Ahn Juwon

unqua911 • Dani • More than I should considering I have exams rn...


the basics.

name » Ahn Juwon

nickname(s) »
Jules - Something her ex-husband used as a pet name. A combination of a cute version of her name and the English word 'Jewel'. She used to really like it.

birthplace & birthday » Busan & June 15, 1994

hometown » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

occupation » "Dancer"


face claim » Lee Chae Eun

backup face claim » AOA Seolhyun


appearance » Juwon is appeal personified. With a toned body from work and a face that naturally meets the required beauty standards of the time, Juwon struck gold in the looks department and she knows it. Even before she had to spice things up for work, Juwon loved using makeup and hair styles to highlight her natural appeal, and quite a bit of her paycheck still goes into making sure she turns heads no matter where she is - she does still love being the center of attention after all. She prefers keeping her hair down entirely, but it isn't unheard of for her to try out fancy updos just to see how the look. WIth her makeup she's much more experimental, playing with different colors, shades, and layering and often spending hours each morning trying different combination until she finds one that's exactly perfect. Perfection is  major theme for Juwon, and aside from her makeup and hair she keeps her skin and body healthy and within certain weight and clearness perameters as well, spending almost as much time cleaning up at night as she does experimenting in the morning. She also frequents the gym to make sure nothing starts to flab - customers don't tip unless all imperfections are eliminated.


style » As with her appearance, Juwon's style reflects a need to be the central focus wherever she goes. Tending towards clothing that's as sensual as she can get away with in a society that looks down on such things, her casual wear generally involves skinny jeans than highlight her calves and toned glutes, accompanied by an off-the-shouder top that's just loose enough to show off her midriff if the wind wills it. She's also partial to sun dresses that emphasize her waistline and don't drop down further than her knees. For formal wear she likes open-backed dresses or  dresses with a slit up the side to allow for flashes of skin. She's gorgeous and she's going to show it off in whatever ways that she can. And it's not like she's uncomfortable with showing a bit of skin.

" I just want to find someone I can trust with my heart "


" Judge me all you like, you don't know my story "

" I'm not here for more of the same - I want to learn something new. Would you teach me? "




Cooking: 1/10    Cleanliness: 4/10     Sportiness: 8/10  
 Creativity: 7/10   Intelligence: 5/10   Alcohol Tolerance: 5/10     Musicality: 5/10


traits » Rebellious, Emotional, Stubborn, Cynical, Optimistic, Inflexible, Dependent, Calculated, Fake, Insecure

personality »

Juwon wants so badly to be a hardened badass, unafraid of anything and going after what she wants unapologetically. And many people may mistakenly believe she has accomplished this, but they are painfully wrong. What Juwon has managed to accomplish is the ability to emotionally distance herself from people by not really talking to them, and then feeling less bad about throwing them under the bus as she reaches for her goals. However the moment someone gets her to start really talking to them about things beyond small talk she loses the capability to forget that they're people with their own thoughts and feelings, and it frustrates her beyond belief. Juwon can't help but care about others, so once she knows about their plights she is immediately and unavoidably invested in them. She'd probably assist a rival if they managed to get her to listen to their story. Conciously, Juwon is a cynic and she uses this to keep herself distant from those around her, using little things to build up how terrible everyone is in her own mind. But her subconcious optimism only needs a few seeds of doubt to knock the entire thing over no matter how badly she doesn't want it too. She often, bitterly, calls herself an "incurable optimist" because of this.


But Juwon is determined to keep that little part of herself well hidden as it's only ever served to break her heart. To do this, she's built up a world view fueled by cynisim and driven by partial truths. Juwon is a terrible liar, but by instead abbreviating the truth and allowing others to make incorrect assumptions, Juwon can keep a wall up between herself and those around her for the most part. But should anyone ask a question that she can't answer with a half-truth, Juwon clams up, completely unsure of how to react. If things don't go in the general direction she's expecting then it become quite easy to poke a few holes in her wall and watch it crack as she tries desperately to cover it back up. Juwon does not do particuarly well under pressure either and she'll always opt to simply leave an uncomfortable situation rather than try to salvage anything. It's so much easier that way, and the tactic is yet to fail her, at least in her own mind. In reality her attempts to approach life with detached calculation (despite being terrible at it) have lost her opportunities and friends at multiple intervals, but while she's terrible at lying to others her skills at lying to herself are rather well developed, so she pretends everything is always going according to plan.


