Another Shuffle Game

Stole from here:


[i'm using one of my lists from yt]


1) How am I feeling today?

You Think (Demo ver) || Sassy af.


2) Will I get far in life?

Hold Up - IOI || ._. am i that dependent?

3) How do my friends see me?

Sseo - ideadead || This is so peaceful tho.

4) Where will I get Married?
Photograph - Offonoff || TT

5) What is my best friend's theme song?
Kristin: You Are My World - Yoon Mirae || /squeeeeeees
Amber: Some - Soyu & Junggigo ft. Lil Boi of Geeks || what is this lmao
Chloe Kat: Flashlight - Jessie J || /squeeeeeeees again

6) What is the story of my life?
In the End - Linkin Park || this was my jam as a kid. Still is. 

It doesn't even matter how hard you try; keep that in mind.

7) What is/was highschool like?

Why - Taeyeon || this is perfect TT

8) How can I get ahead in life?
Just Lose It - Eminem || Did recently, so... ewe; 

9) What is the best thing about me?

High - Creed || /jams

10) How is today going to be?

Hopefully Sky - JungEunji || It's raining.

11) What is in store for this weekend?
Rise Up - Andra Day || We gon walk it out.

12) What song describes my parents?
Nobody's Perfect - KittiB || i'm like TT, just like TT

13) To describe my grandparents? 

Lion Heart - SNSD 

14) How is my life going?
Wonderwall - Oasis || yeah, maybe.

15) What song will they play at my funeral?

Walk Away - Kelly Clarkson || ...why.

16) How does the world see me?

Crazy - Gnarles Barkley || Pretty much. 

17) Will I have a happy life?

Look Into Your Eyes - Ra.D || why these songs

18) What do my friends really think of me?

Titanium - David Guetta ft. Sia || thanks.< 3

19) Do people secretly lust after me?

Hey Mama - EXO CBX  || W o w. 

20) How can I make myself happy?

Piece By Piece - Kelly Clarkson || My life is defined by her. 

21) What should I do with my life?

Bitter Sweet Symphony - Verve || Become goth or punk or whatever. Or bitter. I am. 

22) Will I ever have children?
What's This Life For - Creed || NO. No, no, no. 

23) What is some good advice for me? 
I Don't Love You - Urban Zakapa || Quit loving. Because it hurts. 

24) How will I be remembered?

Mollae Mollae - IBI || IDK. In Korean. 

25) What is my signature dancing song?

Farewell Ridden - Zia || Contemp dance, yes plz. 

26) What do I think my current theme song is?

Girls Like Girls - Hayley Kiyoko ||B Y E. 

27) What does everyone else think my current theme song is?

Bad - Tablo || luvuhaters.

28) What type of men/women do you like?
Wide Open - The Chemical Brothers ft. Beck || What on Earth----


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