Princess Belle ♔ Chun Eunjoo ♔ Joo (C)

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Birthname. chun eunjoo 천은주
Other names. 

qian erxu — chinese name
michaela chun — english name


unju/juju — a petname normally used by her parent and those closer to her
elle — a petname used by her friend in hongkong since she was a child, comes from her english name, michaela
little match — despite standing on the shorter side, she can get fiery like the fire matches, physically and personality wise, used by fellow trainees
boa maniac — because she likes boa, a big sunbae, according to her, used by princess members to

Date of Birth. april 3rd, 1995
Birthplace. hong kong
Ethnicity. korean
Language(s) Spoken. 

korean — 90% fluent, had spent her time in a dungeon in korea for quite some times
mandarin — 10% basic, she tried!
cantonese — 100% fluent, lived in hong kong for 14 years and the place using this language
english — 50% conversational, learned once and still learning now

Faceclaim. kim jisook
Backup. yoon bomi


eunjoo has changed now and then, but she can be proud of the fact that she only has her eyes, nose and teeth fixed. one can't get that double eyelids and high nose just through dieting, aren't they? and based on how netizens react and korean lifestyle, what she did was consider normal. well, at least she doesn't look like a completely different person.

weight 41kg, height 156cm. eunjoo is on the shorter side of the group, yet her legs are longer than her upper body, she has also held her head up and standing/sitting on an upright posture, so she seems taller. that's it, until you meet her face to face. she doesn't have more or than other korean girl but she still wear them on proudly. while others struggling with weight issues, she does as well, by eating late night to gain weight. her body is skinny, it's in her gene as her parent and younger siblings are all skinny.


there's clearly a place marker for eunjoo's fashion. it's called 'before bloom' and 'full bloom'. eunjoo used to be satisfied with no name brands she found in the late night market but after puberty hit her and moving to korea, getting tangled in the whole trainee/idol system. she is more aware of what she wear. 

she wears shirt tuck into a pair of skinny jeans, shoulder off tank top with short skirts and bathrobe inspired mini dress. she can either show lot of skin or not, depending on the weather and events. she likes to pair her style with an aviator and a or black heels. it's true that she prefer higher heels because of her conscience over her height. she prefer matte lips above everything else, clean simple but stated make up is hers. eunjoo's look is of fun, flirty and trendy.

during practices, she will wear vans sneaker, a pair of shorts or tights, along with her celine t-shirt. don't mind if you find her height incredibly reduced!



 behind that fair façade,
I'm afraid she's rather odd—
very different from the rest of us...
She's nothing like the rest of us,
Yes, diff'rent from the rest of us is Belle!

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Personality Traits.  

positive adventurous | independent | courageous | open | loyal

spontaneity | ert negative competitive | honest

bossy | revengeful | impatient | vain | selfish | ruthless negative


So who exactly is 'Michaela' Chun Eunjoo? Others might have look at her as someone with bad reputation for keep making scandalous remarks and brashness, but the truth is there's a whole lot more besides her confrontational front. She looks  like a hormanal rebelious puberty striked 15 years old but there's more.

Eunjoo possesed a leadership trait. She has that charisma and aura that made her feared but also respected, always acting like a BOSS. She knows what to do and how to take incharge, people might have overlook at this matter since it sounds like she just being bossy most of the time. But hey, ordering people around, is one of her strength, especially when the thing can bring goods. Eunjoo is no wimps. She is incredibly strong, resilient and one of the bravest. When s get real, she doesn't buckles her belt up and runs away, she rises to the challenge and tackles the things head on. Eunjoo is well known for her competitiveness, both good and bad reasons. she is the never back down type. If you're thinking about challenging her, you better bring your A-game because she is not easy to be taken down. For Eunjoo, it's either go hard or go home. When she sets her eyes into something, she doesn't allow anything to get into her way. She plays to win and not afraid to go and make her own luck, risking herself and whatsoever. She knows s can happen but let's just focus on the win.

