◸ TRIDECA◿ Performance unit's Chao

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Xun Chao

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthname Xun Chao ( )
other names

— none


— silly unnie - she's the moodmaker of the group, and always wants to make everyone happy and in a good mood, she's brighten everyone's day and will acts like a fool for a smile 

— dance machine - she dances everywhere, at anytime of the day, when she heards a song, her body will automaticly dance

birthday August 22 1997
birthplace Beijing
hometown HongKong
ethnicity Chinese
nationality Chinese
languages spoken

— English - mother tongue in Hongkong, since she's natice, she's fluent

— Mandarin - she grew up learning english and mandarin, she is fluent

— Korean - she learned korean when before she became a trainee, she isn't fluent but speaks it pretty well

face claim 9Muses's Hyuna
back up face claim 9Muses's Kyungri
height & weight 168 cm 48 kg

— Standing at 168 cm, Chao  is  somewhat very pure looking. Her features and soft and sharp at the same time, which makes her a fairly attractive girl. Most friends from school call her 'the exotic beauty' she's not complaining about it. Chao knows she's cute and charismatic, takes pride in her features, and won't let anyone tell her otherwise. At this age it's rare to have smooth pale skin like Chao, not including that one pimple on her nose that comes and goes. However, there is one thing other than that pimple that she dislikes about herself, the giant birthmark that stretches across her elbow. People often ask what it is, or they just stare at it long enough for Chao to tell them anyways. Out of all places- it has to be her elbow. 


— Off stage Chao  loves wearing clothes that fit loosely, usually in bright pastel colors. Usually wearing jeans thats stop just above her ankles with a sweater, shirt, or, jacket two sizes too big, her style is thought of as unique. Long sleeves are her favorite because she tries as hard as she can to hide the ugly mark on her elbow, (and this is why winter fashion is her favorite- it's a must to cover your arms). She doesn't like a lot of accesories and keeps her outfits simple. Also, because she's still young and always talks about how she wouldn't want to 'mess up' her skin she doesn't wear makeup, just lip color and maybe some eyeliner. Something else she can't forget is a bag, whether it be a drawstring backpack or a tote bag, she always has one when going out and carries who knows what inside of it.


outfits   x x x x x x x x x x

practice x x x x x

formal   x x x x x




personality traits energetic, outgoing, dedicated (+) | honest, straightforward (+,-) |  conceited, verbose, controlling (-)

— Since she was young Chao was never the shy type. She loves to talk and speak her mind, and sometimes that doesn't go so well. Usually, people think of Chao as a nice person they can get comfortable around. If she see's that you're shy she will try everything she can to break you out of your shell, sometimes forcefully. Generally, Chao is a bright cheerful person who seems to never stay quiet and surley sticks out within her family of quiet people who are private about their lives. Since people around her were very closed, she tends to open up to people very quickly no matter who you are. If she has something to say about you or to you she won't hesitate. Her sharp tounge makes her known on variety shows, Some ways good and some ways bad. Something she doesn't get in trouble for is her strange but nice sense of humor. It's like she talks too long, too much, and too in detail, it's hilarious. Things like this make think of herself as popular, which she sometimes lets it get to her head.

When doing things or teaching about things she has a passion for, such as dancing, Chao feels as if she's on the top of the world. She hates to think people are better than her, she brags an awful lot for someone her age- knowing that there are people who have way more experience than her. Dancing is very important to her and she will not loose to anyone when it comes to it. Despite her thinking she's better than everyone, she doesn't really dislike anyone at the moment, although some people may think she hates them. She hates being proven wrong, and if she is she'll refuse to listen unless someone knocks some sense into her by scolding of course. Chao doesn't really belive that she's being mean to people, 'constructive critisism' is what she refers to it as. But seriously- is it constructive critisism when someone does something she doesn't like and she gets mad at them? Speaking of, if you were to get on Chao's bad side something as small as insulting her dancing will do the trick. if you're on her bad side she won't pay any attention to you and act as if you're practically invisible. But there's nothing to worry about, it's not like anyone would dare to insult her dancing anyways. they know how she gets.

