-M Members ⋮ ranges from 27 to 32 ⋮ Idols ⋮

Personality ⋮
Their personalities vary from each member which shows their individual charm and charisma but almost all of them are funny, noisy, dorks, talented. They really care deeply and love their fellow members like real brothers even if one makes a mistake once or twice they still treat them as family despite their brotherly-arguments or teasing as they all protect one another even the ex-members and still are friends with them showing their kind and humble personalities. Of course a few of them are quite savage (*cough* heechul and kyuhyun *cough*).  

Relationship with your character :

"I enjoy spending time with all of you, it's never boring."

Minus Kangin whom she finds intimidating making it hard for her to approach him on her own (though she knows that he has a good heart and wouldn't hurt her) she is pretty much close with all the members (but is closer to Leeteuk and Heechul.) Somehow she finds them all like her big brothers since she didn't have one growing up but she does have a special liking (a different one compared to Heechul and Leeteuk) to Sungmin and Donghae who always make her give in when they either do aegyo (heck even sungmin's cute side is effortless and just a smile or pout is enough to make her melt. Example) plus she had taken an interest in martial arts thanks to Sungmin; and Donghae being like a 5-year old sometimes who usually asks if she wants to eat when they chance upon each other and if the other Suju members aren't around --And cue her inviting others as well like Seulgi to join them-- (since he doesn't like eating alone.) or help her with his water problem Exhibit A (if eunhyuk isn't around to take care of donghae, which rarely happens. *coughs* EunHae *coughs*). Although, she doesn't know much about the ex-members Kibum and Hangeng as she had only seen them a few times (when she had arrived in early 2009) and even then she was still shy to approach or talk to them. But somehow they have also acted like a mentor to her (though thankful she always says that they just decided it themselves and didn't even consult her.) Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Yesung mentoring her on vocals (Yesung being a bit awkward sometimes didn't gave good results). While Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Shindong helped her on dance, helping widening her knowledge on different dance style. Henry on the other hand is the person she usually asks about cooking and all sorts of recipe.      

Friends, Ten (NCT) / Irene (Red Velvet) / Momo (Twice) / Jisoo & Lisa (BlackPink) / Daniel & Ong Seong Woo (Wanna One) / Kai (EXO) / Sinb (Gfriend) ⋮ ranges from 20 to 27 ⋮ Idols ⋮

Personality ⋮
Personality varies in each person but all are kind, hard-working, determined, funny, intelligent, goofy, and caring.    

Relationship with your character :

"I never had a lot of friends back then so when I found people I could relate to more one way or the other it made work more bearable and enjoyable for me."

Ten is someone she befriended due to being a trainee for quite sometime and the two would train in dancing as well but Aria is always impressed with how far more flexible Ten is in dancing and the two would share tips with one another in dancing much like her relationship with the others whose role are dancers in the group they're in. He is also one of the few who makes her laugh even if his jokes are random and cringy to some (or maybe she is just someone who laughs easily) and she plays along with his vain side much like how she does with Heechul, she is one of the people (since Ten probably rarely says and she never really asked if he talks about Saeran to his other friends) who listens to him talk about Saeran and how unbearable the said girl is which somewhat gave her a glipse of Saeran's bad sides.

Irene on the otherhand maybe it's her more mature vibe that pulls her towards the older female after all most of her other friends are like extroverts/ambiverts that sometimes she enjoys how introverted Irene is and hears each other out, plus Irene reminds Aria of her mother in a way.

Aria met Momo whenever some trainees from other agencies hangout with one another and the two eventually got closer due to Heechul taking a liking to Momo and the fact that she's one of the few Japanese people she knew as well, but since Twice always seems to be busy she rarely gets to hang out with her and usually talks through text messages.

Sinb is also another friend she got to be close with thanks to Heechul but what drew her to Sinb is her goofy and beagle personality as well that sometimes Heechul doesn't want her to meet the rest of Gfriend as he possibly can't handle anymore beagle-like idols in his life.

Jisoo and Lisa are those she met because of Ten who did a collab with Lisa before and the two Blackpink member's easy-going personality made them instantly click with one another and she would sometimes ask them to hang out with her with a few of her female friends as well, and she defintely invites them as the two always makes the mood good and enjoyable. 