Eunjoo has a way of constantly keeping people on their toes with her spontaneous side. Having her around ensures that things will never get bored or dull, she always find a new ways just to mix things up. While this might sound interesting, this can also get her into deep trouble. It's because she doesn't like to do what been told and instead do what been crossed as the 'don'ts'. Eunjoo then and now, has keep an interesting trait no one will thought of based on her petite doll look. She is sort of a ert, keeps cracking dirty jokes and embarrassed the members. She also prefers to do things her own way rather than following the rest of the pack. Extremely honest and direct with people. People always know where they stand with her and she won't go badmouthing them behind their back. But if you're the one who talk behind her back, oh well, she can usually sniff out bull a mile away. When you try to  feed her lies, she will give you serious reality check. Eunjoo is full of opinion and she's not afraid to make them known. She is extremely vocal and outspoken, she refused to be intimidated or silenced by others.

Eunjoo didn't just kidding when she said she will have the people she care for back no matter what. She's the type that will stay by the side even when things get messy, willing to ride or die with them till the end. With that said, if the group members have her heart. She is willed to stay till the end. Generally doesn't show her love and care, upfront. But at people's back. Also, for her, all of her tease and jokes are meant to be just  that, tease and joke. But when others tease the people she's close with, she won't hesitate to give them dose of their own medicine. Looks strong and brash but she can be quite sensitive. A hurting Eunjoo means raging Eunjoo, because she will try to overcome her sadness by being in rage. When she is angry, basically everyone will know about that since she is bad in hiding her frustration and can explode out of nowhere turning into a ranting maniac. On the positive side, she will get over just quickly and never stay angry for too long. So while others still dwelling with that- she already done.

Eunjoo is incredibly impatient sometimes she feels others are slowing her down. If you can't keep up with her then she will find someone who will. In this context another crazy members might be the one who is always on the go with her. It just that she find it extremely hard to cope up with dull repetitive and soul destroying tasks. She can't stand doing the same thing every single days. Sounds like a trouble, eh? She did stir lots of trouble for her own goods. Eunjoo also gets frustrated when she has to deal with overly negative people who do nothing but criticize and poke holes in every single idea that she has. Like hello she didn't just think and plan the HUSTLE just to get criticized. So she prefer to surround herself with positive people eventhough she herself can be seen as negative. She'll distance herself from people who constantly try to bring her down. She clearly draw her own line.


Her father, Chun Jungmyung was a young master and promoter of Taekwondo, with the highest 9th-degree black belt in the discipline. He then met and fell in love with another Korean woman, Kim Minjung, while following a Taekwondo tournoument in Hong Kong. They taken rash decision of getting married, out of love, without their parents' permission. Oh well, they decided love is all they need to stay alive. But let just let them be and move to Chun Eunjoo.

Years forward, Eunjoo grew up in a loving household in Hong Kong. It seems like her parent decided to stay there after marriage. While Jungmyung used to lived off Taekwondo when he was younger, things had changed, he had hurt himself and unable to practice that. Jungmyung and Minjung had opened a small restaurant. They barely scraped up enough money to pay rent at times but they never let Eunjoo know the struggles they were having. As if it wasn't obvious.

They lived in a two room apartment with walls thin enough to hear the crazy old lady watching her favorite dramas in the next room. They lived in a neighbourhood with people of faulty mouths, that's how she pick up her language. They lived in a neighbourhood with men who watched and ualize others through verbals, that's how she got her vocabs. She needed to take care of her two younger brothers, Chun Eunwon and Chun Eungyoon, that's how she learn to be independent. Life was hard but happy. Eventhough the Chun familyhold is poor and slightly rough, they took care of each other and always stand up among them.

As Eunjoo grew she found that school was her safe haven, she enjoyed learning and talking with other students. She did very well in school and knowing that her mother and father couldn't really afford school fees she decided to do even better to earn a scholarship which she did. That's exactly how elementary to middle high school goes. She never told this to anyone and even the members might have hard time in believing her scholarship history. She was a very smart student, although not entirely an example student.

When Eunjoo was 14, the family moved back to Korea, on request by her deathbed driven grandfather, her father's father. After all the while, he has finally accepted their marriage and  found that it wasn't a bad idea to met his grandchildren before died, he did recovered after that though, Eunjoo thought this was a conspiracy. Knowing their history and all the bull she got to gone through just because the disapproval, Eunjoo had made the decision that she won't like her grandfather, no matter how rich he is.

