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Seven Seasons : 방기도

replace with face claim 80*80replace with face claim 80*80

BIRTHNAME : Bang, Gido

▸Speed Queen // 스피드 퀸 // — With this nickname, it comes from her teammates on the track team. She was the best sprinter in her school and has earned a lot of gold medals of winning first place

▸ Zico's Student // 지코의 학생 // This nickname will be explained in the background section

▸ Nae-soong // 내숭 //  — I couldn't find a direct translation of the word, but basicallly has the same context as two-faced' However Gido isn't two faced in a bad way. But she acts differently when she's around school than when she's normally hanging out with her friends

▸ Food God // 식신 // Despite, Gido's small figure, her friends say that she's a total Food God. Because one moment they're talking to her, the next thing later, Gido has a half eaten Hotteok

▸Bang // 방 //  This was given to her by a special friend, since she works at her parent's bakery.

DATE OF BIRTH : April 4th, 1999
BIRTHPLACE : Seoul, South Korea
ETHNICITY : Full Korean

▸ Korean — She's a native to the language since she was born and raised here

▸ English — Gido isn't the class president of her school for nothing. English is just another one of her skills and she worked hard to get to the conversational level

FACE CLAIM : Actress Kim Yoo Jung
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Actress Jung Dabin
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : in 157cm and 45kg

▸ Just by looking at her, you would think that she's the basic "Girl-Next-Door" aura about her. Plus, Gido stands at at 165cm and weighs a good 50kg to pair. Gido always wears her hair in a ponytail and it's really hard to see her without it. She naturally has black hair. Like the typical Korean girl, she has pale skin, nice dark brown eyes, and an eye smile that could kill. Which can be a big trick on people for her soft appearence, that does not reflect the fiery personality she has on the inside. However, Gido was the captain of the track team and she has a few scars on her knees from falling at track meets.

Who are you?

+ Ambitous, Sedulous,Determinated, Curious. Joyful,
- Bossy, Stubborn, Perfectionist, Impulsive, Hot-headed

PERSONALITY : Well being young Gido has always had the aspiration and dertimination to become a successful person. Her parents had always called her an "Aspiring Airhead" because she doesn't really follow a path unless it's towards her dreams. Even if people said that her dreams are impossible she always tried to prove them that the impossible is possible. Even if she's one of the younger trainees in the company, her sedulous attitude, makes her a bit more mature. Because she heavily dedicates herself with diligence of an adult. Which suprises some of the older trainees, because that's when you see her exactly in her zone and that's her strict business time. At that time Gido is always determined to show her best, do her best and be the best. She doesn't like to lose face on why she's doing what she's doing. However, it's all because of her curiosity that kept her going. She's eager to learn more things and improve her skills. No matter how difficult things seems to her, she always tries her absolute best and tries her hardest to learn and understand everything and anything. Because knowledge is the key to the world, right?

Just like any other 17 year-old girl she is really upbeat and has a very positive outlook on life, her life specifically. She doesn't like it when the atomsphere is very awkward and tense so she always tries to make everyone happy and comfortable with each other, she's like an ice breaker for everyone. Even when she was a child she was a very upbeat kid and just liked to move around, and making people move around with her, even it might be against their will, but they would usually end up going along with it and just let loose - eventually. She is such a total social butterfly and her talkative attidtude makes her seem easy to approach.

          tumblr_inline_odm5ekH3RJ1sl7s7p_540.png Image result for kim yoojung marie claire tumblr_inline_odm5ejXIZ31sl7s7p_540.png

But because she has the weight of being her school's class president, there are times she has to put her foot down, and start acting strict. Whenever, she notices someone not pulling their weight, for example setting up a school festival, if a classmate is not doing anything, she would nag at them and give them more stuff to do, to make up for their lost time.  But it also depends on what you say to her, that affects what she's going to do. One minute she's just minding her own business and then the next second she could be yelling her lungs out at you. So it's the best option to watch your words around this one.

Not calling any 17 year-old out but she can be a bit stubborn. Because of her being young, she wants some things to go a certain way. But it's safe to say that it's because she is still growing and is still learning how to compromise/seeing the beautiful of one side. Also, she can be a bit of a perfecionist. She wants everything to be spot on. Going back to her sedulous ethic it can be describe as excessive time at the studios and despite others telling her to take a break, she still continues even if she's drenched in sweat but, all she has to say in response is, "as long as I can still move, I will keep working hard." Since she's one of the youngest, she is looked after, causing some people to worry about her health but she ensures them she's okay and she can handle it. But they still watch out for her from a distance. When they keep pestering her about her, that can get some fumes coming out of her ears. She will voice out her opinions, and it come off as if she's yelling, but it's more like raising her voice. She does feel guilty afterwards because it was disrespectful of her and it wasn't right in the first place and apologizes.


