fc : 94x94 px
go sungah
ZIAICO . SAMI . six / seven
"they always say an aquarius should be careful of any addiction - obviously she didn't listen."
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fc : 94x94 px
back up
the one and only

 go sungah
     weeb : when you have an addiction, its nice to have friends that remind         you of it daily
birthday: 02 03 98
birthplacebucheon, gyeonggi province, south korea 
hometownseoul, south korea
nationality: crunchyroll.com
     ○ korean : native
     ○ english : honestly, she knows less than the basics (thanks to never                                  studying) and constantly insists on using two phrases — "hello,                        i'm fine." , "let's go!"
basics / about character
turning heads

height: 165 cm
weight: 48 kg

the sweater she wore yesterday? a birthday present, three years ago.
her once-white-now-scuffed adidas? middle school.
pretty sure sungah doesn't know the meaning of 'fashion'. deadass shes like an annoying little sister asking "when are we going home?" and sighing after every footstep if she gets dragged out to go shopping.

honestly wouldn't change a thing she's so mf cute
all about the face
beauty inside




     ○ the good : she isn't independent in the sense where she can handle herself, she's just independent in her actions and free from any outside control. her open mind leads her on varioius adventures – either physically or mentally. sungah is quite a truthful person, meaning, she is a horrible liar. if she were pinocchio her nose would grow before she even started talking.

     ○ the bad : always secluding herself in her room, it can come off as sungah being cold and distant, when in reality she just wants to watch her tv in peace. when she's forced away from her tv, her unpredictability mixed with her curiousity is her biggest downfall. sungah is one of those people that could be there one second, but then off doing god knows what another.

    ○ the zodiac : a water bearing aquarius, sungah is definitely an advocate for the whole "don't judge a book by it's cover" motto. she loves her friends (and most people), but if you do end up pushing her far enough, she does have a nasty temper hidden inside her body that'll snap. even if she acts a little strange, or makes a sarcastic remark without realizing it – she's comfortable with who she is. 


     ○ born to two loving parents and a protective older brother, it seemed (at least on the outside) like sungah had the picure-perfect family – financially stable; a loving enviornment; a good school system. on the inside, her parents began to drift apart and hardly spoke to one another. her father, lee, was always away for work ever since sungah could remember, and hardly showed any sign of presence at home. her mother, minah, was practically left to raise her two kids as a single, working mother.

         growing up, sungah's mother would keep the thought of her husband in her children's mind – hoping they wouldn't grow up to resent him. he was a cartoon animator who worked day and night, creating new stories and characters. her brother, gosun, didn't find much interest in the stories – actually he didn't show much interest in anything but school. but sungah, she was mesmerized.

         during her lower grade days, sungah was walking home from school one tuesday when she passed a comic book store. there was a television in the window playing a bright and flashy cartoon. she deadass stood there watching it for thirty minutes. it was like all the stories her mother had told her were coming alive – it was like her father was right in front of her, coming alive. her heart beat faster and her mind wondered to the most imagitive of places. that's when all hell broke loose.

      for some strange reason, it seemed that boys didn't exactly like a girl with an obsession for fictional men though – and with her never changing personality, sungah set herself up for failure in the love department. she'd constantly rave about the new anime she was watching; sneak off during study period to watch it in the bathroom; and wish how boys at her school were just like ___ and ___ because they were the ideal boyfriend.

     when it was time for sungah to enter college - well, when it came time for mother to force her to enter college - she didn't know what she wanted to do. she had spent her whole adolescent life wrapped up in the 2D world that she never gave much thought about the 3D world. in the back of her head, she knew that she could never go into a career where she would have to give up the time she uses to watch anime or the feeling of growing close to their characters.  sungah went in an undeclared major, and hopefully she doesn't come out an undeclared major. 


     ○ makoto | 3 yrs | fatass | affectionate, bratty
                                                 spoiled, stubborn

if sungah had known this cat would turn out to be a brat, she would of never named him after her favorite anime boyfriend. this cat wants his breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time everyday and if sungah forgets, he sits by his dish letting out the most annoying meow until he's fed. the only good thing about him? he's not judgmental of sungah's obession. the worst thing about him? he's not very fond of androids. those microwaves in the air must do something odd to cats because makoto turns into a tiny monster with that guy around.

