Ko soo jung
me, myself and i
full name : Ko Soo Jung
nicknames :
  go-go. Soo Jung works as a delivery girl for a small chicken restaurant near Yeonhwa University. Nobody delivers chicken faster than this cutie and without fail, everytime she goes out for a delivery she always yells out "Go-Go!" She does it so often that most of the regular customers as well as her co-workers say the chant with her. "GO-GO!"
  soo jung halmoni. Soo Jung is the biggest worry-wart that probably ever graced the earth. She just has all of the traits that most people see in their grandmother. She's always trying to make sure her friends have eaten, and if not she has no problem with whipping up a full course meal. No matter what time it is. She's the only 96 liner you know that carries around pain relief patches in her fanny pack."Yah!Why do you keep rubbing your back? Do you need a patch? I have some?"
   wanda.Wanda is a character that soo jung embodies, sort of like her alter ego.She even speaks in a 'russian accent', despite that fact that slovenia isnt a part of russia. Wanda is a slovenian exchange student who has an obssession with goats and money. She has an older brother named Olav and a goat named Gunter, that wanda constantly talks about. No one knows how wanda got to South Korea. "In my country we only eat goat cheese and drink goat milk" 
ethnicity : Korean
birthday :  May 30,1996
birthplace : Secheon-deong, Daejeon, South Korea
languages :
   korean. Soojung is the type of person that uses wordplay like it's her job. She uses it so often that it annoys yet amuses her friends all at the same time.
      english. Soojung serves as a translator for the foreigners at Yeonhwa, she learned english due to her two years spent in Australia in a foreign exchange student program, which she can blame entirely on her father.
year : Sophomore
major : Biochemistry
a goddess is what she is



face - claim : Yoojung (I.O.I)
back - up face - claim : Kyla (Prisitin)
height : 160cm
weight : 46 kg
appearance : A cute little button with a larger than life personality. Our soo jung just radiates unicorns and glitter, with small features and an amazing eye smile. Soo jung has clear skin that is obviously in its prime years, its literally perfect. Its naturally pretty pale too, thank god we have the sun and bronzer. At 160 cm she's a short little potato yet her  vibrant personality seems to make up for her lack of height. Soo jung has naturally pink lips that are actually quite plump. Her hair is naturally dark brown, and has gone through a series of hair cuts, so you never know which one you're going to get. Lets not forget those adorable chubby cheeks so has, which are most evident when she smiles.All-in-all she's just a cute little smol potato. 

fashion :  Despite being nicknamed 'Soo jung Halmoni' she doesnt dress like one. She likes to think that she's caught up with all of the fashion trends, and that she herself has a pretty good fashion sense. Minus the whole turtleneck phase people seem to go through every year, she cant get with that trend its just tew much. However she literally flew onto the cropped tops/hoodies/baby tees & chokers train like a bat out of hell. After one midnight scroll through the fashion section of 'we heart it' she's been following the trend like its her job. 
Soojung Fashion Gallery
look deeper than what you see

 Positive // Caring, Smart, Adorable, and affable
 Neutral // Whimsical, Playful, Talkative, High-spirited
 Negative  // Overdramatic, Fickle, Jealous, Worry, 

elboration :

Soo jung is a character indeed, to the untrained eye she seems like the typical cutesy airhead that each friend group seems to have without fail. Yet this is not Soo-jung in the slightest bit. 

Our dear soo jung halmoni is the vibrant outgoing, person that she come across as, and is no doubt full of aegyo and childish charm.Yet behind that she is also quite the smarty pants. Growing up in a academically focused family obviously had an affect on her. She'd always been among the top scholars in all of her schools and its no different in college either, yet for some reason people automatically assume that she doesn't use the left or right side of her brain. soojung spent two years abroad in Australia for studying,courtesy of her father, and honestly she loved every second of it. She's a total nerd to be honest. Do you know how her college spring break was spent her freshman year? She went to a week long science camp in seoul, and if that wasn't the highlight of her freshman year then she doesnt know what was. She got to socialize with her other fellow science geeks and was no doubt the most talked about pupil at the camp, seeing as no one suspected someone as well-known and not even remotely physically unattractive like her to be there.
Despite being a nerd at heart Soo-jung knows how to socialize with every type of person, which is why she is so well known around yeonhwa. That and the fact that no one really knows what 'group'  she really belongs to outside of her bestfriend Yijeong. Speaking of friends, soo-jung is the most caring friend you could probably ever make. All of the people close to her know that she is indeed selfless and embodies her role as 'halmoni' to the fullest. When a friend is in need she doesnt think twice about helping whether its financially or just being a shoulder to lean on. Plus she secretly loves when she has to cook for friends because that gives her an excuse to use the recipes she sees on pinterest, because she's a  pinterest junkie.

