I gave my USB on the counter because I need to print our manuscript and photocopy it immediately. The girl whose on the  printing section ask me "Can I copy these Boyfriend Diary Vids?"


Me. Dumbfounded. I never thought they knew them. It took me several seconds to respond "Ah yeah sure" *smiles*


I can't help it anymore, I'm so curious why they knew them so ask her, "You know them? Ah, I mean, are you a Kpop fan?"


She shook her head, "Nope, but Ahjumma" turning her look to the ahjumma whose photocopying now our manuscript. I quickly approached her.


Me: Ahjumma, are you a Kpop fan?


Ahjumma: Yeah but Kdramas only.


M: Wow! really?? So what have you already watched?


A: Almost everything *smiles* every week, mysoju updates new kdramas, and that's what i'm watching.


M: *nods* But, how about bands ahjumma? Super Junior? SHINee?-- *I'm about to say another artist but she cut me*


A: Only BigBang, MBLAQ and U-Kiss.


M: *surprised and got excited* BIGBANG?! hahahaha who's your bias among them ahjumma?


A: All of them, but G-Dragon is the most interesting about them *smiles*


M: *heart beats fast upon hearing GD's name* *big smile* hahahaha really ahjumma? so, do you know any girl linked to him? *trying if who is her OTP*


A: There's nothing that they really said, but when I watched *she mentioned some show, i didn't heard because I'm talking to my classmate* it's only Dara who can borrow his things.


M: *eyes wide* hahaha Ahjumma you're really an Appler!! hahaha What do you think about DaraGon? Is it real or not?


A: *shrugs* If you were really goingto observe their movements compare to others, I can say that they are really a couple or if not a couple, they have mutual feelings, but they just keeping it to the public. You know! ShowBiz?!


M: *OMG!! I can't believe I'm talking to an ahjumma* Yeah you're right ahjumma. I really wish they are real. *I want to chat with her more but I'm actually rushing because of our manuscript, so i just drop the topic*


Ahjumma gave me the 189 pages. I smiled at her. "Thanks for the nice talk ahjumma" I smiled, she too, then left.



SEE?!! Even Ahjumma knew!!


DARAGON IS FCKING REAL!!!!!!   \O/    ~~(^=^)~~


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