     ○ go gosun | 23 yrs | business major | foodie, protective @04.26_ns
                                                                     reliable, studious 

the prosperous son – well according to their mother. in sungah's eyes, he's a boring knucklehead that spends his days in the same routine: sleep, eat, study. gosun always tried to get sungah to get into the study mood, and he always failed. with this new android around, sungah hopes that she can push off the: "who is this guy? why's he always around?" conversation with the same answer, "just a friend." and praying the droid doesn't say "not her friend." too loud.

     ○ moon kyori | 19 yrs | peach | assertive, confident 
                                                          caring, sarcastic

kyori and sungah's relationship started after this smol burnt some bully to a crisp when he was teasing sungah about something neither the girls can remember. anyways, they're really chill pals who both have a knack for sacasm. there are those days when kyori is the one to kick sungah back into line when she starts to wonder. there are other days when sungah can't stop comparing kyori to taiga aisaka – a true, living, tsundere.

     ○ ryu hwamin | 19 yrs | pink | clumsy, creative
                                                        hot-tempered, passionate 

sungah and the princess  heads time to time. sungah has always been a little distant from the big ego/spoiled crowd. even though they're not really close, sungah can understand in some way how hwamin must feel since they both have parents that are nonexistent. 


likes :
    ○ bad jokes
    ○ makoto tachibana
    ○ strawberry milk
    ○ wrinkly and fat dogs
dislikes :
    ○ big egos
    ○ bugs
    ○ dull and boring situations
    ○ the color yellow - her mom fed her a lemon once. honestly enough said.
hobbies :
○ being an annoying otaku 
    ○ reading fanfics
    ○ sulking over her homework
    ○ watching anime (duh)
habits and facts :
○ ngl she's 'naruto run' through the school courtyard once or twice
    ○ she's always up late watching tv and often oversleeps
    ○ she can't swim and uses those puffy arm floaties
    ○ she's always rambling on about anything she's saying. she just never                stops ing talking.
    ○ in school, she'll set up a book on her desk to duck behind so she can                watch anime on her phone

true self
l/i width: 374px
l e g s
you and i

android name: 
son hyunwoo
     ○ hyunnie : boy wants to deactivate his system even before sungah can get the first syllable out
backup: kim seokjin




     ○  the good: transforming from a phone to a full-grown android, hyunwoo became a true leader. he is a very focused android and knows his mission is to take care of sungah – even if he doesn't have the highest interest to. but like any good android, at the end of the day he wouldn't leave the girl's side just because she gets on his circuit nerves.

    ○ the bad: although he gets these odd feelings inside of his gears, hyunwoo doesn't know what they mean  just like how he can tell when sungah is feeling something, but doesn't know exactly what. he does come to realize that this girls gets on his last fuse though. sometimes his temper can get the best of him and he'll end up putting sungah in her place with his serious and monotone voice.


     it seems like everytime sungah takes one step forward, hyunwoo pushes her back two more. he groans and sighs through all her goo-goo-ga-ga moments and her affection, never returning any of it. heck, he doesn't even show that her advances phase him. hecker, he hardly shows her any attention at all. when she forces him to watch anime with her, he always uses the excuse of, "i can't. it my charging time."

those times when the whole gang gets together – androids in tow – you would think sungah stalks hyunwoo. a true, one-sided love story. a true, senpai notice me story. all sungah wants is this android to look at her, but he's more interested in figuring out how to get out of this unfortunate situation.

hyunwoo doesn't speak much except to answer sungah's endless reign of questions. "how do you live?" "do you have any organs?" "is your brain just a cobweb of wires and batteries?" "do you eat any food?" "what happens if you do eat food?" "do you short-circuit if you get wet?" "do you explode if you get wet?" "are you going to live forever?" "are you ever going to age?" "do you like animals?" "do animals like you?" poor hyunwoo, the boy just wants some peace and quiet every so often. 

all 48kg of annoying sungah out of the way, hyunwoo cares for her in the "you're my owner so you're responsible for me and i appreciate that." way. he's always doing little things for her: kicking her shoes out of the doorway; turning off the tv at night; forcing sungah to sleep at a normal time; protecting her from creeps on the subway; waiting outside the school to walk her home. he's like her personal android body-guard-boy-friend-ish-dude.

