Music shuffle play thing (Stolen from exocat15)

so basically you just write the name of the song that's playing on your device right now

no cheating, you have to write the title of the current song

I'm using my iPod, so this is gonna be interesting

oh by the way putting it on shuffle would probably work best



Opening Credits: Fantastic Baby - Big Bang (It's fantastic because I have a conference tomorrow for my essay in my English class.)

Waking Up: Hello - Nu'est (I don't say that when I wake up. I yawn and wish I could sleep a little longer.)

First Day At School: I'll Be There (Eng. Version) - Taeyang (Yeah, I'll be there tomorrow for a conference.)

Falling In Love: Collide - Howie Day (If I fell in love, we would collide because then two hearts would be one.)

Losing ity: Nobody's Home - Avril Lavigne (When you lose will be empty...LOL!)

Fight Song: It's Me - Kahi (I'm a bad girl, a good girl, and a y girl.)

Breaking Up: Bonamana - Super Junior (LOL!)

Prom: What the Hell - B.A.P (What the hell are you wearing?)

Life: Lies - Big Bang (There are many lies.)

Mental Breakdown: Love Me Not - t.A.T.u. (Perfect.)

Driving: Boyfriend - Boyfriend (I've seen the dance version of this song so much that I can almost dance to it while driving...which I don't.)

Depression: Ghost - Gackt (Awesome song. He's supposed to be a machine. Isn't that depressing enough?)

Partying: Numb - Linkin Park (I don't like going to parties.)

Happy dance: Miss Right - Teen Top (Perfect song).

Betrayal: Wedding Dress (Korean Version) - Taeyang (You betrayed me while I was in my wedding dress.)

Regretting: Tonight - Big Bang (I was doing my homework after work. Now I regret it. I'm tired.)

Long night alone: Where is the Love? - Black Eyed Peas (Too funny.)

Flashback: Sunset Glow - Big Bang (I remember their video when they were on a school bus.)

Getting Back Together: Not Him - Dalmatian (Thanks for the advice.)

Wedding: It's Over - Lee Hi (Well, after you betrayed me at my wedding, it's over for yours. LOL!)

Birth of Child: Kiss Me Again (Stuttering) - Ben's Brother (That's how it started.)

Final Battle: Good Life - OneRepublic (A good life after beating the crap out of people.)

Death Scene: Y.O.U. (Year Of Us) - SHINee (I died because of you.)

Funeral Song: Don't Don - Super Junior (LOL!)

End Credits: Perfection (Korean version) - Super Junior M (It was perfect til the end.)


feel free to steal


My iPod has a mixture of Korean, American, and Japanese music. So, that's why you'll see a few American artists on here, and a few Gackt (Japanese singer) songs on here as well. I love doing these shuffle things.


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