
I'm not even what I would consider an ARMY.  I like BTS songs and their members but I don't follow them or watch most of their things. I'm first and foremost a Master and an Inspirit, but I do like BTS.


If BTS looses this award at the Billboard Music Awards to Justin Bieber or another Western artist, we as KPOP fans have let down the Kpop fandom. I've seen EXO-Ls voting for Bieber just so that BTS won't win! That's so messed up in my opinion. To vote for someone just to keep another from winning is wrong. But the thing is, even if you aren't an ARMY, I encourage you to vote for BTS. If a Kpop group (and they're the only kpop group nominated) wins an award at a big awards show such as the BBMAs, that let's the rest of the world know that Kpop is here to be heard.

So put aside your fan wars or your personal feelings and vote for BTS so that they can represent Kpop as a whole. Remember, the more attention they get at the BBMAs, the more attention kpop in general will get. So come on! Let's do this as KPOP FANS. 

100x s day you can tweet a vote for BTS to win the Top Social Award at the Billboard Music Awards. Just tweet with the hash tag #BTSBBMAs... retweets count as a vote, too.


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I will start voting more diligently and hopefully they will win! This would be great for kpop♡.
i even voted none. ohmy
hopelesswriter #3
in my opinion...if voting for someone else just to prevent them from winning is messed up, voting for them just for the sake of kpop(and preventing others from winning) without even liking their stuff is just as messed up...especially if ppl might like some other nomination's music/whatever better. putting aside my personal feelings for kpop or whatever sake, now that's messed up, i'm not robot. ppl should vote for who they want to vote that's it. for me there's no such thing as kpop represent...even in kpop there are different a 'rep' is...irrelevant. the things i like in kpop is fab even without that recognition...besides, i feel the more recognized they get from Western side...the more kpop tryhard to appeal to that side and just lose whatever flavour/style they had(even if nothing in this world is quite original anymore)
Sadly i wouldn't vote for bts. Not because i don't like them but i know so many army's will somehow make it all about them and forget that the kpop community was there to help out as well. So i will vote for whoever i actually like (who is JB) and hope for the best for BTS though
Such a mess within the Kpop fandom lately ....
Karenina_123 #6
Im a bts fan but I don't get what the big deal is? It's just a social media award that they won't even present at the award show...
I just don't get why kpoppers are so thirsty for Western recognition.
I love BTS but I don't consider myself Army.
I stan mostly girl groups, but you're totally right.
If a K-pop group gets to win awards, they will take more K-pop groups into consideration.
I'm more of a Belieber than an Army but I do hope BTS win, however I'm not voting since I feel like if BTS win (with the little help of my vote), Army will just get a bigger kick out of this. I like BTS, but I don't love them enough to support them this time around. They're already going against Justin so I feel that should at least get Kpop some recognition. Sorry I can't be a better fellow K-popper >_<
Yess I approve of this