Q&A Number 1

Alrighty, so as promised here is my first Q&A blog! If I continue to get random- questions from you guys (I love it XD) I will keep writing one of these a week with my favourite questions, but if we run out I'll just find something entertaining to blog about. Anyways, enough talking, let's get started!


1. Your OTP? (I'm just going to assume that we are talking about EXO)

So I have, like, severely hinted at this one a few times but to clear the mud, I am totally in love with Xiuchen (Xiumin and Chen) in OT9 but if we're talking about OT12 then the award 100% goes to Taoris (Tao and Kris). There is literally no competition XD Thanks to my friend, Krisyeol (Kris and Chanyeol) is growing on me too but ya, no, still doesn't even come close to Taoris.

2. What are two ships that you just cannot get behind? (Again, there are no specific bands mentioned so Ima just name 2)

KaisooI know, I know, this is probably the most unpopular opinion ever but I just can't get behind this ship. It's not that I don't want to like it because I do want to, I mean come on they are adorable but I just cannot bring myself to ship Kyungsoo with anyone. Nobody. I don't know, he's just too squishy and precious and I just can't. 

(( I just wanted to add a side note saying that even though I just listed Kaisoo as a ship that I cannot do, that one of my favourite fics is actually a Kaisoo so.... It's called 'Grounded' BTW))

2Min (Taemin and Minho)Okay, so my reasoning behind this one is that I ship Taemin and Kai like nobodys business. SHIP SO HARD. Other than that reason, I actually find Minho to be a lot like Kyungsoo in the sense that he is hard to ship people with.

3. How many languages do you speak?

I have hinted at the fact that I speak a few different languages a couple different times so it's pretty cool to know that 'hey someone noticed that!' Anyways, I am fluent in English, French and Spanish and I am not fluent but I speak a lot of Korean. When I was younger I was actually fluent in Italian as well but sadly, I dropped that language as I got older.

4. What country do you live in?

Okay, to be honest, I actually added this one in so I could somewhat explain why I speak so many freaking languages XD So I do live in Canada which explains why I'm fluent in English and French and since I'm so close to the USA I speak Spanish (the countries second language is Spanish). And for the other two, well, when I was in like grade 5 my best friend had just moved from Korea and she taught me Korean and I just kept up with it and for Italian, honestly, I was just a creepy kid that had a strange obsession with Italy and I was convinced that I was a long-lost Italian... Casual.

5. What is your favourite song right now?

Since I have been literally trapped in my house for the past couple weeks, my favourite songs have changed many, many times. There are only so many times you can listen to the same thing over and over again. Here is a short list of my (current) favourite songs; (Links are included... You're welcome XD)

July - Kris Wu

Borders - Amber Liu

Born to shine - Key

Battlefield - Jane Zhang

If You - BigBang

Eyes, nose, lips - Eric Nam (Cover)


You made it to the end of this weeks blog! I might be posting funny throwbacks on Thursday (Can I be any more basic? No? Okay), I have a very interesting life XD But in all seriousness, I just want to thank all of you guys for being so patient since I have gotten sick. Trying to sit down and type out a new chapter constantly just isn't going very well right now but I am hoping I will be better soon so I can get back to writing! I feel very lost when I can't write XD 

Okay guys, I'll see you next Tuesday ;)                        (I'm sorry, it's Tuesday and I couldn't resist)





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