It's no surprise really that she knows and is friends with Kai as well with her being close friends or so with Taemin and the two would even ask her whose side she is in with her answering she's on the side of those who teases the other but she enjoys his company much like how she feels with her other friends and is sure that Kai knows about her feelings about Taemin or at least has an idea with how he teases her by spending more time with Taemin and even sending her updates that the two males are together though she trusts that he wouldn't expose it to anyone, especially to Taemin since he himself has experience being caught being in a relationship. 

Daniel and Ong are people who she slowly became friends with after spending so much time in the show Master Key when they're chosen as permanent cast members by the PDs and the two would take care of her being the only female cast but the two always makes her laugh with Ong's fail attempts in the game or laughing beside Daniel when Soogeun is being funny.   



Fellow Member/Frenemy(?), Jo Saeran ⋮ 21 ⋮ Idol // Member of Monoluv

Personality ⋮
On first glance she may look like an innocent daisy indeed but anyone who were training with her knew her reputation and rumors being spread about her being snobbish, intimidating, hot-tempered and cold. Isn't exactly friendly but obviously there has to be more than meets the eye. 

Relationship with your character :

"Do we have another option?" 

The two aren't exactly friends and only civilized enough to be acquaintances when the camera is on to show no weakness to the group once they debut and to lessen being lectured by either the leader or future manager but initially as Trainees, Aria has only seen her during the time that all trainees are gathered for the weekly evaluation or during breaks and at the dorms but even though Aria wasn't exactly judgemental to a person who she barely knew but she did find her rather unapproachable but somehow she knew that there was something about Saeran that rubs her off the wrong way, adding more to the difference in their personality and her silent wish to not be in the same group knowing how bad their chemistry is.   


Fellow Member/Hopefully friends, Hamada Koyuki ⋮ 20 ⋮ Idol // Member of Monoluv

Personality ⋮
Koyuki is a kind, loyal, hardworking when one sees her but of course she is also shy as others wouldn't know easily how to approach her, not wanting to scare her. But surely she is someone who can be easy to get along with once you break through the shy koyuki.  

Relationship with your character :

"Let's work well together, okay?" 

Koyuki is someone she had only approached and talked to a few times during trainings and most of the time was Aria either saying hi or helping her when she sees that Koyuki is having a bit of problem with her dancing but since she reminds Aria of her old self she knows that it is best to slowly get to know Koyuki than being too close right away and wanting to slowly befriend her as Aria sees her as someone she can get along well with despite knowing the relationship between Saeran and Koyuki. It's not like she is planning to get between them as others may say but rather if they ended up being in the same group it was best to be friends after all, there is also that fact that they're both Japanese. Aria also finds Koyuki as someone she likes to hug seeing as the other girl is also handsy and would offer help and bond together if Koyuki wanted to but maybe because of it as well Aria knows Koyuki possibly get in between her bickerings with Saeran.      




None so far.


Upon starting her trainee life, she really didn't stand out much right away and had a hard time to communicate with others being she was still young, a newbie in hangul and some other trainee really didn't take notice of her too much, making her feel lonely at first but when she showed her dancing skills and as time pass by other trainees and sunbaes have started taking notice of her visual and natural talent in dancing. She made sure to be kind and helpful to other trainees both old and new when she finally got used being a trainee, gaining a reputation and have heard about how she was being compared to Saeran and others saying "Fun and easy to befriend, making her prettier" than the latter after negative rumors spread. She really didn't believed or paid attention to those rumors until she herself experienced it at one point during training hours (but it really could have been just a misunderstanding). 

Being a trainee for almost 7 years, she had spent the years honing her dancing skills, learning all sorts of dance genres and improving her singing skills she had somehow managed to be an all-rounder in terms of skills, but of course even she had a hard time balancing her studies and training that she was a little frustrated with how hard it was to debut and at times felt helpless due to the lack of sleep as well. She had been chosen to act in Super Junior's No Other MV where she had also officially met the members and eventually becoming friends with some of them. Eventually even with her friendly and kind attitude, there were trainees and some fans of the male idols who disliked her for being too close/friendly with the male idols she became friends with. Despite all of the hardships she still places more confidence in her dancing, wanting to prove that she deserves to debut and thanks to the tips of some of the senior idols (despite seldom appearing in the trainee's building) and especially the teachers/mentors she had practiced hard to keep her vocals stable when dancing. She can at least rap with the help as well of Monoluv's future main and lead rapper but isn't really capable to come up with a rap lyrics or do it without learning the lyrics (sample), which is probably her weakest skill but vows to train hard to improve on her rap.

