DAYDREAM ⭐ vocalist, main dancer #1, azuma riku

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one and only me

birth name : azuma riku; 東リク
+ Ahn Riyoung / her korean name and what some fans call her
+ Boss / her members & calls her that because of her supposed bossy attitude that she always denies that she has
+ narak / it's what bambam calls her. apparently he told her that it means ugly, but little does she know it means 'cutie/cute'

birth date : 05/18/98
birth place : Tokyo, Japan
home town : Tokyo, Japan
languages : max of three flunet
+ Japanese / native 
+ Korean / fluent but can still forget some words
+ english / conversational

face claim : jung eunwoo of pristin
back up : kang mina of gugudan

appearance : there isn't much of a difference between riku and eunwoo. both of them stands 167 cm and weighs 48kg. both are also famous for their cat-like eyes.
style : whenever she asks to describe her style, riku can't really answer, mainly because she doesn't really know her own style. she's okay with whatever kind of clothese whether its crop tops or shorts, but does have a particuar liking to sweathers. she also has a thing for 'boring' colors as she says, such as beige, black and brown and is mainly seen wearing clothes in those colors except when she's on stage. examples:


the beauty inside

personality traits :

 positive  : enthusiatic, confident, witty  
 negative  : coward, emotional, bossy

personality :

a happy go lucky girl, riku finds positivity in every little thing in life because of her enthusiatic attitude. she rarely gets sad and pissed off which is why she's always that one member the girls like to play pranks on. She doesn't mind it, because she knows deep inside the girls love her the most. she's very confident especially when on stage and has a strong stage presence and despite korean not being her first language, she speaks a lot on interviews even when they for her accent or when she makes a mistake. maybe that's why she's dubbed as the group's mc. she's also very witty, making her members laugh by her 'stupid' jokes, puns and expressions. 

even though she's known for her confidence, you probably shouldn't invite her to go to a haunted house with you because she'll run towards the exit as soon as she steps into one and will leave you hanging. the type to cover her eyes whenever they watch a horror movie, riku screams at bugs, horses and the thought of rollercosters. She, however, denies that she's a coward. though very positive in life, there is one thing that could make her cry it's the thought of her members and her group - when they debuted, she cried as soon as their stage ended, when she talks about how thankful she is for her members, when they have their first win, etc... because of this, she often teased by the members. another trait of her that she always deny is her bossy attitude. she actually doesn't even realize it but ever since her members called her out for it, she's been very careful about not ordering her members around.

trivia : include likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, and fun facts
- likes: ice cream, winter (most specifically when it snows), chicken, fashion, cafes
- dislikes: bright colors
- Habits: bitting her lips, falling asleep everywhere, drinking water whenever she has the chance to
- hobbies: taking selfies, going shopping, choreographing 
- if bambam is considered as the king of girl group dances, riku is also dubbed as the queen of boy group dances, with her knowing boy group choreographies from exo to bts
- she's a great swimmer and was actually thinking of pursuing a career in swimming before deciding of becoming an idol
- in fact, she has won a lot of swimming competitions when she was younger
- has a notebook with her all the time where she writes her ideas on their choreographies
- though she denies it, she's scared of a lot of things - bugs, horses (she was bitten by a horse when she was younger), heights are just many of them
- she wishes daydream could be as popular as japanese boy band arashi
- hopes that daydream could perform at tokyo dome
- apart from korean dramas, she watched cartoons to learn korean. her favorite one being pororo.
- is a huge fan of memes and uses it all the time
- she also wants to be one, so she asks the fans if they could use her pictures as memes
- though she the closest to bambam in got7, she says that yugyeom is her favorite member because of his dancing, pissing bambam off
- has a thing for cafes so she's always seen drinking something


background : azuma riku was born in tokyo, japan in may 18, 1998, the youngest of two daughters. her father owns a small noodle shop in the city, while her mother is just a simple housewife. she had always been a warm, happy little kid so her family never really had a problem with her. ever since she was young, she had always been into music and dancing in general. but she was also a good swimmer, which is why her former schools always let her represent in competitions. she did love the water and swimming, but her love for dancing was bigger so she ultimately decided not to go on with swimming and just let it become her hobby on her free time.

