The Princess Project ⚊ Bei Zhenliu


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bei zhenliu


✩ siyeon - a nickname jinyoung gave her, because apparently she looks like a 'siyeon'. she didn't mind being called like that and even found it cool.
zhenie - zhen + cutie. it's what her brothers call her.
piao lang - 'beautiful' in mandadrin. it's just one of the many cheesy nicknames prince wenhui calls her. 


mandarin - her mothertongue so she's fluent.
english - fluent. since it is the universal language.


✩ princess zhenliu is a petite young girl that stand in a moderate height, though she's not as tall as the rest of her family members. her hair black and long and often has it down. however, she has dyed it once, but wasn't very accepted in the palace. 


✩ skirts, dresses and heels - that's how she'd usually dress up. she's always seen in a formal wear, but of course,  she'd also dress up casually and sometimes when she's in the palace, she even walk in her pajamas, not caring if somebody ever sees her like that. it's only when she's out on her little escapades that she actually put an effort to hide her face by putting on a hat and using a mask.

casual: 1 2 3 4

formal: 1 2 3 4

parties/balls: 1 2 3 4

when she escapes the palace (with a hat, mask and sometimes with sunglasses on): 1 2 3 4


dubbed as 'the rockstar princess' by the media back in her beloved kingdom of taipei, zhenliu is known for her care free attitude. she's always interacting with her people, even though the palace would rather for her not to for safety reasons, and she's also keen into breaking the rules. in short, zhenliu is not your typical princess. yes, she's beautiful and clever, but deep inside this princess is a loud, but lovable young girl.

BIRTHDATE: october 17, 2111
KINGDOM: taipei
ETHNICITY: chinese
FACE CLAIM: kyulkyung of pristin
BACK UP: xuan yi of wjsn
HEIGHT: 166 cm
WEIGHT: 51 kg


what makes you tick

PERSONALITY TRAITS: cheerful, humble, daring, playful - boisterous, envious, disobedient, dishonest

it's almost impossible to see princess zhenliu not grinning or giggling as she always has a smile on her face no matter what the situtaion is. she's very optimistic and it's not really hard to make her laugh or smile, though that gets her into trouble sometimes. despite being the fourth in line in the throne, zhenliu doesn't brag about her family's position and their wealth. out of the five membered taiwanese royal family, she's the easiest to approach because of her humble and outgoing personality. she was even once quoted to say, "so what if i'm a princess? that doesn't mean that i cannot be friends with my people."

she doesn't usually like it when she's ordered to do her duties as a princess, but there is one exception - when they ask her to go to schools and be with the children. she may be of legal age now, but princess zhenliu is stll a child at heart. she absolutely loves reading for the children, though they just end up playing around. maybe because she's the youngest of the family, that's why she's very playful. her love for her people is very big, but sadly, she's not allowed to just roam around the kingdom. she's always stuck in the palace when she has nothing to do, when she wishes that she could be roaming outside the palace walls. this caused her to crave aventure and be daring. she's fearless and isn't afraid to break the rules.

even royals aren't perfect, and that includes princess zhenliu. her cheerful and outgoing side can become a bad thing sometimes. it's not bad to be happy, but the princesss often gets boisterous and cannot control her noisy and lively attitude, not even on official events when she should be serious. in fact, on candid pictures of the royal family, she's the only one who has derpy pictures as she has a funny way of laughing. at first she was embarrassed and even asked her parents if they could do something about it, but these days, she just doesn't care about it anymore.

if you think princesses don't get jealous, but you thought wrong. well, that's the case for zhenliu. sure, she has it all, from the luxurious house to live in to the high brand clothes, what would she get jealous of, you ask? the freedom that everybody seem to have except her. even her brothers get to roam around taipei, or outside the city with a bunch of bodyguards, but she couldn't unless she with one of them or her parents. sure she gets to sneak around sometimes, but it still different when you're allowed to go to the places that you want to. maybe it's because apart from being the only girl, she's also the youngest...

