7 years!!!

I can't believe it's been 7 years since my mom was diagnosed with cancer. Luckily enough, it wasn't a number and they caught it in time. All she did was have radiation. But, now, she's 7 years cancer free. I'm so happy for her. 

My mom is a special woman. She has been there for me since I was a child growing up with a serious medical condition. Helping me with school, puberty, and life. We had our ups and downs. But, as I got in my 20s, I started to look at mom differently from when I was a kid. I realized that she was getting older and that if I don't change the way I was acting, I won't have her for long. 

My mom and I are VERY close as seeing I'm the only girl with 2 older brothers. I have been there for her when she went through a LOT in her life. Not once did my brothers or my dad really help out. So, by me helping her it brought us closer. My dad even told my mom to not ask for my help because I was dealing with school (which by the way...wasn't my idea...my dad forced it on me). 

Now that next year will be the end of my school which I'm soooooo looking forward too. I know my dad is going to push me into a University because he feels it will be good for me...which to me it won't. College is NOT for everyone...but to him, it is...even though HE never finished college. 

Anyway, mom and I have a LOT planned for the summer. We were thinking of going to Chicago again, which we might, but our main concern is to see Kaskaskia in southern Illinois. It's a BIG trip mom and I want to enjoy. It's going to take 5 - 7 hours to get down there by car. We are thinking of staying in a motel (which my dad is not happy with...but who gives a anyway). Then, we'll see Kaskaskia, take pictures and then drive home. We might to other places in Illinois, even go over the border into Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin. Not sure what our plans are, but we do know Kaskaskia is one of the trips. We love sightseeing around Illinois. 

Many people say that you'll find more history in another country, but you'll find a LOT of history in your own state. Illinois is littered with history. There's even a town in Illinois called Norway, where the 1st Norwegians settled. We want to go there and see their museum. 

So, anyway...I know I'm rambling about other things, but I just wanted to tell you that today is my mom's 7 years of being cancer free! 





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igotausername #1
Wow.So glad to hear that.I hope you guys have a good summer.Infact great summer.I pray that God will bless your mom all the bless.And you too.Amen!
Mewlrose #2
I'm happy to hear that! Your mom is an incredible woman, and I'm glad for her success. I hope you guys have fun over the summer. :)
Aw, this made me feel so happy!! Glad to hear she is staying strong and is healthy, im also vvv glad to hear how well your family is. Its so heart-warming
I hope you have so much fun on summer!! It sure does sound like it x
Your mom is a superwoman. She's definately a strong lady :) Wish you and your family all the happiness and have a nice trip ^^
Waa that is really really good news. Wish you and your mom and your family all the happiness in the world... Fighting ♥
Glad to hear about your mom^^
Have a nice trip and enjoy while you can<3
Moms are very special and you wouldn't know until you have lost them.
And I know it because I have a close friend who lost his mom.