BACKGROUND : To get the obvious out of the way, Bang Gido was born as the youngest of her family, and has two older siblings. One sister, and one brother and two loving parents. As a child, her parents wants to support her in whatever she wanted to do in her life. 

During her early school days, when it was Sports Day (y'know what I'm talking about, right? The day when all the classes compete competively at sports) Gido was just sitting around, cheering her classmates on. Then it was her friend's turn to compete at Relay. Fortunatley for Gido, one of her class runners twisted her ankles when she was practising. Because Gido was only kid hyped up with energy, while every other kid was chugging water bottles like no tomorrow and Gido took the spot. Gido, literally had no idea what to do in Relay and only learned how to do it under five minutes and thrown in her position as the starter. 

To add on Gido nervousness when one of the teacher blew the starting pistol in the air,  Gido ran for her f****** life. She was sprinting and sprinting, until she saw the next sprinter and passed the baton on to her and Gido for once in her life was tired as f***. Gido didn't even realize that the runners were still going, then under a minute cheers were errupted in the sky and could see that her team won. That's when Gido fell in love with running.

Gido spent her youth running around the track, which brought her a smile onto her face. She loved how everyday when she ran it seemed like she was getting faster by the second. Plus, whenever she thought that she had a lot of When entered high school she joined the track team and won a heep ton of medals for coming in first place. Soon her time has come and her speed was acknowledged earned the nickname, "Speed Queen". 

The one day, at another one of her track meets, and Gido was in the heat of the sprint, she ended up twisting her ankle. Because of how fast she was running, and landing her foot wrong her ankle injury was so bad that she couldn't compete for the rest of the season. With that mindblowing news, Gido's world began to crash down.

After that, Gido was bedridden for a whole month, even if she was walking again normally the doctors strongly reccommded that she shouldn't keep doing track. With her parents wanting the best for their child they withdrawed her from the track team. After that Gido was in a funk. After school she would go to the track and see her former teammates running on the track, it made her feel heartbroken that she couldn't join them.

Thankfully, one boy who was a close friend at the mall who always visited her family's bakery, comforted her. He knew how much track meant for her. Even if they don't see each other often, he noticied the hanged picture of her smile on her face as she showed off the gold medal off in at one of track meets. He introduced her to music. He played a song for her to make her feel happy. It worked, more than she could imagine. She resonated with the rap more than the actual singing.

That's when she started to dream a new dream, where this time she's running towards stars of becoming an idol. She stated to practice writing raps in her spare time whether it be at school, the bakery, and at home. Whatever words came in her mind, she would've written it down. She soon had the courage to audition for Show Me The Money, which was filming their 4th season at that time. The mentor who judged her first was Verbal Jint (who was by the way, her idol). Lucky enough for her, she got through to the first round. In the one minute rap segment, many judges weren't looking forward seeing another high school rapper, but as soon as she started her rap it caught each judges attention. Her rap stood out for her lyrics being more pure that suits her image, rather than a bunch of young school rappers who try to be hardcore. She survived the team challenge, then was chosen as a team member for Zico's and Paloalto's team, even if they weren't Verbal Jint, there wasn't a gaurentee that her preferred team would've chosed her, so she made the decision and joined them. However her luck ran out, when she eliminated during the group challenge, for being outshined by other members. She wasn't that disappointed because her teammates were doing this before she was born.

However, Zico saw potential inside Gido, and reccommened her for his label, Seven Seasons. Then it just happened, she signed the contract and began training as of late 2015, and has been training for two years now.

Her regular day-to-day schedule consists of waking up, going to school, then after school she'd go to Seven Seasons and trained for six hours, six days of the week. (I heard some agencies gave their trainees one day off) Then when it was her day off, catch up with friends and work at the bakery. 