Along the way somehow she had learned and even some mentors/teachers had noticed that she may be good on variety shows (Her fans say that she may just be the next Variety Queen,) but of course she is rather thankful to Heechul and Leeteuk who were giving her tips on that area and boosting her confidence to let her voice be heard. She had also appeared in ABC's kpop boot camp documentary along with a few other trainees and their seniors. She was introduced by the agency through SM Rookies in 2013, as well along with the other trainees who she may debut with in a group and that was also when fans started digging up which was why some of her predebut (even sassy looking ones which was actually a lot) pictures got revealed and spread.

She couldn't help but feel down when Red Velvet debuted and she felt as if she lost another chance to debut but with a few encouragements and support from her friends and sunbaes she continued to work hard and hopefully in the next group she'll get pick; she knew that she has to work even harder whenever new younger, prettier and talented trainees appeared. For the time being she took every opportunity she could to get her name out and successfully landing another appearance in a senior's music video, which was rather more challenging for her as the story was rather deep unlike in her first MV appearance. And in 2016; when F(x) finally held a concert, she was given an opportunity to be a backup dancer and to fill in the spot on some of the dances that required 5 people since she practically knew the choreography and would be a good experience for her dancing skill.

With luck and her hardwork paying off she got picked to debut in SM's new girl group and being the member most comfortable on variety shows SM allowed her an early debut by appearing on WI and got herself casted in MK; even landing some modeling projects along the way.


  • 2010 // Appeared in Super Junior's No other MV // (x) // MV Making
  • 2013 // ABC's Kpop Boot Camp Documentary
  • 2015 // Acted in Super Junior D&E's Growing Pains MV // (x) // MV Making 0:55 - 1:08  &  1:29 - 2:05 
  • 2016 // Backup/5th Dancer at F(x)'s performances at Dimension 4 - Docking Station Concert.
  • 2017 // Appeared as a Masked Idol in Weekly Idol (To slowly promote the group.)
  • 2017 // Permanent cast in Master Key // Episodes 1-2, 4, 6-9, & 13. (Currently on hiatus)
  • 2017 - 2018 // Modeled for Daze, NylonVogue Korea (2017) & Bazaar (2018).
  • 2018 // Appeared as a dance partner in Henry's Monster MV // (x) 

⟪ SINGING TWIN ⟫ Kim Jennie  // (x) (x) (x) (x)

⟪ DANCING TWIN ⟫ Kim Jennie  // (x) (x) (x) (x)


⟪ PERSONA ⟫ Fallen Angel

⟪ STAGE NAME ⟫ Optional, use your own name if you don't want any stage name.

⟪ FAN NAME ⟫  Notes (Because her name means Melody and it will need music notes to form a song.)

⟪ FAN COLOR ⟫ Amethyst   Amethyst // #9966CC 

Lee Taemin

⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ member of SHINee ⟪ AGE ⟫ 24 (25 Korean Age) 
⟪ DOB ⟫ July 18, 1993 ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ write here



Dark Templar ⋮ Shinee Hyungs : As explained that he is similar to a character from a game because the hyungs don't know what he is doing at places that they can't see and that he doesn't go out a lot.
Handy Boy Taemin, Maknae Taemin, Tae, Taem, Dancing Machine, Taeminnie, Mushroom head/boy, Adeul ⋮ Mostly given by fans or media outlets : Mostly because of his magic hand that destroys whatever he touches/tendency to loose items, maknae of Shinee, the  mushroom one is because of his hairstyle during Shinee's debut, etc. 
Kangaji (Puppy) ⋮ His mom : He also said in an interview that the nickname that his mom uses for him is puppy (kangaji in Korean) because he is the youngest in the family.
Beoseos (버섯) meaning mushroom : Given by Aria which she uses to after she had seen his old hairstyle.
Ace : Aria : She got it from his debut song and album name. She also thinks it fits him and considers him her only ace and not a knight in shining armor.

⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ One thing about Taemin is that he's shy when he meets a new person. He has gotten more sociable, but generally he's uncomfortable and shy around strangers. He's mischievous --typical sm maknae aka a bit savage-- and playful if he knows you well enough and cute. He's generous especially to fangirls, he answers them when they call his name. He's caring and supportive to his Hyungs and those younger than him, polite, responsible and well-prepared, on Hello baby, he always prepared games and learning activity for the baby SHINee had to take care off.  He's a quick learner and when he was little, he would practice dancing to idols on the television so that's how he knows how to dance so well. He's agreeing especially when it's something to defend him. Very willing, if something sounds okay to Taemin, he'll act on it. Among SHINee, Taemin is probably the most gentle and soft spoken. Not necessarily innocent though. Athough recently, he's starting to give off a  more manlier image, since Jonghyun say that he is actually very manly. He's really well tempered. Even if he gets mad or something bothers him, he won't say anything. He's really devoted and hard working. He tends to keep to himself and devotes himself to what he loves --dancing. He's been dancing since he was a kid and used to practice for hours each day to make himself better. If something needs to be done then he will do it the best he can and put all his effort into it which shows just how workaholic he is as he claims to have never been lazy. He doesn't like trouble. Not only does he not like getting in trouble, but he doesn't like conflict.  Even he described himself in an interview as "very positive, with just a bit of greed i guess. I’m originally a bit stubborn but i’ve eased up a lot. in the past I would always argue that I was in the right all the time, but now if i’m not put in a losing situation in particular i’ll understand go along." (Note: Just watch this video to know a bit more (x))

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT ⟫ Hope you like her and good luck! 

Edit: If you have any questions please feel free to ask. 

⟪ SCENE REQUESTS ⟫ Maybe Saeran seeing Aria watching sailor moon and does a half assed impersonation to annoy Saeran but only to be scolded by Saeran that she did it wrong?  

And appearing in Variety shows would be nice as well. Weekly idol and doing random dance and 2x speed. Guesting in Knowing Brothers. 

And Aria maybe becoming a permanent cast in Master Key? 

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ Moonlight or "Amor" which means Love in Spanish since Monoluv's one love is their fans. like Mi amor //shot 



"I probably lie more than I tell the truth"

Aria sees Taemin as someone who is hard to understand at the start of their friendship, often Taemin would be shy despite being older than her but one thing she had notice was that she wasn't sure if Taemin was always being honest with her when she herself was always honest with him. It is at times the cause of their misunderstandings as Aria's not one to fully trust anyone who can't be honest or be reasonable enough to tell her why he seems guarded. Though Taemin sees this side of him a something he prefers to keep on guard until he is certain of his next move. It does bother him at times when he sees that it affects their friendship.

"Who says I'm blushing!?" 

Taemin had always liked seeing Aria flustered or blushing as it rarely happens to her with how she's sassy and as playful as him. Often times when he tries to make a romantic or sweet move on her it is either him who gets flustered or Aria which others who sees it and points out how cute they are but it ends up looking as just a joke or him teasing her as friends. Since the two are also quite playful, it was one of the reason they got along well with each other.

"Are we dating or are we not?" 

The most confusing part of their relationship for Aria is the question of 'Are they dating or merely just friends?' since Taemin always seems to want to spend time with Aria without anyone else (as he says so himself, he is rather selfish at times.) and she always did see a different side to him whenever they met up secretly of course but his sweet and caring gestures were the reason she had started falling in love with him and didn't want to ruin their friendship if she was the only one feeling this way, especially when Taemin had all of a sudden kissed her during that rainy night after Aria had eaten dinner out with the lead rapper and her ending up in SHINee's dorm, luckily then the other members or their manager weren't home yet, but then tell the next day that he is sorry and had only done that due to the fact that he had a few drinks at that day, making her think that Taemin really may just see her as a friend. Though in Taemin's case he knew how he felt for Aria and as much as he wanted to be fully selfish and just make her his, he didn't want to risk it or cause trouble for Aria, her future members and s if ever a scandal breaks out about them dating even if most of the Shawols were kind and mature there will surely be some fans who will attack Aria who is an easy target especially when she hadn't even debuted yet. He didn't want anyone to ruin their career just for his own selfish wish of being with her, but how long can he really stop himself?    


