Character Survey 2016-2017 ONLY

SO I have decided to do this once again, this time limiting myself to what I have written from 2016-current. That gives me only about 15 stories to play with so here we go.


Favorite Character to write:
Sungjoo from Hall of Faces

LEAST Favorite Character to write:
Hoya from Thoroughly Enchanted

Happiest Character:
Seungyeon from Genuine Effort

Saddest Character:
JR in What Divides Us

Most Angry Character:
Wenhan in Close of Day

Most Selfish Character:
Fei from A Spark of Light

Most Optimistic Character:
Aron from What Divides Us

Character that made me the saddest:
Jessica from By the Light of the Sea

Favorite Pairing:
Hakyeon+Ravi from Steal My Heart

LEAST Favorite pairing:
Hoya+Dongwoo from Thoroughly Enchanted

Easiest Character to Kill:
Sion in The Seal of Light

Most Evil Character:
Zico from A Spark of Light

Most Written About Character:
Infinite Hoya

Most Complex Character:
Wenhan from Close of Day

Character I Really Wanted To Die:
Zico in A Spark of Light

Character I Really Didn't Want To Die:
Anyone in On Shifting Sand

Pairing I Wanted But Never Wrote In:
SCoups+Jeonghan in The Seal of Light

Funniest character:
Dongwoo in Thoroughly Enchanted

Smartest character:
Hyesung from The Seal of Light

Stupidest/silliest character:
Dongwoo from Thoroughly Enchanted

Kindest character:
Yixuan from Hall of Faces/Close of Day

Most pessimistic character:
Woozi in Genuine Effort

Most memorable character:
For me as the author? Sungjoo from Hall of Faces/Close of Day

Most loved character (either by other characters/readers):
Other characters: Jessica in By the Light of the Sea
Readers: You tell me! LOL (please!)

Most hated character (either by other characters/readers):
Other Characters: Wenhan in Close of Day
Readers: You tell me! (I have no idea!)

Most realistic character:
Joy from Cursed

Most unique/strange character:
Ken from On Shifting Sand

Scene stealer(not main character but steal the limelight):
Aron from What Divides Us

Character/Pairing that deserve different ending/fate:
Myungsoo from Nightmare

Characters from different fics that should be crosspaired into a fic:
Leo from Cursed and Hakyeon from Steal My Heart

The character you'd love to have around in your life for real:
Ken from On Shifting Sand

Easiest Character to Write:
Joy from Cursed

Hardest Character To Write:
Joshua from Cruel Magic


I'd be totally interested in hearing other's thoughts, be it about their own stories or about mine! Also, are there any stories that you would like to see me use to fill this out? Like, limit me to just one for all these questions?


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so now it gives me a clue. that the cube from ON SHIFTING SAND WAS KENN...okie maybe not
Your answers made me very curious about the characters in stories I haven't read, so it made me realize that I should do more reading! Lol...I loved Jessica in By the Light of the Sea, and I agree with your answer on her. She was great;). This survey really makes you think about how you've shaped characters, and I'm going to steal this! It looks like it'll be fun to do again♡.