Soo-jung is such a cute weirdo, honestly this might be the thing that attracts people to her. She's so weird in her own cute little way and she isnt ashamed of it either. She's always been more than okay with being herself. She can come off as a mystery to some people because she possesses so much skill. Things that some people wouldn't associate with the other. She's so unpredictable at times, you never know which soo-jung you're gonna get sometimes.

Cue the almighty drama queen, Ko Soo-jung, Like every human soo jung has her downfalls. Being overdramatic just so happens to be one of them. She makes small situations seem so large and worries herself half to death in the process. She's constantly looking out for her friends and cant help the way she worries about them sometimes. She's the type of person who loves hard, and she cant help it. Which causes her to get easily jealous, she's not the obsesseive jealous type but will silently sulk until all is resolved. She changes her mind quickly too, which is why she is never apart of the decision making process because she just never can decide on one concrete thing. 

Her friends sure are in for a treat....

background :

Born a Gemini in the rainy season of spring, Soojung has always been a ball of fun. She lived a relatively average life with only her father, as her mother had died due to liver cancer when she was young. So early to the point where Soo-jung can't really remember what her voice sounded like, she only has images. Yet her father Jiyong refused to let that alter her childhood. Instead he showed her the joys of learning and created the total nerd we know today. 

Around her highschool years jiyong noticed that Soo-jung didnt really do much outside of study and watch dramas while screaming in her room. Now this didnt mean she didnt have friends because she'd always been outgoing and had many friends , but she just didnt like getting dressed to go out. So during her freshman year Jiyong enrolled her in a program where she was able to study abroad. Australia being her destination, and honestly all she did there was study and learn english. Which didnt suprise Jiyong much. However she did come back home with more of a will to hang out with her friends, who'm she appreciated more due to not really having may friends while she was abroad due to the cultural differences. 

After graduating highschool Soo-jung enrolled in Yeonhwa University where she met her now bestfriend Ju Yijeong and close friend Ji Hyehyun.She started working at the chicken restaurant during her freshman year in order to make money while she was away from home. During her sophomore year is when she got the proposal from Hyehyun to join her 'squad' and fufill her ultimate bucket list. Which was completely funded by someone who was not her father, which meant this was completely free! And what kind of person would Soo-jung be to deny that golden offer?
facts about her : 
— She's Literal WJSN trash~ Dawon is her Bias
— She tries to rap even though she cant, her version of Bobby's part in Full house makes one want to throw up
— Her favorite color is orange, even though most people hate the color
— She really loves little kids, partly because she never had siblings. She really wants a little brother
— She absolutely despises turtlenecks
— Has plans of becoming a dentist when she graduates school, she's always wanted to be a dentist plus she thinks it would be nice to had 'D.D.S ' infront of her name
— Loves to cook for other people and uses her friends as taste testers
— She cannot draw to save her life
— Loves rainy weather a lot..like a lot she loves thunder and lightining.
— Has the nyan cat theme song as her ring tone
— Once had to get 4 root canals done, its ironic that she wants to be a dentist
— Obsessed with everything sweet
— She's a really big fan on Ikon's Bobby (his solo projects)
— Would love to mary rain (Jung Ji hoon) if she could
—Is obsessed with Unicorns
— She LOVES free things
— She really hates Cuties (They really aren't that good)
— Has an obsession with Spicy ramyun and yogurt
— it is unknown to almost everyone she can actually dance
— She's WJSN Trash
— A fangirl at heart, she tends to scream in excitement while watching music videos
— ...and dramas
— She's Dawon Trash
— ....and she has a tendency to curse at her computer while watching dramas
— She likes to collect lip balms, and has a large collection of them
— Dramas make her develop a potty mouth
— Honestly gets nervous in front of large groups of people, but she hides it well
— Sleep and her computer is her life, she doesnt really have a desire to leave the house much outside of school
— If she doesnt become a dentist she would want to be an interior designer
— Hates dark corners..she finds them scary
— She likes to take off-gaurd pictures of her friends and post them on her instagram
— She really likes street fighter
—  She has extremely low stamina, jogging make her sweat
— Calls her self the queen Unitato (Half Potato/ Half Unicorn)
— She has a fear of dark dirty looking corners
— Has a habit of biting her lips when she has concentrating
— She tells stories well, due to the fact that she over exaggerates a ton
— Has a seriously low attention span
— Really hates when people talk to her like she's stupid
— Spends a ton of time in the kitchen
— Despite being a good cook, she does have a tendency to burn food
— Has a collection of sparkle pens that she doesn't like for people to touch
— Did i mention that she's Dawon trash?
— She does the ugly cry when watching dramas
— Will do pretty much anything if you offer her candy
thank you for being with me
family members :
                                Ko Jiyong. Age 40 
-Although Soo-jung is an only child she is a total daddy's girl. Her entire life its only been Soo jung and jiyong and they have become eachother's bestfriend. Soo-jung doesnt like to make any major life decisions without consulting him first. And he himself is quite the worry wart which is why soo-jung was so suprised when he agreed to let her go on this 'bucket-list escapade' as he calls it. As long as she promised to bring him gifts back home.
friends :