Because if things aren't under her total control, then maybe things won't turn out well. And that idea so completely terrifies Juwon that she simply, stubbornly, refuses to acknowledge it as an option. Her cool attitude belies a desperate need to be loved, something she struggles to find with her cynicism actively working against those needs. So she makes up for the shortage of genuine connection she has by doing anything and everything that looks like it might get people to notice her. She feeds off attention and with no shame left to hinder her she's happy to do whatever crazy thing will put her squarely in the center of attention. This tendency combined with her aloof exterior walls have turned her into a bit of a rebel, going against the fold because everyone knows that those people who stand out are the ones doing what no one else is. She's not fearless by any stretch of course - in fact she gets scared very easily - but her high dependence of social approval almost always overrides her basic survival instincts and she'll make the jump, internally screaming the entire way down. But it doesn't matter because in the end what she wants doesn't matter - it's what everyone else thinks that does.


Juwon wasn't always rebellious. In her earliest years, when she was still the baby of the family, she was downright adorable. Then her baby brother was born when she was five years old and took everyone's attention away from Juwon, and that was when the trouble started. As the middle child of three it was hard to get her parent's attention, especially when her older sister did everything first, and her younger brother was, well, a boy. Which in her parents' eyes immediately made him more valuable. And so Juwon started causing trouble. Throwing tantrums, getting lost on purpose, anything to get her parents to pay attention to her instead of her siblings. And it worked at first. But as she grew her old tricks no longer worked, and so she started having to resort to higher extremes with her troublemaking. And it was in highschool that these antics of hers got her caught up in the biggest mistake of her life so far.


She was nearing seventeen the first time she skipped school. Her sister was the smart one anyway, and surely her parents would be very upset with her and she'd get their full focus when she got home that night! While she was wandering the city, trying to avoid being seen by anyone who knew her until she wanted to be, she ran into a young man in his early twenties studying at a café. He asked if she shouldn't be in school and she pointedly replied that it was none of his business. And that would have been that - if he hadn't subsequently noted that it was very cool how she took control of her own life, and that she was "a very interesting girl." And just like that Juwon was crushing hard. Sure she'd liked a couple guys in her time, but the attention and genuine interest this young man showed her won her heart in seconds, and she decided to try and run into him the next time she skipped school - and now there would definitely be a next time.


Juwon did get in trouble when she got home that night, and she stayed on the straight and narrow for as long as her parents stayed on top of her. But as always their focus eventually drifted, and she immediately found her way back to the little café where her mystery man had been. However, he wasn't there this time, so she ended up awkwardly ordering an iced tea and leaving. This became her routine each time she skipped school, and for nearly a year she kept at it, hoping to once again run into her nameless crush. Her parents cared less and less about her school skipping excursions, and so they increased in frequency. Until finally, a few weeks after her eighteenth birthday, she found him. He was sitting near the window, and she situated herself nearby, hoping he'd notice her. Unfortunately, he did.


His name was Kim Minsoo. Their flirtation was a whirlwind of stolen moments and sneaking around her disapproving parents, and Juwon loved every second of it. Minsoo showered her with attention, and her parents were constantly focused on her in their disapproval. For the first time Juwon was nearly touching contentment. And then Minsoo's work transferred him to Seoul, and he asked her to come with him. There were still two months until graduation, and her parents warned that if she made this decision they would no longer acknowledge her as their daughter. Juwon was torn for weeks, before she finally made a decision. She was tired of fighting for her parents' attention, while Minsoo openly gave her love and affection. And so she packed her things and jumped on a bus for Seoul.


The two got married almost as soon as Juwon stepped off the bus and she was swept right into her happily ever after. And it was a happy time in her life - for two years anyway. However, Minsoo became restless, and Juwon received less and less attention from him as he focused on work, and she grew bored of the relationship. However, she was determined to make it work and kept trying to talk to Minsoo when he was home. Then one morning she woke up with a divorce settlement on her nightstand and her husband gone. And just like that her fairytale began to fragment.


At first Juwon was stubborn. She tried to get him to come back to her, only to find out that Minsoo had already been seeing someone new. With this knowledge, Juwon's resolve cumbled and she signed the papers without reading them properly, too upset and too inexperienced to think twice about it. Unfortunately for her, she signed away everything she owned as well as their joint property to her ex-husband, leaving her with just the meager savings she had in her personal account from before the marriage. She scrambled to find a job and luckily managed to get a waitressing gig that helped her scrape together enough to cover rent on a tiny one bedroom shack of an apartment that she'd found about a week after the divorce settlement. And for over a year she lived like that, waitressing all day and careully counting her money so she would be able to cover each month's rent. There were numerous times she had to skip meals to accomplish this, and b the time her divorce anniversary rolled around she was sick of it. However, without even a high school diploma finding a better job was seemingly impossible.