the two traits that goes with her daring personality would be her dishonesty and disobedience. yes, even princess can get a little stubborn sometimes. when she doesn't want to do anything, she would pretend like she's not feeling well. that used to work when she was younger, but these days, she'd get dragged to events whether she liked it or not. her curiousity for the outside world could reach its peak sometimes, and when she does, she'd often sneak out of the palace incognito. of course, it freaks her parents out, it's just an appropriate way for parents to react when their child goes missing, much more when you're child is a princess. but these days, since she's heavily guarded, she doesn't get to sneak out that much anymore..


born in october 17, 2111 as the youngest of the bei siblings, zhenliu grew up as a bright and intelligent child with her parents being the king and queen of taipei helping for her happy childhood. when it was announced that the queen was pregnant with the royal couple's third child, the whole kingdom celebrated, but no one was as happy as the king. he had been longing for a daughter, having two sons and heirs already, so he was very delighted when he found out that he was having a daughter for the first time. so when princess zhenliu was born, he made sure that she got everything needed and wanted. books, toys and dresses were given to taipei's young and only princess, but what made zhenliu happy is when her father would carry her on shoulders. that is when she truly felt like a princess. she absolutely loved her father, her mother and brother as well, but her father was the closest to her. to the people of taipei, he may be their king, but to little zhenliu's eyes, he's her bestfriend.

being the friendly little kid that she was, zhenliu easily befrended everyone she talks to. she was very friendly to all, no matter what social group they belong to. she's even very close to the servants that they have in the palace. from the nannies that she had when she was younger, to the guards protecting their palace walls. maybe that's the reason why they really can't hate no matter how noisy and disobedient the princess is. zhenliu is also friends with her fellow childhood chinese royals, whom she met when she was younger. meixiu may be intimidating at times, but zhenliu knows how to make the fellow princess laugh. junhui is a tease, but that doesn't mean that she can't back. and minghao... well, minghao's just minghao.


✩ likes: children, parties/balls, book, animals, adventures, older films&music
✩ dislikes: being forced to do something, insects, tattoos, rude & arrogant people
✩ hobbies: horseback riding, painting, playing the piano
✩ habits: pretending like she doesn't understand korean when she doesn't want to do something that teacher wants her to do, pouting when she gets scolded at, doing aegyo when she wants something
✩ she's literally always talking even on her sleep (she sleep talks). she also probably doesn't even know how to whisper (not literally, but you know what i mean)
✩ she can play the piano and the harp, but is better with the piano
✩ she loves looking at the stars and at the moon
✩ since she's of legal age now and basically away from her family, she really wants to get drunk (maybe meimei can help her with that?)
✩ she loves ballet and does it on her free time
✩ she's the reason why her friends always get into trouble
✩ she's very fascinated with history and is a huge fan of older films and music. she always say that she was born in the wrong generation while dramatically holding a picture of her favorite older actors from the 21st century such as leonardo dicaprio, ryan gosling, chris evans...
✩ she's very keen on skinships and would randomly hug her brothers and friends
✩ apart from taipei, her second most favorite city is shanghai
✩ she often gets scolded at for being noisy
✩ one day, she came back from her rendezvous around the city with her hair dyed pink, causing a huge chaos in the palace. she was scolded severely for it, but thought she looked cute so she plans to do it again
✩ she wants to visit rome someday
✩ she likes roaming around cities without any bodyguard
✩ her favorite season is summer
✩ she wants to learn how to cook, and always bugs the school's chef to teach her, and even let her cook for her fellow students


father - king bei liuxian (52) / loyal & earnest / he may have a crown on his head, but liuxian's also a caring father towards his children, especially to his one and only princess zhenliu. he can't carry her like before when she was younger anymore, but he always listens to his daughter's endless rambling about random things, and it seems like he's the only one who's entertained when she does that. he even calls her to his office when he's stressed just to listen to her voice. when his busy schedule allows him to, he'd often have a cruise with the family on their private royal yacht.

mother - xiang jingyi (52) / sophisticated & protective / between her two parents, zhenliu's undoubtedly favorite is her father, but that doesn't mean that she's not close with her mother. in fact, her fascination for history/the past century came from her as she'd always tell stories about it to little zhenliu when she's younger. she's also very protective of her, since she is the youngest and the only girl of the family to the point that she still freaks out and gets nervous when the princess sneaks out of the palace, while the king is more calm about now, knowing that zhenliu always finds the way back home anyways.

