! Emergency: A Rant !


First blog post.

Going to be honest, I'm having some sort of major problem. Well, supposedly a major problem to writers and minjor to me (not exactly minor but not exactly major either) because, drum rolls please,

I'm having a writer block. A huge one.

But really, I spent this week scrolling through dozens and dozens of writing prompts in a futile attempt to gain my writing muse back but. There are tons of theme that caught my eyes such as dystopian world, fantasy, ABO dynamics which I've been dying to write about and His Dark Materials crossover which, this too, I've been dying to write about and do not forget, steampunk universe. I have this goal to write at least 2k words daily (before deleting them because they are just plain plain) but there is this giant obstacle right in the mouth of my 'creativity (crazy )' tunnel that blocks every stream of clever words for my story.

And there's this problem.

See, writing about idol characters is so freaking confusing for me. I mean, you're free to use their faces and alter their background stories, even their personalities to fit your story but that's where my problem lies on.

I don't like being free. I like to have a little restraints that, I hope, could keep my story under control without the fear of overdoing it. Even when I write a story which sets in an alternate universe, I'd like to keep my characters close to canon (their personalities on my story being close to their personalities in real life) despite other things I change to match my storyline.

Which is why I would rather write stories about canon fandoms, like TV shows fandoms, movie fandoms, book and literature fandoms -- heck, even anime fandoms where canon ACTUALLY exists. Heck, I don't even know whether I can say idol life as a canon or not.

I make things complicated even when there shouldn't be anything complicated about the matters. But hey, that's what I am. Meticulous about details, perfectionist but doesn't have the skill to live up to my own expectation.

This is frustating me -- I can ramble on and on for 1.5k words and still not being able to write a 100 words drabbles.

Well, see you when I see you (if anyone reads this but I doubt it, heh) and with crossed fingers I hope I would be able to post another story or udpate my TaeNy drabbles before my hellish week starts.

By hellish I mean trapped inside a laboratorium for 5 hours watching mud and bacterias, wrinkling my nose because mud stinks and being stuck with horrible people with equally horrible sense of humour I deem as a 'team'.


gaedzi or ad-maiora or whatever names you want to call me with.


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