▸Sports - specifically track and field and also a bit of basketball
▸Sleeping - Now that she's spending her time training, and (if) joining PD101 she spends her time sleeping preciously
▸Coffee - She needs her coffee in the morning or else she gets a little wonky. But not just any coffee, only coffee from Caffe Bean
▸Running - Even though her days on the racks are gone, she likes the thought of her running on the track again 
▸Working out - Most people would not like working out but she loves it, even if she is mostly sweaty after
▸Big Bang - I mean, who doesn't love some Bang, Bang, Bang (now that I typed that outloud, I noticed how ual that sounded... oh, well) in their life, ecspecially because G-Dragon is a part of it. I know I do. Plus Gido was one of the people who cried when TOP offcially enrolled into the army and is also eagerly waiting for his return
▸Hanging out with her friends - Even though she barely sees them after she became a trainee, she makes sure to contact her in whenever time she's free
▸Hotteok - One of the things she obsesses over now, on her way to school she buys one and when she's coming home from school she buys two, because why not?
▸Bubble Tea - If you don't like bubble tea, just, just don't talk to her
▸Pororo - Who said that Pororo was for little kids? She still likes the show.
▸When people is speaking in English - She is not that fluent in English, however her curiosity side of her, likes learning new words and meaning every tme she hears it
▸Block B - Now that Block B are her seniors, Gido is a huge fan now. Even though it's kind of hyporitical of her since she started to intently listen to them after she signed
▸She loves hip-hop music - Because she likes the beat and the flow, and it doesn't matter to her if it's in a different language, it's all about the flow for her and how she feels when listening to the song

▸Going shopping - She does not like going shopping, she just thinks it's a waste of time and she has everything she needs
▸Being called cute - With a face like hers, she gets called cute daily by her friends and family, mostly because, she's 17 not 7
▸Losing in front of people - She doesn't like losing in general, but if she loses a track meat in front of people it just adds salt to the wound
▸Pineapple on pizza - Hates it and just doesn't understands when people ordered it on pizza
▸Vines - Loops doesn't make it funnier, loops doesn't make it funnier, loops doesn't make it funnier
▸Wearing dresses or just dressing up - She doesn't like wearing flashy and/or glamorous dresses with heels, it's just not her style
▸Eating vegtables - Even though she's an 18 year old girl, she doesn't like eating her veggies
▸Waking up - Ecspecially when's being woken up for school, and if she doesn't get enough sleep, she'll be a bit cranky

▸She unconciouslly opens - We don't know how it happens, it just does
▸Going off into space - The main reason why her grades aren't that good 
▸Cracking her fingers - It just happens whenever she's anxious
▸Puffing her cheeks - When she's bored, she puffs her cheek like Flounde from The Little Mermaid

▸ Gido admits that she and Zico were close during the show, however as Zico started to get more busy they grew apart
▸ It's hard to believe, but Gido has never ever had a boyfriend before
▸ The record time for Gido to finish 100m sprint (her forte) was 6.89 seconds
▸ Gido has approximately won over 20 1st place medals during her track days
▸ Gido appeared on "Hello Counselor" as one of the friends in one of the concerns
▸ Before her injury, Gido's original dream was to become a runner at the Olympics
▸ What Gido wants to acheive during the show is that even though she had a late start of training, that it's never too late to race for the gold, even though slow and study wins the race
▸ Ever since she came out on SMTM4, and it was announced that she was under the same label as her mentor she's been labeled by contestants on the show and neitizens by the title as, "Zico's Student" but she holds no resentment to the title, but she wants people to acknowledge by her herself

How are You?


Father — Bang Jaesuk (47) / Baker / Protective, Loving, Childish / Gido's a daddy's girl
Ever since Gido was a baby, she was naturally close to her father, and was always wrapped around his legs, wanting to go anywhere that he goes. Of course, the main reason why Gido hasn't dated anyone before is because some guys who see his big hands that are needed for kneeding dough, could pummel them any second. However, when Gido's sad, a simple hug from her father makes her happy 

Mother — Bang Jinju (42) / Casheir ay Bakery / Nurturing, Humorous, Energetic / Very Close
Gido mother keeps nagging at her daughter that they're similar when it comes to their personality. Jinju is basically Gido's source of energy when she's tired. Because of Jinju's playful, energetic side a night in the Park's house is never boring

▸ Brother and Sister — Park Bugun (21) and Park Yeojung (20) / College Students /Fun, Supportive, Attentive / Never one without the other
Ever since Gido was born, her older siblings made sure that she was safe and always sminling. When the three of them were all together, their parents gotta be at their toes at all cost, 'cause all of them are fans of pratical jokes. However as older siblings whenever their youngest needs their help, they got her

▸ Close Friends — Lee Euiwoong (16) / High School Student/Trainee / Observing, Confident, Caring / Brother from another mother
So, if you don't know much about this angel, he was Hello Counselor as one of the people who was concerned, and is on PD101 as a trainee under Yuehua Entertaiinment. They knew each other because they worked at the same mall and grew close when he kept visiting the bakery for food. Also, they were next-door-neighbours with each other

What are you?