love story:

it was late at night, sungah was laying on her bed thinking about the latest anime she had binged - plastic memories. the main character had failed their college entrance exams, and landed a job at a corporation responsible for making human-like androids. she thought about how she wished they had jobs like that around seoul. buying an android similar to that would be like getting a friend or boyfriend or girlfriend designed specifically for you. she fell asleep that night still wishing that world was her reality.

stirring from her slumber, late as always, sungah opened her eyes – only to be met with another pair of eyes. thinking at first that this strange man was some serial killer about to murder her, she shoved her pillow in his face and spouted nonsense about how she was going to call the police. the stranger – obviously not fighting back – pulled down the pillow with one hand, "sungah, what are you doing? i'm your phone."

if it was possible, the girl's face would look like the heart eyes emoji. there must have been a shooting star last night, because her dream came true. the boy in front of her was her phone – her android. sungah was about to squish his cheeks and hug his head until she realized one tiny detail – this guy was . immediately, she shot off her bed and threw the comforter over the streaker. he pulled down the cover from his face and watched the crazy girl run around the room.

"why didn't you wake me up earlier? you're supposed to be my alarm clock!" she stuffed her uniform in her bag. "why did this have to happen now? i'm so late already. mr. oh is going to kill me." even if the droid wanted to get a word in, he couldn't because of this girls rambling.

sungah hopped around blindly on one foot, trying to get her shoe on the other. she turned around and covered her eyes with her hands, bowing to the guy and backing towards the bedroom door, "don't leave this room and don't make a sound. i'm going to school, bye." turning around, she slammed the door closed and sped out of the house – never realizing she put on two different shoes.

the only thing the guy said after, in that monotone voice, was, "great. i got stuck with a ."

         ○ hyunwoo lives in sungah's closet (LOL)
         ○ sungah tried to feed him ice cream one time and he almost broke
         ○ sungah's cat bit hyunwoo's ankle before
         ○ hyunwoo swears he doesn't care, but would do anything for sungah
         ○ he would never admit it, but he thinks shes cute squealing about her              2D bfs

 it was the beginning of another college year. sure, she had just scraped by last year by the skin of her teeth, but this year was different. after the big incident that had happened in sungahs life - i.e the fact that she's got this android that kinda doesn't want anything to do with her - declaring a major was the last thing on her mind. she just wanted to continue living her life as it was now, a fantasy.

but like all good things, they have to come to an end at some point. so for that reason, she decided that she would grow up just a little more than she was before. still holding onto her love for anime, she enrolled into a graphic design program. she was going to become just like her father - but instead of making up stories, she was going to publish her own. 

her own story about her own life, featuring herself and her cold and poker faced android boyfriend (p.s. if you hear hyunwoo deny that he's her boyfriend, don't listen to him. his circuits are fried).

why do you think you are still single?: 
     because makoto tachibana isn't real, honestly.
what is your first impression when you see your android?: 
     that he was going to Kill. Me. he was watching me sleep like some creep. who wouldn't think he was a murderer! but i mean after that misunderstanding was over, he's a cool dude. no, android. wait, an an-dude.
knowing that he is just your phone, will you fall in love with him?: 
     i'm already in love with him. like, who wouldn't be in love with an android? this is honestly my dream come true. i'm living in my very own anime - i can die happy now. not like right now, but like if it happened i'd be okay.
besides your friends, does anyone know that he is your phone?:
    heck no! if this is like any of the animes i've seen, if i tell someone else his real identity he's going to disappear.. or worse, explode.
how would you take care of him?:
     uh, hopefully he tells me because i have no clue.
getting to know you
ending notes
questions or comments:*____*  

i hope the fixes were okay and made things flow better with her age. >< also i kinda left the ending up to your own interpretation and so you can put some of your own magic thoughts into it,, 

suggestions: none atm
scene requests: 
— honestly the visual of sungah practically suffocating hyunwoo has me dying
— sungah shoving hyunwoo in her closet when her brother comes into her room
— the girls going out and gossiping about their androids
— sungah almost breaking her android bf
— girl squad festivities
— makoto attacking hyunwoo , yes

my mind is blank rn im so sorry dsjkflk

password: shape of you - sungah towards hyunwoo honestly


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