Answer the Question Music Shuffle game

I love playing these games and I'm stealing this from a website that I found. It's so cool, you can punch in Music Shuffle game and you can find fun games that deal with the songs from your playlist.


1. Set your music player on shuffle.
2. Click forward for each question.
3. Use the SONG TITLE to answer the questions below
4. Cut and paste the questions and what your iPod answers (or any device)
5. Finally, do NOT cheat.

1. What is your name?
Fiction - Beast

2. What are your hobbies?
Don't Go - EXOK

3. How Are You Feeling Today?
Kimi No Tame Ni Dekiru Koto (What I Can Do for You) - Gackt

4. How Was Yesterday?
So You Disappear - Xandria

5. What are you doing right now?
Angel - Shinhwa

6. What song describes you?
Black Pearl - EXO (Chinese version)

7. What is good advice?
Shaking Heart - C-Clown

8. What were your first words?
Let's Go Party - 2NE1

9. What are you afraid of?
Bad Girl - Beast

10. What is your motto?
Talk To Me - U-Kiss

11. What is the story of your life?

12. What will the future be like?
Whoz That Girl - EXID

13. What is your happiest memory?
Wolf - EXO (Korean Version)

14. What is your wedding song going to be?
Far Away - Nickelback

15. What do you think of every day?
Don't Let You Go - E-7

16. What did you learn today?
Warrior - B.A.P

17. What is your biggest secret?
I'll Be There - Taeyang (Korean Version)

18. How do people see you?
I Don't Know - Fiestar

19. What will your dying words be?
Marry U - Super Junior

20. What Song Will They Play On My Funeral?
Cliche - Paper Aeroplanes

If you want to play along go ahead. Let's see how funny and weird others answers are. I might find more of these. They are fun to play.

Have fun.


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