PERSONA : Pure Rap Queen

POSITION : Rap & Singing


TRAINEE LIFE : Because Seven Seasons is still irrevealently unknown, they weren't many trainees that she could've trained with. So Gido would've still been alone at her trainee time. But with the trainees that were there, they built a nice bond and helped each other out. Plus, Block B are her seniors and sometimes when they weren't busy, they would drop by and see how the trainees were doing




DANCING TWIN : Choi Yoojung

TALKING TWIN : Kim Yoojung




STRENGTHS : When she raps, she naturally has a bit of a low tone, so that helps her when she needs to hit more of an alto note when she's singing. But Gido thinks that her biggest strength is that she's so charsimatic and passionate of grabbing the mike, standing onstage, and saying what she wants to say for 3 minutes. Whenever her group performs she make her small section f the song will stand out, and most of the time, it does and people remember her face and part which helps with her voting. Plus, Gido is a hard worker and does whatever it takes to have the greatest performance each show.
WEAKNESSESS : If Gido ever got designated as a leader, not many girls will be fond of her. Because let's be honest there can be some pushovers on the show, and Gido being the perfectionist that she is, she's not afraid to clapback to make sure everyone is doing their part. Also, when it comes to singing, she doesn't know a lot of techincal terms mean, if you ask her to do a falsetto she woud've been lookind dazed and confused. Also, the vocal trainers say that even though her tone in singing is good, when she hits high notes she sounds too strained and it's best if she was a sub-vocal and not main/lead.

Why are you?


▸ I bowed 90 degrees infront of the camera, with the pretty smile of him. "Annyeonghaseyo! I'm Park Gido, an I'm a 2 year trainee at Seven Seaasons!"


▸ I paused for a moments before I remembered what I was going to do. I'm going to do a dance and rap.


▸ "If I believe in myself, I know I can." I stated confidently as I nods to my answer 


▸ I couldn't help but to start giggling at the mention of boys and girls. The PD even told me that my ears were turning red. "Aigoo, sorry. As a trainee I promised my boss that I'll be responsible and spend my time here wisely. But, as a 17 year-old girl.... I like this concept very, very, very, much." As soon as she processed what she said, "Will my boss see this?" The PD nodded her head, even though I thought she was joking. Either way, I started to rapidly bow my head down.


▸ Another nervous laugh let out of my mouth. Then a bit of a playful smirk started to grow on my face. "Aren't I strong canidate for first place?" Then I let out a small huff. "Many people might not like me after this..."


▸ Another nervous laugh from my mouth- again, "What do you mean by that? In a competitive way, they're not much different as girls. I think they're more relaxed than the girls, so I think in a way I and the other girls can have an upper hand."


▸ "To be honest, I think from the first season every girl wanted to win, and were overly competitive." It was the first time when I answered a question immediatley. "I don't know about this season though, but because we are girls after all, same with boys, everyone will soften up."


▸ This time I didn't stifle a laugh, because that one question, I think everyone understands how much that one word holds. "Of course... I mean... how do I say this?" I asked myself as I find the right words to say. "There are so many things that each trainee is presenting to viewers. But they don't see everything when the camera turns off. Every trainee is throwing their company's name, their own skill, attitude, everything to debut in the end. And our future is given to the hands of people on the other side of the screen that we don't know." I took a deep breath to recollect myself calmly. "So I guess, yeah, I do feel pressure."


▸ "Why are you doing this to me?" I complained. "I think I do, but I think this question is a two way street." I added. "But I think tensions will rise, and laughter will be let out, but I don't know, anything can happen."


▸ I nodded my head eagerly, as I faced the camera lens, staring right back at me, "Even if the finish gets further away from me, I'll run faster to cross it!"

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : Lee, Euiwoong 


▸ When people see Euiwoong, they are taken back at the young and youthful face of a potential idol. But what they should be taken back of is the fact is boy is literally an angel sent from the Heavens to bless viewers with his outstanding heart. Euiwoong is definatley one of the most caring person you'll ever meet. That's why he's such a great leader for the Yuehua trainees and in his class. Euiwoong wants to take care of people, and wants them to reach high for the stars. When one of s fail, he feels more disappointed then them, (I mean did you see that small clip when he was trying to help his fellow trainee?) but even if her falls back then the rest, he'll still be cheering them on. 