                     Ju Yijeong. Age 20. Bestfriend
- Yijeong and Soo-jung met their freshman year at Yeonhwa University in their Literature course and have been the best of friends ever since. They two are total opposites yet they seem to mehs perfectly together. Yijeong is one of Soo-jungs main taste-testers and is constantly making food for her. Despite the factthat Soo-jung is actually the older of the two Yijeong acts more like the older one.Soo-jung always tries to get Yijeong to talk to yoongi for her yet Yijeong never seems to have any information.

Ji Hyehyun. Age 20. Close Friend/Member of the 'squad'
- These two met their freshman year at Yeonhwa Univeristy and are close enough to text eachother and have inside jokes. Hyehyun invited soo-jung on this ultimate bucket list adventure and soo-jung is honestly so grateful Hyehyun even thought about her. She vows to repay her in goodies and food.
Park Jimin. Age 20. Male Bestfriend/Member of the 'squad'
-  Jimin and Soo-jung actually met through Hyehyun, and the two grew closer after that. Nobody really knew that these two were so close, which is the way they wanted it to stay. They both liked the thought of having a friend all to themselves that they didnt have to share all the time. They both grew especially close over the ultimate bcket list situation. Jimin and Soo-jung actually share alot of their feelings with one another. With jimin instead of having to take care of him, jimin takes care of soojung. He's like the older brother she never had.
         THE SQUAD. Various Ages
   - Soo-jung has a different relationship with each     person in their squad. Soo-jung loves to cook and share recipes with Kim Seokjin due to their common hobby of cooking and eating of course. Yoongi is an entirely different story. She and Jung Hoseok are like the vitamin twins of their squad, coined the 'sunshine twins', by none other than Hyehyun herself. If soo-jung isnt with Yijeong or Jimin she's most likely with Hoseok. Soo-jung and Namjoon and both intellectual people and speak english so they always have a friendly intelligence competition. Soo-jung and Taehyung have a very interesting relationship to say the least, if soo-jung had to relate the most to anyone in the group it would most likely be Tae, they both have been coined as weird and relate to each other in that way. Somethings they just understand about eachother that other people just dont get. Jungkook is like soo-jung's little brother,she is constantly nagging him ,but in the end everyone knows she would do anything for him. She always makes him food whenever he is hungry, which is often. Jin likes this because he doesnt have to cook as much now. They all are 
her bucket list

what's in her bucket list? :

♦ See a Horror film in theaters for the first time
       - She wants to get the full experience 
♦ Drink Alcohol for the first time
       - .....she's never done it before
♦ Start a summer scrapbook filled with polaroid photos
        - It would be so cute and 'tumblr-like'
♦ Buy a polaroid camera
        - Yet again..inner white girl emerges
♦ Have a throwback movie date with someone she loves
        - One Word : ROMANCE
♦ Go parasailing
        - YOLO RIGHT? 
♦ Go deep sea diving
        - Currently trying to find Dory, Nemo, and Marlin
♦ Have a pop-up restaurant in Seoul
        - This would be so fun to do for just one day
♦ Visit Great Britain
        - Who doesn't want to visit GB? We're on a quest for  Harry Styles here.
♦ Find a unicorn and name it 'Giggles'
         -  No explanation needed
♦ Learn to draw a portrait of herself
        - She really wants to learn how to draw
♦ Spend the night in a hospital
        - Really wants to see what the bed feels like and how the food tastes
♦ Make Yoongi oppa her sugar daddy (PLOT TWIST! *grins*)
        - This may or may not be true
♦  Dye her hair purple
     - Its a must