They had met because of Minho who Aria befriended or rather it was Minho who first approached her being as the male idol is very friendly towards everyone even with trainees. It was back in 2011 when she had met the other members of SHINee and did get along with them but more of with jonghyun and Taemin as well since the two also liked anime and she had shown them one of her impersonations when the conversation lead to there after Heechul --all of a sudden appeared.-- Taemin had fairly shown interest after seeing how easy she was to befriend but took him quite a while and a few more meet ups to fully warm up around Aria. 


  • When Aria was 19, on the monday of the third week of May she had received a kiss from Taemin which caught her off guard and confused by his action.
  • The two would often times talk about anime and manga, but of course Taemin doesn't tell about a few of the mangas that he had read as it isn't exactly sfw. Although, Aria pretty much knows one of those manga as she has also seen that article about it but doesn't bother to tell him as she knows he'd be embarrassed about it. 
  • Aria has one of Taemin's shirt as he had lended it to her after he saw Aria get wet in the rain after she had eaten out with the lead rapper (who left her all of a sudden as either a prank or because of a possible lead rapper's love interest.) She has yet to return it but somehow doesn't want to.
  • The two would often time meet up in a small cafe (Maybe the cafe can be the one where Koyuki and bobby meets as well?) a little bit farther from the agency as it somehow became more safer for them to meet if it was just the two of them but often time the two did meet along with a few other idols as well. 
  • Taemin actually has one video of Aria completely red on the face and --to him-- looks cuter that way. He watches it whenever he missed her and hides it from s or anyone else.
  • Since Aria got to watch Naeun and Taemin's WGM episodes (thanks to some other trainees for showing her,) she realized how she would get jealous at Naeun and Taemin's interaction and people shipping them together but even though she doesn't tell him or will admit it. She also thinks that Taemin likes Naeun after his words in an episode that "he just followed his emotions and told her how he truly feels." and seeing videos in youtube really didn't help but hurt her more. Despite the lead rapper telling her that WGM is scripted and all. 
  • Taemin is one of the cause of Aria's worry on her weight as the male idol eats quite a lot but doesn't seem to gain any weight unlike her. And the two would often times eat together when their schedule matched and if Taemin wasn't out of the country.
  • Aria received a rabbit pendant from Taemin on her birthday and usually wears it when she's wearing her casual clothes  or at home, but takes it off if her stage outfit or formal attire doesn't suit the necklace.
  • One of their usual interactions that could get caught on camera by fans is the two playing rock-paper-scissor or teasing a friend together (Like Kai).
  • Taemin always takes every chance he could to initiate skinship; like holding her arm/patting her shoulder when he tries to get her attention on stage, holding her hand whenever she gets distracted and gets lost while walking, when taking selfies together he tries to put his arm around her shoulder. The fans don't take much notice of it as others usually does similar things to her like Heechul (being the second most), Johnny, and she even allowed Baekhyun to carry her on Master Key (x)
  • Taemin is probably the only other person who can make Aria try different sports activities and extreme ones as well. 
  • The only reason why some immature/obsess fans don't attack Aria or Taemin is because they know Aria is friends with a lot of other male idols so they don't think they're dating.
  • Whenever Aria and Taemin argues or Aria being upset about Taemin, the lead rapper or the leader is usually the one who reminds her to not make it too obvious and comforts her quietly when they're on camera.
  • Most of their arguments or misunderstanding starts when Taemin teases or confuses her too much about his actions towards her or when Aria is in a bad mood and her jealousy kicks in. She really hates it when she knows she starts to treat Taemin rather coldly when the green monster strikes and would feel bad after a few minutes that she shouldn't have treated him like that and will apologize right away if she can. Both know they can't stand being mad at each other for far too long.
  • Aria wants to fly to Japan to watch Taemin's upcoming solo concert that is if the Agency will allow her.


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