In all, Chao isn't a bad person. Maybe she has a short temper but that doesn't mean that's all she has. Everyone has good quialities. She cares for each and every person she's had a decent conversation with, always seems bright and cheery and is a social butterfly. Choa loves to make friends, tries to be as nice to people as possible- which obviously doesn't work out. But hey, she tries. 


— Born in Beijin, Chao and her family moved to HongKong in order for her dad to start a business successfully. Her childhood was normal. The usual sleep, eat, study type of girl with a few hours of fun in between. But of course every family has their issues. Moving to HongKong wasn't easy, her dad didn't get the job right away so they had to live just off their mothers job. Which made their family not exactly wealthy, but not exactly poor. To other people, Chao seemed poor because she wore the same few outfits in public or wore the same pair of shoes for a while. At school, she would not tolerate bullying. Her and the 'bullies' often got in trouble arguing, but honestly it didn't phase Choa too much. She thought of herself better than them anyways. besides, they were the ones attemtping to bully, not Chao.

In elementary, Chao and the small group of friends she had were really into kpop. They spent hours hanging out with eachother, learning the songs word for word, and one of Chao's close friends, Nuri, was really into learning the dances. That's she reason why Chao got into dancing. She was jealous of Nuri for being to do something so nicely. Nuri made dancing look so easy. Chao was offered personal 'dancing lessons' by her friend and next thing you know, a dance cover of t-ara's bo peep is uploaded onto youtube. Chao has been dancing ever since with nuermous covers being uploaded afterwards.

By now, Chao's father has started a business. however, it's not doing so well. That being the case, Chao asked her mother multiple times to take her to a company so she could at least have a chance at being an idol. Rejection after rejection her mother said 'you're too young'. Her mom saying this probably affected Chao more than the bullies did. Chao's older brother saw how much this upset her and next they probably did they worse thing they could do. He researched a lot and ended up taking her to audition for Pledis because 'they don't seem scary like the other companies. oh- and After School's Nana(she really loves her). Shortly after her seventeenth birthday, she flied to Korean, then she was accepted into the company. her mother decided that she had no other choice than to support her daughter despite knowing all the danger that came with training. 


— cats and dogs, she can choose (she haves a cute cat)
— popping and locking, her favortie style of dance

— Contemporary dance, she's been practicing this in her free time
— Cooking, although she's not very good (she lies to people and says she is)

— Making choreography, would like to do for her groups
— Being right, if she's not she simply does not care

— Sunny weather, Chao believe's it's the best to dance in
— Bright pastel colors, mostly yellows and oranges


— Snow, to herit just gets in the way of everything

— Being corrected or wrong, she'll just get mad
— People acting more superior than her, she's obviously the best in her opinion

— Glitter or sequence, "It's just too much"
— Singing in low, often complains about hurting

— Mean people, although she's a bit mean herself
— Scary movies, some weird childhood memory of watching her first movie

— Pranks, she hates looking stupid in the end


— Not thinking before she does or says something rude
— Smelling anything before she consumes it

— Rocking back and forth on her feet when she's nervous
— Rolling her eyes as a response (It's like an instinct for her)


— Dancing, one of the things she cares about the most, and she's always doing it

— Soccer, she loves to play in her free time and was even on her schools team
— Wasting time on SNS, also she likes to 'stalk' her favorite idols pages


— Has never missed a day of training

— She's allergic to shellfish, and only recently found out
— She likes to study and does very well in school

— Her and her family are not religious
— She's never tasted any western food before, besdies pizza

— Her skin is sensative and she can only use certain products
— In the past, she's tried to teach herself piano (and failed)

— She's known as a night owl and has trouble falling asleep
— Choa is a bit of a computer geek

— She wants to travel outside of Korea, even if it's not far
— Used to have a fear of dogs when she was younger, now she loves them

— Doesn't like to sing in high ranges because her voice itself is high




— father • Xun Wuhan / 44 / entrepeneur / caring, even tempered, powerful / Chao and her father share a normal relationship. Him being her father, of course he spoils her a lot. he knows when she's upset, he knows what cheers her up, he knows what she likes. He understands Chao a lot. He has such a soft spot for Chao and supports her in everything she does. Despite him spoling her, there are times where he just has to say no to her and he treats this like it's the   most difficult task to do.