          65           10k              200
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어디야? 집이야? 안 바쁨 나와봐 너네 집 앞이야 너에게 하고픈 말이 있어

00:00 am
Realest Squad
I am disgusted.....
Afternoon tea
Ladies i have tea! And its scorching hot....
GIRls only
Soojung why is my picture going viral all over instagram?!!
scroll down
◀ Realest Squad
Muscle Pig
Have any of you seen my white t-shirt? I cant find it?
father rooster
Don't you have like 20 of the same one. Just go put one on.
Muscle pig
I can't just "put one on", im looking for a specific one...
Lil bean

 I refuse to entertain this mess
Muscle Pig
Guys please, this is a serious matter!!
+ I washed your shirts earlier....with a red sock. *evil grin*


kik. Halmonisoo_

my all and more
name : Min Yoongi
back - up name : Jung Hoseok
birthday : March 9, 1994
their love story :

Youtube literally formed this couple. Grandpa meets Grandma, its a match made in old people heaven. Initially they were just friends no real feelings for eachother, just acknowledging that the other was attractive. Yet all of this was changed when one subscriber spotted on one Hyehyun's airplane vlogs that Soo-jung and Yoongi were sleeping next to each other and Soo-jung had her head lying on Yoongi shoulder. 

In a matter of hours the YooJung (See what i did there) ship was born. The comment sections were filled with Grandpa and Grandma jokes and the most shocking of them all. They started calling Yoongi her Sugar daddy Soo-jung his Sugar Baby. Fans of their joint youtube channel started "noticing" that Yoongi always seemed to be "near" Soo-jung. There was even a video where Yoongi was seen giving Soo-jung a couple of dollars to go buy some icecream, and as you would assume this fueled the "Sugar Daddy X Sugar Baby" theme even more. 

Even yoongi had to admit that he liked this pairing a little more than he should have,despite their obvious .Plus he had never been one to believe in relationships and love, he thought it was all VERY over-rated. He found himself constantly checking on Soo-jung. Soo-jung on the other hand was on board the second the first comment rolled in. Yoongi was cute, plus he had a relatively 'cold' vibe about him and that just made Soo-jung like him even more. She was honestly shocked at how quickly her feelings developed. She never acknowledged her feelings for him before hand and know that all of that was happening they hit her like a truck. 

After about a week of awkward glances and stares, taehyung pretty much forced Soo-jung admit her feelings for Yoongi.Which was done in the cringiest way possible. She bought a Sugar Daddy candy pop and Sugar babies candy and shoved it in is hand. It took him a while to process the situation, but afterhe did he gave her a gummy smile and kissed her forehead, while grabbing her hand. Nothing needed to be said, they understood everything by his actions. She forced him to share the candy shortly after.

interactions : 

- They do videos together, which their fans can use as "evidence" to try and prove thier relationship
- Yoongi gives her money for icecream
- They take naps together
-She nags him like an old woman would to her husband
- She cooks dinner for him
- He buys he candy in return
- Before the whole youtube incident, the squad put the two together as a couple in their group chat and name them the 'married old couple'
current status : Awkward Friends
ending result : Im going to leave this up to you simply because i want to be suprised but maybe they could have a break-up , maybe over their idk, but then find their way back to eachother. Im super dramatic and i enjoy crying at stuff like this so im just going to go chill out in a corner somewhere.
quote or song that describes their relationship : WJSN - Secret
' I dont believe in magic.'
  The young boy said
The old man smiled
' You will when you see her."
left 4
comments : Okie! iM SO EXCITED FOR THIS STORY! Like oh my gosh, this idea is gold. So soo sorry for any mistakes such as spelling as stuff. I struggle. Hehehe. Also i did a collab with other applicant who has yet to finish their app but it is on the way! SO i hope you like that. Im sure you'll figure out who that is hehehe. Other than that this potato has nothing left to say...byeee o3o. 
Btw Credits to seira (mingyudon) for inspiring the layouts in this app. She's so freakin nice tbh so make sure to talk to her first before using her layout! *throws finger hearts at seira*
suggestions : N/a
requests :N/a
That one person that you just cant help but love. Scratch that, she's that one person that you hate to love, yet you just cant seem to help it. She has such a vibrant spirit, and somehow finds a way to relate to each and every person she comes across. She's never met a stranger a day in her life. When guys think cutesy girlfriend, she's one of the first faces to come to mind. She always unintentionally makes guys fall in love with her, and she can never seem to see the signs, bless her heart. She's just the right combonation of cute-weird-and smart. No one can resist it honestly. 


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