✩ older brother - prince bei yijun (27) / caring & intelligent / yijun is the first son of the royal couple and the heir of the throne. despite their huge , yijun is quite close to the youngest, even if he doesn't speak a lot. however, he is just one of the many people who gets really confused whenever zhenliu gets excited and starts saying random things. when she does, he'd just smile awkwardly and tell her that there's ice cream at the kitchen that she may like - it's his own polite way of saying to go away. (fc: choi siwon of super junior)

✩ older brother - prince bei shuren (22) / calm & kind / if the oldest yijun doesn't talk that much, shuren is a lot quieter than the older prince to the point that people wonder where zhenliu got her talkativeness from and if she's really their youngest sibling. shuren is a man of few words and speaks with his actions. he is also zhenliu's accomplice whenever she sneaks out of the palace and even lets her borrow his clothes, that's why she loves him a lot. however, he never goes with her and just lies whenever he's asked if he knows where she is or if he saw her somewhere. (fc: mark tuan of got7)

✩ childhood friends - princess yao meixiu / outgoing & mischievous / just like prince minghao and prince junhui, zhenliu first met meimei when they were just kids. for the first time, zhenliu actually felt shy when she first met her. but being the friendly princess that she is known, zhenliu managed to be friends with the princess from hong kong. though they have their differences, they are also both mischievous, which could be a pain to their future professors. now that they're going to srpk, zhenliu cannot wait to spend a year with her, something that she has been talking about since the last time they had a sleepover together.

reflections of the soul

a press interview


✩ "Oh, oh! I actually made a bucketlist for this! But... uhm, I don't remember most of it..." The princess laughs awkwardly as she scratched the back of her head. "But surely, I'll just force my family to do things with me. Maybe we'll go around the city- walking, no bodyguards, no cars, whatsoever. I wanna know what's it like to be normal, you know?" She laughs at thought of it, though she really didn't say anything funny. After remembering the question, her eyes suddenly widens, "Wait, they're not gonna kill us here, are they? That's such a weird question!" 


✩ "My family." Zhenliu answers immediately as soon as the interviewer finished his question. She didn't even think of anything else and just said what's on her mind. "I really love them - my father, my mother, my brothers... Even if my family's just a normal, working class family, I'd love them the same. They don't say it to me directly, but I know they love me." She giggles by how serious she suddenly sounded, "If they see me giggling like this, they'd scold me again though."


✩ "I heard from my brothers that SRPK throws the best parties, so I'm very much looking foward to that." She wiggles her eyebrow playfully. Parties are really her thing and she can't wait to attend one at the school. "Of course, I'm very excited to meet some new friends too! It's always nice to meet a fellow royal. Plus, I have never been to Jeju before, so it's nice to be living in a different city for once. Don't get me wrong. I left my heart in Taipei, but I just can't wait to sneak out- I mean," She pauses, cover with her hands and laughing out loud before continuing, "I meant, I can't wait to learn new things! That's what I said, really!"


✩ "Hmm... I've never really thought about it since I was very excited to go to SRPK... There's really nothing that I could really unlike about meeting new people and learning new things so..." She answers truthfully. "Oh! I know now!" Zhenliu suddenly shouts, startling the interviewer. "Everybody knows that I have a close with my family, right? I think that's the thing that I dislike the most about going here. The distance relationship between my family and me. It'll be hard for me since I live far from them now. I bet my father's missing me already." She smiles softly as she thought about the king at the moment, sulking at the queen for sending their dearest daughter away - the cute of side of her father something that the people of Taipei doesn't see but she wishes they could. "Ah, what to do? I don't think I'll like studying either." She sighs, but upon remember that she's a princess, she immediately takes it back with an awkward laugh. 