riku was never the type of kid to ask anything for herself. she was very much contented with her life. so when she asked the permission to go to korea and train, they just had to say yes. she was their little daughter, so they were a little skeptical to let her go alone that her mother had to come with her to seoul at first until she was finally accepted to fnc after auditioning on different companies.

relationships : 


being a foreigner herself, riku is mainly friends with a lot of foreign idols
+ her favorite sunbae / lee hongki / 27y/O /  singer / fearless & talkactive / being fluent in japanese himself, hongki was amused to find out that they have a japanese trainee in the company. riku was equally amused to meet him, praising his perfect japanese. due to their close relationship, hongki made riku's training life a little less of a hell than it already is. she had always admired how his sunbae talks about fnc, and wonders if she could have the same guts as him someday.
+ close sunbaes / zhoumi & henry / 31 & 27y/O / idols / caring & protective / though not chinese, riku is very close to the older super junior m members and is very thankful that she's a part of the group they call the idol line. she received a lot of advises from them, especially when it comes to handling hate comments
+ 'omma' / Amber liu / 24 y/o / idols / crazy & daring / one of the nicest people that she has ever met, riku is very close to amber, who knows exactly what it's like to be a foreigner in korea's music industry. being super close to the rapper, riku always asks amber to adopt her as a joke
+ protective older brothers / mark & jackson / 23 & 22 / idols / gallant & kind / riku met the jyp idols through amber. Despite not being in the same company as her, the two are quite protective of the young girl, especially jackson who calls her his little sister. they constant remind her to be careful of bambam just to tease the younger boy.
+ the japanese line / sana, mina & momo / 20 Y/O / idols / cheerful & lovely / ever since she heard that there are some japanese trainees in jyp, riku have always wanted to meet them, being japanese herself. so with the help of mark, jackson and bambam, she meets them finally way before twice's debut. ever since then, the japanese line have developed a strong bond.

only one i see


love interest : bambam (got7)
back up : none
occupation : idol
birth date : 05/02/97

personality : described as crazy and annoying by riku, bambam isn't shy to show who he really is when the cameras are rolling as he is dubbed as the king of girl group dances. known for his crazy antics, bambam is fun to be with, despite riku not admitting it. 

relationship : just like the rest of the foreign line, riku met bambam through amber. he was still not as tall or mature looking when they first met and she even thought that he was younger than her. at first both of them were very awkward towards one another, shy and quiet when left alone together since they weren't as fluent in korean as they were now. both had the determination to learn korean, so they both signed up to korean classes. it isn't just korean that they learn when they went to their classes together, but each other as well. with broken korean, they'd converse awkwardly but got close and improved their korean by talking.


fast foward a year later, the two have improved their korean and fights every single time over stupid little things.  when either one of them makes a mistake when speaking korean, the other one would never stop bringing it up.  when he's not with s, bambam is the most comfortable when he's with riku hence why he was secretly a little upset by the fact that they didn't debut at the same time. one of bambam's biggest regret was not confessing his feelings before debuting, and now that he is an idol, he finds it much more difficult to do so.

