Things that annoy me about fanfiction

So, I was thinking today about how picky I am when it comes to fanfics. My friends call me the editing Nazi because I always complain about what I don't like in a story. I thought writing them down would help me get rid of some of the anger. They are in no particular order.

  1. When people describe kissing, and somewhere in there they say: "explore/enter his/her/my wet cavern." I mean, WTAF? Yes, I get that you want to be descriptive without going M-rated here, but even if the story was M-rated, that would still sound nasty. It makes you think too much about how much saliva one's mouth is producing.
  2. When a author adds abuse/angst to the story, but doesn't give a PLAUSIBLE reason for such, and also the main character is ok about all the angst. I mean, not all people are great with plot development- totally understandable. However, when the reason someone is angsty, or has some sort of emotional, inter-personal issues is not explained, it makes the story much less believable.
  3. Oh, and don't get me started on Tragic Pasts. Tragic pasts are so overused and very badly done.
  4. Mary Sues and Gary Stus. No one is perfect, even in the world of fiction. Flaws are what make characters believable and relatable to the audience, and they also add a demension of intrigue. It doesn't make anythign fun if your character always gets what they want, if they always get the guy/girl in the end, or if they triumph over a tragic past/difficult situation/horrible breakup with every single ounce of their sanity in tact. It just doesn't happen that way.
  5. Over description of objects, including but not limited to: clothing, hair, inanimate objects such as cell phones, notebooks, and other things people are already familiar with. This pertains a lot to this website because it seems that people forget we have an "add link" button. Instead of spending 400 words describing how "Leeteuk was wearing a blue blazer with yellow trim and white gold cuff links and also a polo logo embroidered in purple silk on the upper-left hand side of the blazers butterfly collar," you could just say, "Leeteuk was wearing a rather intersting blazer," or, "Leeteuk was wearing a blue blazer," or simply link to a picture of what you are describing (thank god he never wore such hideous clothing).
  6. When people type like this: " She went to the store, " instead of this: "She went to the store." I know a lot of users on this site don't have English as their first language, or maybe they do and they just don't have a really good grasp on it; however, ther is no space between the opening quotation mark and the first word. Same goes for the closing quotation mark.
  7. Also, when people write in present and future narrative tense. First of all, present narrative tense does not make it sound like you are experiencing the story as it happens, it just makes it sound like you are reading the camera directions off of a movie script. It also makes you sound like you are dull and unintersting because it doesn't leave much room for description of events. Second of all, if you are using future tense to write your story, you really gotta rethink your whole understanding of the English language, simple because the narrators never really know what is going to happen next.
  8. This is really a personal preference, but it kind of borders on th line of #1. When people are wrting , and they use words like '' and '.' I get that you might want your //passionate lovemaking to be "dirty" or "rough" but is it really necessary to describe it using such words? I have read plenty of fics where the has ben so hot, lava would be scared, and they managed to do it without using those words. Again, this is just a personal preference, and I won't attack you because you like to use those words.
  9. Back stories part II: If you want to have a character with a back story, then please provide it for us, and thuroughtly research it before you do. I'm not saying give us the WebMD description of why someone has trauma, but make it so that we as the readers don't have to make stuff up, and you as a writer get stuck in that place of "I don't really know how this works so I'm just going to add it in and now my story is not plausible." Just make it easier on yourself and do a little research and planning beforehand.

That's all for now. I am sure that there is more, but I'm tired and hungry so I will go and take care of that right now.

Hope this makes some sense and maybe someone takes my advice!



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Totally not annoying at all! You just want to find a well-written fic you can like right?

I totally agree with most of your points, it really annoys me! Over description of objects and lack of emotive vocabulary are some things I really dislike. I wrote a post about my own fiction pet peeves, it includes some additional ones that you may not have talked about but I hope you will read and tell me what you think :)