At first, it was a hard adjusting for Eunjoo. Her Korean weren't as fluent nor having that standard Seoul accent, she knew she sounded like a weirdass alien. She remember when she first moved into the new school, the very moment she opened , the kids were laughing at her, saying she spoke funnily. Just because she's that petite and the smallest among all of her classmates, that doesn't mean she gonna be the easy prey transfered student. "Try living in Hong Kong for 14 years, bastard." She spoke infront of the homeroom teacher and everyone else.

Eunjoo was outspoken and tough, she barely gained friends, at least never a closed one. For years, she spent her recess time at rooftop, apparently she was into dancing and pouring her freesoul dancing there. Starting her high school, finally feeling a lot more confident and socially adapted, she enrolled in lessons at a famous dance studio, 1million. Need to be stressed out, by now her family had been living off his grandfather's help. Jungmyung and Minjung had several restaurants of their own already. Eunjoo had learn street dance and modern dance in 1million, this period was when she met her now close friend, Ahn Yeeun.

Ahn Yeeun was one of the reasons who inspired her to audition in sm although Eunjoo won't admit that on her face. Yeeun is still now one of the many trainees waiting in the great sm's dungeon. If i haven't mentioned, Eunjoo had stumbled upon videos of BoA on youtube and became one of her biggest fan, from when she was in China, to date. She will always admit that BoA was the reason she wanted to be a kpop star herself, thus why sm was her first choice. While struggling with her own devil, she wanted to run toward her starry dream.


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▸ action movies - she likes it rough ;)
▸ skinship - even her body is  a ert-
▸ cheeseburgers - favorite food! she likes the meat one, yup, meat double cheese burgers!
blue purple colors - she prefer this color the most, eventhough she still own things of other colors
▸ quiet places - this is specifically for vacations or during times to clear up mind, sometimes, none is better than having hundred of people
▸ party! - bipolar much? party freak is the upfront she put on and this is when she can show off her dance skills


orders - the girl doesn't accept orders
privacy breaker - she personally like to have an alone time, not to be on the spotlight without break
unnecessary food decorations - she is the type of person who thinks plating and food decoration aren't important 
fake - beautiful lies are no better than pained truth
stupidly innocent people - well have you watch kdrama? wasn't half of the heroins play that character? it's annoying, there's line between innocent and just plain stupid

Habits and Hobbies.

▸ sleeping for someone who had not enough sleep, this is great hobbies
▸ teasing and bullying the members because it was fun and she said, that was like a practice for the members, to make them stronger
▸ choreographing ever since she did that in middle school, she started to do that even more seriously and harder
▸ folds her arms when she's bored with something
cracking up dirty jokes at unexpected times or most of times
talking so fast that she garbles up her speech when she's excited
not responding to texts that are only one word, but often do that to others
watches soft before sleeping? well yknow, there's videos on youtube, s.
dumbing herself down when on variety shows but to be honest, all the time- academic related


▸ she has hydrophobia - fear of water since she almost died of drowning when she was 10 and haven't learn swimming till now
▸she wishes to get a tattoo
▸her snsd's bias is kim hyoyeon
▸she failed sm auditions, 3 times
▸at the age of 3, she won a chopstick contest held in her hometown, hongkong
▸she is a close friends with lovelyz's mijoo
▸during her last year at high school, she joined the school dance club
▸she secretly want to further her studies in political science or criminal justice
▸she has never been on an airplane before coming back to korea when she was 14
▸her ultimate bias is boa and she bought all of her albums and went to watch her concert numerous times
▸she is into girls, a homoual, she never hide her fondness toward girls or making any statement, so... yeah, not coming out yet
▸belle is her favorite princess, hell nobody should know about this and this is if she need to pick one so she was perplexed when the fans called her belle, is there any similarity?
▸social media accounts:

twitter - joo_ovo
instagram - chuneunjoo_43
kakaotalk - bellexxx

▸s eunjoo says:

"i dunno, are you taking it as an insult? because if you are, then yes. if you're not, then i need to up my game."
"shut up princess."
"i'm not good with that stuff, i'll probably delete something by accident"
"well, you already scold me before the person next door."
"well last night isn't today."
"when two people love each other, they take it to the next step. there's what we call an egg and-"
"that's a whole lot of bull."
"oh for 's sake kid why do you have so many questions?"
"I'M GAY."