Juwon had mentioned her plight to a coworker during one of their breaks during her third month at the restaurant, and the teen, utterly unsympathetic, sarcastically said she should sell her body - she was pretty enough. Juwon had taken offense and never spoken to the girl again, but now the conversation returned to her, and the idea was no longer as repulsive. If it paid better than this, would it really be so bad? And that was what led her to walking down to the red light district of Seoul one day after work and sticking her head into a strip club. She simply watched that night, and left thinking that nevermind, she couldn't do something like that. And yet she returned the next night, and the one after that, utterly fasinated by their movement. The third night the manager came over to her, having easily noticed her coming in among the masses of men. He asked if she was interested in a job, and she tithered a bit before he gave his proposed starting price. She turned in her apron the next day.


Stripping did not come easy to Juwon, despite the fact she was already quite confident in her body. She wasn't particularly athletic to start out and she often woke up sore in the mornings and many of the customers made her uncomfortable. She did consider quitting, but then her first paycheck came in and those thoughts ran right off when she realized she could eat three meals every day and still afford rent on her new salary. And with time, Juwon got used to it. She'd always liked attention and even if it was all a bit sleazy, and made her feel like an object, she could still fetter out enough enjoyment from her job that it was worth it. In the two years she's been stripping she became quite skilled, building up muscle mass and developing a few regular sets for herself as well as a few regular fans. She learned to flirt to increase tips and how to avoid the creeps who tried waiting in the back for the women to come out after their shifts. She made friends with her coworkers and pushed some boundaries she didn't realize she was interested in pushing with them.


But Juwon was never fully happy with her job. She wanted a relationship, a family, a job that didn't make her feel dirty and degraded as she dragged herself into bed each morning. But though she did wake up early to try job hunting each afternoon, nowhere wanted to hire a stripper with no diploma. Juwon was on the verge of giving up when she happened to spot a commercial advertising the second season of Bachelor's Paradise. The name sounded familiar, and she mentioned it to one of her friends at work that night. Her friend was all too happy to fill her in on the "absolutey ridiculous and yet oddly engaging" first season of the show, and while Juwon thought it sounded ridiculous, the mention that the three legit bachelors were filthy rich caught her interest. That day she forwent sleep to watch the entirety of the first season, and by the end she had concocted a plan of attack. She was getting out of her life, even if she had to backstab and manipulate her way out.


tl;dr - Got hitched at 18 with her 23 year old boyfriend, got divorced two years later and he took everything since she didn't know to get a prenup. Struggled to make ends meet for a year before giving in and becoming a professional stripper. Is no longer living paycheck to paycheck but really hates her job and joins the show for an easy out and guaranteed riches if she plays her cards right.


- Family. She is a huge family person and wants at least three kids when she's married. It breaks her heart that she currently doesn't have a family for all intents and purposes.

- Her favorite thing to mix for herself is a Screwdriver. Her second favorite is a Bloody Mary. If neither can be made for whatever reason she'll take anything wit Vodka in it. Basically she likes Vodka. A lot.

- Singing. She has an okay voice and can stay in tune and she just really likes belting along to English pop songs that she mispronounces 95% of the time. It's fun.

- Hugs. This girl is a closet cuddle , but good luck getting her to relax enough to find out about that.

- Fashion. She actually really enjoys playing around with new styles and wishes she had enough spare paycheck to buy brand clothes

dislikes » min. 5 max. 10

- Her job. I mean, she has no shame but she does want to get married one day. And no one wants a stripper for a wife.

- Airplanes. Individually she can handle small spaces and heights, but stick them together in a tin can 30000 feet in the air? She's not about that life.

- boys. Specifically, anyone who reminds her of those customers who think you owe them something because they gave you a tip

- Her list of fears include: Arachnaphobia (Spiders), Claustrophobia (Small spaces), Acrophobia (Heights), Coulrophobia (Clowns), Ophidiophobia (Snakes), Nyctophobia (Darkness), and most powerfully Monophobia (Being alone)

- Turtle necks. Really anything that covers a ton of skin isn't on her love list, but turtle necks are the bane of her fashionable existence.

strong points»

- Flirting. Good lord this girl has flirting down to an art - she isn't known as The Tease at work for nothing

- Flexibility is right up there with gymnasts. Running and stuff isn't as easy, but ask her to do the splits she'll drop like it's nothing

- Though she has phobias they don't stop of from doing if it's one of the bachelor's asking

- She's decent at mixing drinks. Her best ones are of course the ones with vodka in them since they're the ones she mixes most often (for herself) but she can do most things after a quick Google search. Her phone is her friend.

