Why I Haven't Been Posting

Now I am not really sure about these blog posts, considering I don't know how many of you will see this. I know I haven't posted to any of my current stories in a long time, but I do have an excuse. For a long time I've been working on this fic, that I have never posted, and it is one of my all time favorites. I wanted to write some decent length chapters though before I started posting it. I've worked really hard on it and I'm super proud. I feel bad that I haven't been paying any attention to my other fics(Which I will try to soon!!!) I just love this one so much. I hope you anticipate my new fic (Which I will be releasing chapter one VERY soon) and look forward to more chapters from my other stories!! I'll try my best to keep you guys updated! THANK YOU to everyone who has still supported me even though I've been lacking in the updates. Love you all!!!


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_chanchan #1
Woohoo!!!! :D may I ask which otp the new fic is?