35 Questions by OnceUponAnExo

1. How did you come up with your user name and what does it mean?

  • Oh men this once semi-controversial username of mine. I dun have any concrete memory as to why the hell I chose this username- WAIT! I think I remember it. I was in this chatgroup of four in facebook with some of my good friends and I gave us a code each. -san, -kun, -chan, and then there's -sama. I think that's where I got this beautiful username of mine.

2. Which is your most subscribed to story?

  • "Teacher, My Daddy is Single!"

3. Why did you pick your user photo/thumbnail?

  • I mean come the on, it's a gif of Wu Yifan that makes him seem like darting his tongue out.

4. Who is your AFF bestie?

  • I don't have any. Actually, I don't have any close friends here. I had good old ones but I dunno where they are right (probably doing better at adulting than me)

5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?

  • Mhm. Other than my own? Tbh none. I've read my favorites twice to thrice but that's it, cos I tend to see or analyze the imperfections of it. I dun want that.

6. How many stories are you subscribed to?

  • Below thirty. And shamelessly so, 95% of them are EXO , 3% normal fic, and 2% layout place.

7. What AU do you find yourself writing about most?

  • None... now that I think of it. I've written two highschool!au, a story and an apply fic. But that's it.

8. How many friends do you have?

  • 894. I've never sent a friend request here in AFF unless to those people I talked with or frequently meet in discussions or blog posts. I felt like sending them a request seemed necessary. Am gon be honest, I've rejected a lot of request. I reject friend request from people who aren't my subs or never had a conversation with me. Truthfully, I dun understand people that send friend request then they don't talk to you or approach you. As if you're just a fattener to their friends list ynamsayin? Idek that's just me. Recently, there are people whos asking me if I can send a request or the other way around so they can read my other stories. That's a great excemption, am gon send a friend request real quick.

9. Is there something you'd like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)

  • Nothing in mind rn.

10. Is there anything you would like to be better at on AFF? Writing, graphic design (posters), replying to comments, updating regularly, etc..?

  • Having a stable schedule to post an update and being consistent with updating and actually finishing stories.

11. How many subscribers do you have?

  • 10,831 unique. 12,578 total. Thank you everyone.

12. How many stories have you posted online to this day (finished and unfinished)?

  • Here in AFF: 9 published, 3 hidden ones (they're my first fics here ), and some handful fics that haven't even started but already have a spot.

13. How many stories do you have saved in your writing program?

  • A lot, I've lost count.

14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?

  • A L W A Y S write them down as soon as possible.

15. Have you ever co-authored a story?

  • I did yeah, with a good friend. I asked her to beta a fic of mine and also offered her to co-author me my first applyfic here in aff.

16. How did you discover AFF?

  • Was a writer in Winglin. Just moved.

17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author on AFF?

  • Nope. A fic of mine was featured for DAYYYYYYSSSSSS while Jason was fixing the featured story list, plus how interesting my username can be, I don't doubt a good amount of people recognize me. However, am not famous. Way far from it actually. I define famous as those authors who have written fanfics classics and those who are on the first 10 pages of the popular author page of aff.

18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?

  • I sometimes call them French Fries. Cos I was once writing an author note wanting to express my gratitude and love for the readers, I was eating fries that time.

19. Was there an AFF author who inspired or encouraged you to write?

  • No.

20. How many karma points do you have?

  • Currently 1,673 cos I just won on a bid.

21. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?

  • I have three advices to give and I swear by the results of these advices if followed correctly: 1. Avoid constantly reading super brilliant fanfics while you're on the process of making your first batch of stories. "But I wanna get inspired! I wanna write like my faves!" No hun don't do that. Focus on your . Biggest tendencies are comparing yourself to people that aren't on the same level as you, getting all damn insecure, and having all these stupid doubts that'll eat your from the inside out. 2. Go around and find other authors than want to swap stories to review. Seriously, this one helped me so ing much with the grammar and construction and pretty much made me more sensitive to what I produce. And lastly, 3. Write because you ing want to write, not because for the illusion of fame.

22. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?

  • Half half. I plot the most of the stories but some details and fillers only spontaneously happen as you write.

23. Have you ever gotten a bad review or comment on a story? If so, what did you do?

  • Mhm, can't remember one. Maybe it's just because I forgot it/them or, maybe I have always tried my best to produce something that I won't be absolutely ashamed of, or maybe I just havent showed a lot of fics. HOWEVER, my main writing weakness is grammar. Always have been and always will be no matter how hard I damn learn and practice. I can swear all my bad reviews or comments are about my grammar, and I wholeheartedly accept them all and always learning to fix them everytime.
  • Holy I remember one! AHAHAHAHA! Okay so in AO3 someone told me how distasteful I write the main character cos she keeps on swearing. And am like, uhm, the story is rated and the character is a sailor mouth and is in severe distress. I told her am distasteful alright I can't please everybody and she was like oh no so sorry dun take it that way! But meh I shrugged it off lol.

24. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, , etc..)

  • Not really a 'hard' time, more like super super careful with. It's . When I was a minor (holy shiet Xin you nasty), I just carelessly wrote scenes with my raging hormones. Currently, if am not writing a full blown hardcore scene, I aim to write in an aesthetically pleasing way.

25. What story(s) are you working on now?

  • Lots. Too lazy to write them down here. Should I? Would people even damn read them lol

26. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?

  • Unfortunately, yes.

27. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?

  • I ing hella tried for 2017, best believe me. I started this 500 word challenge for 365 days but I paused at Day 13.

28. Do you think you've improved as a writer since you first started?

  • Absolutely. I am so proud of myself and I only plan to continue growing.

29. What is your favorite story that you've written?

  • It ain't here. It's a Walking Dead fanfic in Tumblr. But the story that's so dear to my heart is Chasing Iris. Yep, not TMDIS. 

30. What is your least favorite story that you've written?

  • "He's My Brother." Only reason why am not unlisting it is cos there are people who reread it.

31. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?

  • Finally making a fresh batch of updates for century old stories AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Mhm, all I can see right now (and honestly, all I can hope for) is just me but as a better writer who has ventured a lot of literature flavors and hopefully has a better updating rhythm and an even better grammar and writing talent.

32. How many upvotes do you have?

  • 864. Thank you for all of these.

33. What is the easiest thing about writing?

  • Starting a story.

34. What is the hardest thing about writing?

  • Finishing a story.

35. Why do you write?

  • To unclog and relax my mind, to lead a war against overused ideas, and to share my happiness and gift to anyone.

Questionnaire created by OnceUponAnEXO


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whatthebeck #1
omg throwback to Winglin days
Musthater #2
"I reject friend request from people who aren't my subs or never had a conversation with me. Truthfully, I dun understand people that send friend request then they don't talk to you or approach you." Hahah i'm a new reader here i mean for exo fic. And i found your stories. "Teacher,my Daddy is Single! And i love it! Thank you for accept my request friend :)).
fam still down for beta if you need me lool