— mother • Xun Fen / 42 / dermatologist / strict, self assured, judgemental  / Chao and her mother are the complete oppisite as her father. They know they love eachother, but don't show it. Her mother hates to spoil Chao whatsoever. But of course it's not like she's constantly mean to Sooja, she just thinks Chao needs to be disciplined. Fen would've liked it better if Chao wanted to pursue something that was more likely and a much easier job to get. even though she doesn't show it, she supports Chao and if proud of how far she has come. 



— brother • Xun Jing / 23 / student / reliable, witty, warm hearted / Jing and Chao are really close, so close that people think that they're best friend and not sibling. At first, her was really worried when he saw thet she will become a trainee at Pledis, and call her everday after her practise, and the weekend, he skyped her for congratulating her.



— best friend • Long Nuri / 20 / student / sensitive, understanding, passive / Nuri is a member of the dance cover group. They get along well, and know each others since high shcool, but . during the dance practice, Chao loves to give 'constructive critisms' and thinks she's better than everyone at dancing. Nuri doesn't take it to heart though, She's known Chao long enough to not get hurt. but it does upset Nuri. Chao always talks to Nuri about personal things, like her trainee period or her family.



— closest members • Performance Team / Chao and the Performance Team are really close, dancing and training together made them having this 'sibling' relationship. She takes care of them and they take care of her. But being always together means disputes, and even if sometimes they're not always okay because of Chao's leadership, they knows how to be always together.



— China Line • Minhao, Junhui / Being chinese sometimes help, and thanks to her nationality, Choa, Minghao and Jun are really close. Everytime that they see each other in Pledis building, they always speak non stop, in chinese. They really like Chao, like a member of the chinese line of Pledis.



— 97 Line • Minghao, DK, Mingyu / The four of them are really close too, thanks to their ages. Even if sometimes they considered Chao more like their little sister than a real 97 line, they always laugh with each other, asking her how was her day, giving advice for her idol career. They became friends when they were introduced by Mingao after the debute of Trideca




stage name Moon
persona The Firecracker Dancer

plotline+ position Performance Team #1 + Leader of performance team, choreographer, main dancer
backup  Performance Team #4

talent twin

— vocal twin: Kasper (the singing parts)
— dance twin: SNSD's Hyohyeon
— rap twin: Kasper (the rapping parts)
— others: Girl's Day Yura (varitey and talking)

trainee years 3 years
trainee life  Chao became a trainee by audtion. Because of her age, her mother did not want her to and did not approve when she found that Choa's brother took her to an audition behind her back. She learned to accept it but still acts unsure about it. Of course training was not easy, but it wasn't hell either. Obviously she got in to Pledis with her dancing, with her rapping just sounding like a voice with an expression and her singing sounding a bit high and cutsey. But to Chao it was like a difficult p.e. class at school. She did things she hated and did things she loved. Chao and other trainees were praised for being able to manage their regular childhoods and their talents that have been showcased at practice, and once again, she let it get to her head. Since she acted so high and mighty about her dancing skills there were a lot of other trainees who did not like her, but others who were really impressed with her confidence. And the thing that made her want to act more conceited about her dancing was practicing people who thought they were better. She didn't let this or anyone else become a distraction though, She continued to do what she had to do even if she wanted to give up at times, She was still determined.

predebut activities none


love interest Seventeen's DK
back up love interest Seventeen Hoshi


— Seokmin is  naturally good at smooth-talking, making hard to say “no” to him. He knows  just how to work a conversation to his benefit or guide it in the direction he wants it to go. He is often so smooth with his delivery that most people don’t even realize he's coercing them.

Being close to Seokmin means you will rarely be bored or simply allowed to be content. He wants to shake things up and enjoy making life thrilling. He is often good at seeking out ways to make anything fun and new, even if it is the slightest adjustment. If you are someone who helps him comes up with creative activities, he will cherishes your friendship. He can often be hot-headed, but as long as you don’t take this too personally things will be great between you.

He thinks about others more than he expresses, he just isn't fan of constant emotional expression. He enjoyes being around people who are emotionally strong and capable of containing themselves. When he's around people like that he often is capable of sharing a lot of themselves. He enjoyes being able to chat and will often be good at listening to their friends.