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the prince

wen junhui (park jinyoung of got7)


✩ positive: earnest, athletic, artistic, charmring / negative: naughty, narcissistic, competitive, jealous - junhui, just like zhenliu, could be a little naughty too. he has been advised not to, but he has thrown a lot of secret but lavishing parties back in beijing. it is something that her parents are trying so hard to hide. there's nothing wrong with partying, it's just that he often does it a lot. he also enjoys teasing zhenliu, and she'd often respond by hitting him, something that she could only do to the prince. however, when it comes to his kingdom, he is willing to leave his partying ways behind to become a better prince. being the sole prince of beijing, junhui is very earnest when it comes to his kingdom and it just shows in his grades. he's very serious when it comes to school, which is why he also nags zhenliu about doing the same. 

as a prince, junhui enjoys different activities such as doing sports. he's very athletic, and likes doing any kind of sport, but he especially has a thing for fencing and polo. he also have a particular liking when it comes to painting and is quite artistic. he does it a lot on his free time and when he's alone.  the 'prince charming' just like what his people would call him, junhui has a way to charm his people. even with just a smile, he captures everyone's heart, which is why he is very popular back in his city. that could get a little in to his head though, and his narcissistic side just shows when he's alone with his friends.

apart from his narcissism, his athleticness could also get his to head, causing him to get very competitive when it comes to sports. he absolutely hates it when he loses to someone and gets really jealous, something that he hates feeling, but cannot help but to feel so he always denies it when he does.


✩ as the only son of the king of beijing, he is automatically known as the crown prince of the kingdom. ever since he was young, he had been showered compliments not only for his intelligence, but for his good looks as well. this is probably why he grew up knowing that he's attractive. apart from his usual bragging about his looks, he's actually very serious when it comes to his kingdom. since he is the only son, he's quite scared that he might disappoint his people, but he is willing to do anything for them.

the first time junhui met zhenliu is back when they were just 5. he actually doesn't remember his first impression of her, all he knows that they became really good friends after that. as their parents would often meet a lot, there are rumors floating around that they've been arranging a marriage when the right time comes for the two royals and is just waiting for an approval from the world advocates.

KINGDOM: beijing

BIRTHDATE: january 30, 2111

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the peasant

jung jinyoung (j.seph or kard)


positive: elegant, intelligent, calm, romantic / negative: wary, timid, distant - the first time zhenliu met jinyoung, she thought that he was a prince. the way he spoke, the way he acted, the way he did his things - he did it all in an elegant way. he somewhat reminds her of both of her brothers combined, as he would often tell her random facts and stories (yijun's intelligence) and the way he'd acted toward things (shuren's calmness). another thing that surprised zhenliu is how lowkey romantic he is. the guy reads romantic novels for god's sake. not that there's something wrong with that. it's just that his brothers are absolutely boring when it comes to girls, that she never actually thought of a guy reading love stories. maybe that's why her heart flutters even when he's just talking.

if there is something that she doesn't like about him is that gets a little too wary. he gets very concerned towards the young princess and often asks questions such as, "is it okay if you do that?", "what if you get into trouble?" or "maybe you should study...?". being the carefree girl that she is, zhenliu doesn't care about getting into trouble at all, but in his defense, she is his very first royal friend so he just wants her to be careful. his sudden closeness with the princess shocked his family, but most importantly, jinyoung himself. he's usually very timid and quite distant towards the royals, but because of their love of books, they got along quickly.


✩ born in a normal class family, jinyoung has never once met a royal, let alone talk to them. his father has though, as he was a former professor at the school but is now retired. his father thought his son everything he taught the princes and princess that's why zhenliu thought that he was a prince.

JOB AT SRPK: an librarian intern ( i hope it's okay??? i can't think of a job for him aiosdhasod )

BIRTHDATE: june 4, 2108


diamond-breaker ✩ thea

LAST COMMENT: first of all, thank you for putting up the cheat code last night. i'm actually  about to go on semi-hiatus bc i didn't study the past two weeks when i should be, and i thought that i won't be able to apply in your story. i was about to be upset, bc i really like the plot but then you updated so yay! lol

secondly, i hope you like her. i did this app in a rush so there might be a lot of mistakes. hopefully there aren't a lot bc i can't use the internet much these upcoming days.

and oh, i mentioned minghao on the background i think but since i really don't know much about him in the story, i just left it like that lol. i do want to put that junhui and zhenhui's parents arranged them in a marriage, but since the wa has to deal with the marriages and stuff, i just left it like that. uhm, i think that's all i want to say. good luck to you story! c:


✩ the girls getting in trouble bc of zhenliu

✩ zhenliu trying to skip class but was caught by junhui, so he tries to stop her, but ends up skipping class with her. when they get back, they get punished.





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