My heart is raining

You know the thing I hate the most right now?

Instagram Stories. Yeah,everyone has the right to share their stories,anytime and anywhere. And I personally use it too,to share some useful quotes or to greet my followers. But my heart just can't take it when I see my former schoolmates posting out things like..


"Finally ended my foundation year and I'm walking towards my degree. Hello MBBS !"


"Microbiology got me sooooo 😪"


" *post out her schedule to show he/she is studying medicine*"


It is not that I'm not happy for them,in fact,I'm really happy and proud of them. The problem right here is me. I'm green with envy. They get to study medicine and they'll be doctors in years ahead. And me? Still sitting here waiting for the offer in pharmacy from local university when my ultimate dream is to be a doctor. That's why I hate instagram stories *sobs*


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Heyy don't worry too much about such stuff, in fact, you might have much bigger chances ahead in life. So cheer up and don't lose hope just yet !! I may know nothing about medical school and its students ( I'm just 17 ) but what I know is you don't want to waste your time thinking about these inatagram bull. If you're insatisfied with your life then make a change. Try harder. Aim higher !
Trust me, I've gone through depression and it's not a good idea to spend time wracking your head over tht

Aww. It happened to you too?
Don't lose hopes yet. Maybe a bigger opportunity is waiting for you, like an even bigger college to take you in. did you apply else where? If not, get started. if there is a will there is a way to get to your goal. dont GIVE UP yet.

let the green envy fire consume you. use it as an energy to do your best. motivate yourself. if they can YOU can too.

Parents still not agreeing? Doesnt matter. dont let them slaughter your dreams. say it lovingly, mom dad, i want to be DR. _____________.
Still does not melt heart¿? Start walking alone cause if you start early, you can be a step ahead than you were yesterday.
Funds might be a tight corner but set your hopes high so that a little less change can make your day.

i wish you all the best and hope at the end of next six years you can flaunt off a doctor's coat standing in front of a reknowned hospital and it will grace your insta story.

have a blessed day! : )