But don't let the little cute boy smile fool you. When Euiwoong gets on the stage, he's a killer. (He sure did kill me when he lifted his shirt up) He has such a charismatic stage presence, and he tries to bring that everywhere and puts it in whatever he does. Whether it's for the competition or even personally, maybe even love? *wink wink*

However at times, because he's young he gets looked down on upon the older trainees. Maybe because he's only well known for that one "Hello Counselor" episode. Even if he tries to prove himself that he has the skill, the fact that he's too "soft". 

Also even though it hurts me to say this, it really does, but maybe Euiwoong bit off more than he could chew. Because he really doesn't know what he's putting himself through. His original dream was to become an actor, but now he's changing career paths onto an idol. In other words, he can be spotaneous and maybe that could backfire on him one day...


▸ Chapter I - Gido knew Euiwoong since he was born. His family is and Gido family's were close and were neighbours. Even despite the three year between them, they never once help awkward with each other. Heck, they did a lot of things together when they were younger. 

Gido and Euiwoong were like brother and sister. However Gido did most of the caring. Maybe because she was three years older than him, but Gido always helped her brother from another mother. When Euiwoong scarped his knee, she put on the band-aid for him and wiped his tears. This one may seem a bit weird, but even though they do it anymore, when Euiwoong twisted his ankle, Gido would piggyback him home, even if the boy got embarassed.

Gido is always ending up taking care of the young boy, sometimes Euiwoong is sleeping in a school day, and Gido calls his phone repeatedly until he picks up the phone and realize how late he slept. Then Gido, who was always prepared 10 minutes before Euiwoong, waits outside his door. She would always tell him, "I'm not even your mother, why do you treat me like one to wake you up?" they would walk to school together, and despite Gido wanting to push him into his classroom, Euiwoong always wanted to drop Gido to her class first even if he ran late a couple of times. Then after school, instead of walking home they would walk to the mall his and Gido parents had their own seperate stores. Then after a long day, they would walk home together eating the bread from Gido's bread.


Chapter II - When Gido was in her funk from her early track career, Lee Euiwoong was the person who helped her out the most. Euiwoong noticed how much running meant to her, because she would talk about all of her track meets when they meet up. To see his close friend at that time, being all sad and alone, made him feel quite upset too. 

So he did want anyone would do and talked to her. Gido tried to push him away, but Euiwoong placed his earbuds into her ears and told her to just listen and she would feel better. It worked, and because of him, Gido began to pursue her new found love to music.

After that day, Euiwoong and Gido friendship was stronger than ever. But there was also a deeper meaning to the small gesture. Euiwoong did what he did so that so that for once he could pay her back once for taking care of him all those other times.

Chapter III - However things started to change between them as Euiwoong is getting called from his parents to work at the store. When Gido walked to his class to pick him, but she didn't see Euiwoong waiting for her this time. Luckily, Gido knew some of Euiwoong's friends and asked him where he was. They replied saying he got called at lunch to leave school. Gido thanked them for the information, but she brushed it off thinking that maybe the store was packed today.

However, he kept disappearing more often. Soon their walks to work became a one person thing. Gido initially thought that Euiwoong wanted to drop out of his status as class president, but didn't want to say it front of anybody. So by skipping school, his class woul elect a new president. So one day at the mall before Gido did anything else she walked up to the boy on his phone at one of his parents store and paged the poor boy without knowing anything. Gido basically scold him at being irresponsible and insensitive to just leave school so easily. However Euiwoong clapped back, and was honestly hurt by what his close friends said. He told her that he couldn't believe how much she was looking down on him, and explained how his parents were making him leave school to look after the store. 

After that confrontation, Euiwoong and Gido didn't talk to each other for weeks. But Gido came to a self agreement that this majorly her fault. So Gido baked his favourite kind of bread from the bakery and baked the word, "I'm sorry" onto the bread crust and shyly gave it to him when he was working. Euiwoong saw the small gesture and was honestly moved that she was thr first to apologize. He accepted her apology and in return Gido excitedly gave him a long overdue hug. This time Euiwoong heart was beating faster than before. That's when he knew that he liked Gido more than a best friend.


Chapter IV - Euiwoong started to see Gido more as a girl than his close friend. He didn' mind it when she nagged at him, and instead of being annoyed he liked it. But soon he started to see Gido less and less each day due to her busy schedule as a trainee now.