trivia : 
- despite being a year older, riku refuses to call him oppa which why bambam always complain about it when they're with their mutual friends
- thinking that bambam's nickname for her means ugly, riku calls him 'baka'/stupid
- they both liked to shop together pre-debut
- riku doesn't know about bambam's crush on her, despite him dropping some hints after debuting
- riku wants to have bambam's title of being the best in girl group dances so she's been practicing a lot
- they use memes of each other when they're talking on kakaotalk
- lowkey wants to learn how to thai because of bambam but he tells her not to, mainly because he doesn't want her to know that he has been calling her cute all this time
- bambam thought her how to dab and she hasn't stopped dabbing ever since
ending : please make an ending for them ^^

you're brighter than any star

stage name : riku
persona : the dancing queen

position : vocalist, main dancer
back up : lead dancer, main vocalist

singing twin : doyeon of ioi/iteens
dancing twin : chungha of ioi
rap twin : -
other twins : eunwoo for variety & speaking twin

trainee years : 6 years
trainee life : riku didn't really have the best time as a trainee, hence why she always get tear eyed when they talk about their trainee years. as the only japanese trainee at the time, she was, for the first time in her life, worried and stressed out as she didn't easily became friends with anyone. surprisingly, one of her first friends in korea wasn't someone who has the same age as her, but the seven year older lee hongki. now it's such a unlikely friendship, considering the super huge , but since they both speak japanese, the got a long pretty well. they also had the same attitude, both are very loud and witty.

apart from the language barrier and the culture shock that she experienced when she first got to korea, riku had difficulties with her singing. she wasn't really the best singer, but she wasn't that bad either. on his free time, hongki would help help improve, offering her advises and tricks when it comes to singing. he has never experienced dancing and singing at the same time, but with his help she did improve a lot with her singing in six years.  

predebut activities : an extra in aoa's heart attack mV
+ accidentally revealing that bambam calls her 'narak' on a thai interview once, not knowing what it really means. when told what it really meant, she gets really flustered that she forgets to talk in the interview / the internet exploded after that interview, and so did riku's brain. all this time she thought he called her ugly, so she was so shocked. the fans were of course not happy about this, especially after the media reported that they were dating without even confirmations from fnc & jyp / about bambam calling her narak - true, about them dating at that moment - false 

food for thought
Q1. what is your opinion on being an idol? : 
+ "i think being an idol would be very exciting." a smiling riku answers truthfully. "I mean, i guess it'd be harder since you're constantly on the spotlight. but it'd be really fun. just imagine all the beautiful people you'll meet, all the places you'll perform at, all the songs you'll dance and sing to... it's just so exciting!"   
Q2. is being an idol worth it? : 
+ "absolutely!" she answers quickly, seconds after she was asked. "being a trainee is hard, but it's all worth it when you debut. I live by the saying 'carpe diem', which means live your life to the fullest, and i really think that i'm living my life to the fullest right now." she beams. the thought of the future as an idol makes her giggle.

Q3. do you get along with your members? who in particular? : 
+ "of course!" she grins, though her eyes were getting teary. questions about her members always get her emotional, mainly because she gets reminded by their trainee years. "Ah, please don't ask me who in particular. i love girls equally. they're such lovely girls." she sniffs, grabbing a tissue from the table near her. "our [leader] who's always taking care of us, my little chaebin who hates it when i call her baby but she really is my baby, [actress] whom i want to protect from all the hate comments she receives, the very talented [main vocalist] whom i'm very thankful for helping me with the choreos, [visual] who makes me wish that i was a guy instead-" a staff cuts her emotional moment to inform her that she was crying, and she quickly denies it. "I am not!!! i swear, i am not!"

Q4. which company sunbaes have influenced you? : 
+ "i feel like i have no choice but to mention hongki oppa." she laughs. she could already see him scolding him if she doesn't that it wasn't him who influenced her. "but for real, hongki oppa has helped me a lot and i've been super grateful to him and he knows that. I'm basically his daughter at this point."

ending fairy
ending notes : hiiiii. i hope you like riku! she was really fun to make. and im sorry for the ugly app. i tried to be aesthetic, but idk how to be lmao :(
questions : -

scene requests : the girls going to an amusement park for a shooting / the girls on weekly idol / riku on hit the stage

password : cloud 9 (okay the song/concept isn't that cute but whatever xd), reverie (synonym of daydream. it sounds fancy and i like it lol)

Sleepy Layouts


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