— The weekend finally arrived, to the hapiness of Chao. She promised to Nuri, who fly from Hongkong, that she will pay her a meal and a karaoke to congratulate herself for the debute of Trideca. A cap on her head, a mask covering her face, she left Pledis's building, her scarf flying because of the cold wind, she quickly crossed the crowned streets to a cashier, to pay meals for her bestfriend and the tramway. Due to the winter, she ran to the tramway but during her race, she lost her ticket for the tram. She tried to tell to the tram controller to leave her because she already paid for her ticket but lost it. The controller refused, telling her that if she didn't have a ticket, she had to get out of the tram. She started to getting angry when the person behind her asked if he could pay for his ticket. Then Chao walked away to let the man go and fetch his ticket. She was really surprised when she saw a hand with a ticket streching toward her, telling her it was for her. She raised her head and saw her sunbae, Seokmin. She already knows him, they were introduced to each others trough the others 97 liners. He smiled and told her to take the ticket. Still surprised, she took the ticket and bowed at him. She was very awkward next to him in the tram, when she received a text of Nuri, telling her that her fly was very late, so the karaoke was canceled. Chao let out a sigh and a little cry of anger, when Seokmin patted her shoulder asking her if everything was okay. At first, she told him everything was fine, and she was a little exhausted, but after Seokmin insisted, she tell him that she was supposed to find her friends for congratulate the fact that she had passed her trainee test. So naturally, Seokmin told her to invited him, for thank him because he paid her ticket. She initilly refused but he insisted again, until she agreed. That's how during a winter night, Chao spent her friday night with Seokmin  in a small restaurant, and since that night, they have become friends.

love story

— They have a really friendly relationship, well, only when they're with a group of person. Because when they're alone, their relation is more than friendship, but not really a lover one. Thanks to the fact that they're personality are really similar, and they're really good to hiding their feelings to their friends, because the way that they act with each others, is the same way they act with the others. They love telling jokes, puns, teasing everyone. But (it's going to be cliché) they will fall in this classic case "oh no I'm in love with my friend".

Writing a new song, telling a joke, rant her day, everything is a good excuse to Chao for calling him for spend times with him. Even if their conversation is very platonic, their behaviors towards the others aren't really. Swing his arm around her shoulders, slightly hit his torso when he makes a funny jokes about her height, smiling to each others, cuddling while watching the tv, wanting to have more than just their simple friendship. They didn't want to ruin things between them, they prefer to let things happen naturally. When people are around them, they are a little distant, and wouldn't show their feelings for each others, a sort of cute shyness between them. They would act like they're just really good friends, and that's the truth, that's what they are, really good friends. 

The harder things for them is to letting people think that they're too similar to be with each others, having to refrain themself to hug each others, feeling the other close to them, all they can do is looking from far away, and secretly smile to the other. Teasing and laughing with the other is the only thing that they can do without looking suspicious, but even for them, their relation is hard to define. They know that they are more than friends, but showing affection with words is really hard to do. They have a really hard time to tell to the other their feelings, and prefer to letting their actions speak instead of their words.



— Right now, they're really happy with their actual relation, they're really good friends. Even if Seokmin (and the rest of Pledis idols) shows a lot of support for the debut of their sister group, They're still friends, and don't want to change things now


— one of them (dunno who but wathever, but maybe when Trideca isn't considered as a rookie group) will finally confess to the other, and they will tell to the members of their group, not wanting to hide it any longer, and it will be reveald it to the fans.

remplace with love interest 120*120

last comment I hope that she is good ^^ trideca fighting and good luck for your story

scene requets

— Chao and the others members clash/dispute

— Chao and Seokmin cute moments together
— The Performance Team having a special stage dance performance

— Trideca / Seventeen / Pristin interaction
— Chao and (one of the 97 liner or China Line) are too close, leading to a dating scandal (which later Pledis announced that is false)

password hum... WJSN Catch Me and Produce IOI Don't Matter ( I don't know I think that they are firece songs) and... I don't know for the fanclib name... LUMINA ?? it's cute right??



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