How do you feel about being chosen to represent your label on Princess?
"hey, the only girl in the world~!" she playfully sing the words out although she sound less than the vocal. "over the top? i feel excited and happy, hopefully i can show what i've good to others outside practice room."

Do you think you can win against the other girls?
"the fact that i'm the more charming day by day, i think i'm good to win." she chuckles. "people have been saying that everyone look the same in the introduction pictures, but we are not now." she nods, staring into the camera. "based on this interview, wouldn't i be better?"

What do you think your charm point is?
"well, personality... being one of the fun member?" she furrows her eyebrows. "i can't pick them out. but i've heard from others. fun might be my biggest charm of all. try spend a day with me."

Any weaknesses you're worried about?
she clicks her tongue, never perfect but there's this dilemma on what should she confess on. "something i shouldn't say out loud, i afraid my company won't like this as well." the end of her lips curve upward, creating a mischievous smirk. "but i'll just go with the minor one, my competitive spirit."

Do you have any final words for the viewers?
"up until now, it's been princess's joo." she scoffs as the name left , before looking anew at the camera. "please support our debut and joo myself. bye, byebye~" she mentally pat her shoulder for not blurting something inappropriate for this interview. showing off a sole finger heart taken from her armpit. laughing.

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  spotlight on me 

Plotline. belle
Label. woollim

Trainee Years. 6 years -  april 2012 until princess debut

Trainee Life. 

eunjoo had it long and hard. before gotten accepted into woollim, she had failed 3 auditions, and them all were sm. but we couldn't really blame sm for rejecting her, she cursed on that audition stage, that might already deduct half of her point. until an acquaintance in 1million suggested she auditioned for woollim and he had also a connection there.

eunjoo auditioned in woollim, she got an answer a week later, passed. so she had learnt enough lesson and control during her woollim audition. but she wasn't that happy as she thought she would've be if she got accepted into woollim, probably since the company wasn't her first choice. eunjoo did her part well enough. only similar to others, there's nothing to credit her effort more than others.

she met few friends and notably close to lee mijoo. with mijoo, she started to get her pace, working harder than before, it's true what people say that we will follow the one besides us, so good friend are important. while it also work on her, she still had trouble, her attitude.

eunjoo was the notorious woollim trainee that would always has trouble and was almost slapped by her trainer when she decided to talk back after having insults thrown at her. could she toned it down? should she let somone step on her? does she need to listen everything shoved to her, even that 'contructive critism'?

she was always an act first think later kind of girl but then, there wasn't anything serious enough for the company to kick her out, only enough to make her away from getting added into lovelyz. she was bitter, no matter how talented she was and the hard work she had put in for the past three years. seems like it wasn't enough for her to be added into the debut line up. a very confident girl it was something that she hadn't expected. still stuck in the training hell? seriously? it was seriously unfair in her point of view, even the 3 months years old trainee, jung yein surpassed her.

reaching another level of competitiveness and bitterness. every times she bumped into lovelyz at the company, she still rooted to the ground. giving up is definitely something harder to do. she also had done something to her face, eventhough they're minor. years passed, when princess come along. although chun eunjoo might be a pain in , she's not all bad so it's only fair the ceo gives her a little credit? with lots of reminders, she was offered and she took it. here she is, the princess.

   --dreamgirl : d for diana

Last Words.  honestly, eunjoo is not the initial baby i gonna send and belle isn't the princess i'm going for, i'm crying. but i want to send this as fast as i can because i need to. lol. do comment on points that i should fix or add to make her a better character, thank you! sorry that i had used her for another story before. but i hope she's still as fresh as the way  i see her orz

Scenes Requests.

▸eunjoo meeting with either her ultimate bias, may i request for this? also lots of words coming from her, such as the egg- yknow!

Password.  byebye ol'good life, a whole new world gonna emerge!



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