- Fantastic stamina. She's up on stage under hot lights for hours at a time, twisting her body into awkward positions. She can go as long as you need her to, she's done worse.

weak points»

- She's not so great at plane rides. She doesn't find out about this until the first time she takes one. On the show.

- She will cave to peer pressure every single time without even the hint of a fight.

- She's borderline an alcoholic, but refuses to acknowledge her total lack of control over how much she drinks since it's her most effective way of relaxing

- She'll leave a perfectly servicable conversation if it starts veering in to territory too close to her job for her liking. She's a liar so she tries to minimize the number of times she talks about work. As such she loses the chance to talk to some of the bachelors.

- Because of the aforementioned lying skills she really can't keep secrets. She won't intentionally let them slip (unless it would be to her benefit) but she gives them away with body lanuage and accidental hint drops regardless.

trivia »

- When asked about her job she'll usually just say she works at a club, and due to her ability to mix drinks decently people generally just assume she must be a bartender.

- She watched the entirety of Season One in one sitting to study up on what to expect. Then she watched nearly a full days' worth of romantic comedies to figure out how she should act.

- She's a huge dog person and she really wants to have one one day.

- She's a self-taught drink mixer. She learned over several exhausting nights when everyone just wanted to get hammered but no one had the cash to go out and pay someone else to make the drinks. So they learned themselves.

- She's relatively pale so it stands out when she blushes. And she blushes a lot (ie whenever she thinks she's screwed up which is more often than she cares to admit)

- She sings really loudly when she drunk. And even if she knows the words when sober she never gets the lyrics right

- She carries a penknife in her purse at all times and she knows how to use it. She's had creepy stalker customers before and she's not afraid to use any means necessary to deter them.


home is where your heart is.



LOVE INTERESTS » Hyungwon, Kihyun, Another Contestant

the reason you applied » While she'd never admit it, Juwon wouldn't mind finding love on the show. Of course, she actively doesn't believe it's possible, and her primary motive is absolutely to find the hidden card and get rich. She wants out of her lifestyle but she knows what the world looks like for someone in her situation. The only way to get free and finally get started on the family she's always wanted is to get rich quick, and she knows the show has better odds than the lottery at giving her that


strategy » Juwon has very carefully crafted her plan to stay on the show. She knows that the second half of the show is far more important to actually nabbing your prefered bachelor, so in the early game she just needs one bachelor to like her enough to keep her around, and that means playing the field a bit. Throw out her lure and see what she can catch, and then use that catch to stay in the show. Yes it would be preferable if the guy she was using was Hyungwon but anyone will do. Once a majority of the herd is culled, that's when she'll zero in on her target and do everything in her power to get him interested in her and only her. If that means she has to put out, well, she's done worse to protect her future. She needs this - no trial will stand in her way.


The bachelors »