But Gido made time out of her training schedule to go on "Hello Counselor" as one of the person to defend Euiwoong's case at working at the stores. When the panel was introduced as some of Euiwoong's friends, the panel of celebrities couldn't help but comment how much she looks an idol too. Then Dongyup asked if Gido was his ex-girlfriend (which by the way, why would you want to break up with him?!) but Gido quickly denied, and informed them that I knew him since he was in diapers and he was like a little brother to her which made the whole studio laugh Euiwoong embarassed, but hurt on the inside as well.

Euiwoong didn't win, but he upset over losing, but because his crush didn't see him as a man and only as a little brother.

Chapter V - After that Euiwoong and Gido didn't see much of each other again, and because Gido was so busy training she barely worked at the mall's bakery. But Euiwoong kept himself busy too, becuse after the show he got so many calls from agencies and became a trainee at Yuehua Entertainment. While he was training, rather than him being taken care of by other, he was the one taking care of everybody else.

When Gido saw Euiwoong walking out as one of the trainees at Yuehua, she couldn't help but be shocked after not seeing her friend in months.

During the show, you can see a lot of fluff moments going between them. Like Euiwoong giving Gido a water bottle after she finished practsing, and Gido telling Euiwoong how to improve his rap. Besides the viewers, even the other trainees and some judges comment how sweet, and cute their friendship is. Since anyone of them could leave the show and goback to training, Euiwoong wants to make their time together special, and finally show Gido that he doesn't want to be her little brother, but be the man in her life that'll take care of her from now on.


RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  One-sided, with a lot of ing from Euiwoong's confession.

ENDING :  (If one gets eliminated) Gido started to reciprocate Euiwoong's feelings, but before she could explore her feelings one of them gets booted out of the show, but before one of them goes, Gido confesses her true emotions. In which Euiwoong mentally slaps hiimself, Euiwoong told her that he liked her too, and pulls her in for a hug, saying "From now on, I'm no longer like a brother, but your man that will forever take care of you." and because one is still in the competition, they promised that after they earned their spot to debut the first person they'll be celebrating with it, would be with them.

(If they both made it to the finale group) Gido starts to notice how much Euiwoong is trying to take care of her. Maybe because he knows how weak her ankle still is after her injury and wants to make sure that I could still walk to her dorm. When Euiwoong was helping her wrap guaze around her ankle to make sure it wouldn't get injured and she would be more stable for the last number before announcing the winners. She , "Look how much my little brother is growiing up~"

"When am I going to stop being your little brother?" He asked under his breath, but Gido still managed to her him. 

"Why, you don't like it?"

Euiwoong finally had it and said it, "I don't want to be like your little brother anymore. I just want.... I just want to be a man in front of you." Euiwoong confessed as he avoided her eyes, afraid of the rejection coming his way. Gido was shocked, but she just let out a laugh. Euiwoong shoulders shrunk.

"Finally! You did it!" Gido threw her arms in the air in victory. Euiwoong looked up at her confused. 

"I was wondering to myself how I could like someone whom I treated as a little brother all this time. But I was waitng for you to confess to me, and when you did, you've grown up to be my wonderful man." Gido explained as she gave him a hug and whispered in his ear and making sure threr mics were blocked, "I would've kissed you by now, but y'know cameras are everywhere." He laughed at himself and her cute antics with relief that the girl he liked knew his feelings all along and was just waiting for the right moment.

When they were announcing the results, one of them got in, and the other didn't. But they kept their smile on because after the show they could finally go on a long awaited date and first kiss among them as a couple. Also because, the loser with the lower rank or got cut woul pay for the date. And for the first time one of them didn't mind crossing the finish line.

Annyeongkitty : Kitkat

LAST WORDS : This is only my second applyfic application ever, so I hope that you like it and the new layout. I hope you love this OTP as much I do. I hope Lee Euiwoong actually makes it to debut! Also, I feel the same about Yongbin, I thought he would be more popular...


▸ They hear the famous announcement of every trainee meeting outside, while everyone else was running, Gido was trying her best to job as fast as she could and Euiwoong helping her out
▸ Euiwoong and Gido get to perform in the same group together and when they took a break from practice, Gido starts to unload the embarassing stories of little Euiwoong
▸ Maybe, the A class (and Gido was a part of the A Level) race for the songs for the first performance, and because Gido had to run it made her nervous. Her past injury wasn't known (judges/trainees only known that she used to be a great sprinter) to anyone, so when she tried to run, she ended up tripping from nerves and fell down, clutching her ankle and Euiwoong was the first one to rush to her side

turn in : story : cheatsheet


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