  • jooheon » Okay. So. Juwon is pretty sure this guy has money - no way he could support his lifestyle other wise. But she honestly can't bring herself to try and flirt with him at all. Jooheon reminds her of some of her worst customers, the loud, whining ones who think you owe them something because they bothered to notice your existence. When she looks at Jooheon all she can think is "boy" and she can't shake that no matter how much she tries. And so she generally just avoids being around him for too long, especially not alone.
  • changkyun » NOPE. Nope nope nope nope. If Juwon awkwardly starts to sidle away whenever Jooheon is around, she straight up guns it if she so much as sees Changkyun. Her cover story is to simply say she works at a club, and as someone who's familiar with several Changkyun is the most likely to come to the correct conclusion about who she is and what she does. And Juwon does not want to risk that happening, even if he is really cute.
  • hyungwon » So Hyungwon seems like the obvious candidate for a hidden card, so surely he must not be, right? Well Juwon figures that the show is counting on people assuming that, and that Hyungwon is in fact, filthy rich. She's marked him as her number one target and she finds it easy to be around him. He's the sort of guy she would go for regardless of the show and so part of her wonders if her reasoning for thinking he's the hidden card may be a bit skewed by bias. She always tells that part of her to shut up.
  • hyunwoo » Hyunwoo seems quite nice, but Juwon is suspicious of him. Why is he so awkward around girls? Why has he never dated before? This tends to put her off of the quiet bachelor, though she's still certainly quite friendly with him. She just doesn't expect to get past the "friends" phase with him, if she can even reach that, so she's not putting too much stock in this particular relationship.
  • minhyuk » He's an actor. And as someone who half-truths her way through life Juwon instinctively doesn't totally trust Minhyuk. It's really not fault of his own and she isn't averse to hanging out with him, but there's something about him that just completely turns her off. Maybe it's the fact that his fangirls would probably want to kill her if she did seriously flirt with him.
  • hoseok » Juwon suspected Hoseok of possibly being a hidden card at first, but after seeing the way he acts she's not so sure. How much does modelling pay anyway? She's basically a specialty model and she doesn't make that much. However he did spark the idea that should come maybe try modelling when all is said and done so she'll try (poorly) to subtly ask him about his job in an attempt to figure out how she could get in on it.
  • kihyun » Opening a restaurant in the States? Running a successful one already in Seoul? Yeah, Juwon is pretty sure Kihyun has moola. She also thinks he could actually teach her to cook, which is something she's wanted to learn forever but has had no time around her night owl lifestyle. And so she takes it upon herself to try and seduce Kihyun into teaching her how the heck the kitches works, and on the way makes him her backup target.
  • GUNHEE » Honestly Juwon doesn't really noticed Gunhee. He's obviously not a hidden card so what's the point of paying any attention to him beyond basic courtesy? She has money to win and he can't get her that.
  • ON THE HIDDEN CARDS » Juwon's guesses as to who the hidden cards are would be Jooheon, Kihyun, and Hyungwon, the latter of whom she likes the most. However she'd be fine with anyone so long as they turn out to have money. She really wants to win this thing.
  • ON THE OTHER GIRLS » Juwon has had female friends with benefits before and she'll certainly not be immune to noticing the other women on the show. However, they are the enemy and though she'll be nice enough when she needs to be she won't be afraid to screw them over should it be called for. That said, among the contestants she does make one very good friend, and this scares her more than Changkyun. Because she really can't afford to screw this up, and being emotionally attached to any of the girls can only turn out badly as far as she's concerned.

this is paradise.


"So...this is season 2 of Bachelor's Paradise. Interesting how people are still torturing themselves with applying for this show. Please, introduce yourself."

  • "Hello, my name is Ahn Juwon." She pauses to flash the smile that gets her tips. "I look forward to, ah, what did you call it? Torturing myself?" She grins, giggling a bit. "I think I'll enjoy it." Eh, probably going to get a lot of creepy male fans from that but whatever. Dark humor is popular right now, right?

"Why do you think you need this program to find love? Is there a reason you couldn't find love on your own?"

  • "Well, I don't think I need it per se, but isn't it easier to find love when you have lots of chances to spend time together, and in lots of different situations? That's what I've heard anyway." Thank you random psychology site I found.

"Why should we choose you and not someone else?"

  • Okay Juwon breath. You knew they'd ask this, you've rehearsed a million times. You've got this. "Well, I believe that several people will be on this show for the attention, as Season One was quite popular, or to try and make money. I will genuinely be trying to find someone who I could see myself spending the rest of my life with - and isn't that the point of the show?" Ugh, could have been better.

"What do you think about people who gain a lot of money?"

  • "I'm jealous." It slips out before she has time to think, and her whole ace goes red moments later. Oh that wasn't supposed to... what do I do now???? She coughs slightly and gives a vaguely strangled laugh. "I mean, who would be?" Her voice pitches up a bit at the end and she's not convinced by her own attempted cover but she does what she can to look confident despite her brain having a meltdown over the mistake.

"Any hopes or dreams for the future?"

  • "I want a family." At least she can be honest about this. "I've always wanted one, so having a big loving family and seeing my kids be successful in life is my biggest dream." It's a little embarrassing to admit, but it's the honest truth and not something she could lie about even if she could lie at all.

"Oh right... did you watch season 1?"

  • "I did! It was very entertaining." And educational. She managed to keep the second half of the sentence in her head, much to her relief.

"Okay, that's it... why are you looking at me like that? You want to tell me something else?"

  • She flushes again. "Oh no! Sorry, I'm just a bit nervous." NO! Don't tell him that! Ugh, you screwed this up royally, great job Juwon. This is why Minsoo left you you useless lump.

last words.

comments/suggestions » Welp. I said I'd get her done. And I did. We'll see how much of my exam-tired ramblings make any sense ^^''

scene requests » Lorem ipsum

password » Bohyung still. Spica will live in my heart forever.


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