Ticked off

So I'm on Facebook today and what do you know? I have a notification that one of my friends posted something. This so called 'friend' is the idiot who suddenly decided to stop talking to me. 

This is what he shared:



Along with it was this:

"I'm not saying it's true....don't really believe in all the zodiac stuff anyway, but any Pisces out there, lemme know!"

If anyone missed my birthday blogs, I'm a Pisces. His birthday is in July and he's a Cancer. 

He and I talked every day for weeks. He knew(knows) when my birthday was. It was almost a month before my birthday that he suddenly dropped off the face of the earth. He didn't even wish me happy birthday. Just goes to show what an absolute idiot he is.

Seeing this, it's almost like a slap in the face. At least I'm refraining from commenting this on his post;  ' You had a Pisces and you dumped her.'

How immature is this guy? I won't say what his age is, but he has been an adult for a good number of years. Yet, apparently he never grew up. 

I have pretty well gotten past the hurt stage and now I'm stuck in the angry/ I don't care about you anymore /stage.

Can I just smack this guy? 


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Big-Bang_V_I_P #1
Just send him the lyrics to BTS Danger that song was made for right now
I don't personally believe in zodiac signs and this kind of stuff, but from what I can gather here with how it makes you feel, if I were in your situation, I would detach myself from people like this as soon as possible. Goodbye and good riddance. You don't need this in your life, trust me; you're better off being positive on your own if that's what it has to come to. I've done so in the past, and I must say, I've never been happier with my decisions.
You can smack him if I can smack my crush, who look's me way too long for friends and he has a girlfriend!
She and he are in my class so... 7B (my class) is a drama class for real! I wanna kick him in the place where it hurts the most, but then...
I would be assumed as a bully and I'm not a bully, I'm the one who gets bullied!
You should unfollow him on fb so u don't have to see his stuff still freinds but not as hurt ><
Yes, you can. I'm rooting for you
him up, girl! No ones good enough to hurt someone and get away with it.
Wow, that's so fcking rude! What an idiot and just...wow what a moron! What is he thinking? Yeah I'm sure it does feel like a slap in the face I already feel like it is and it's not even towards me!

Okay but in what part of his mind did he think this was a smart thing to post!
Elishaje #8
That is some ing -there's nothing worse than a friend who turns out to be one of the world's biggest hypocrite. I know the wound cuts deep, but forget him-because he's clearly not thinking about you or your feelings if he posted something like this.
ashkhen #9
That's utterly ridiculous and he missed a good chance to grow up for once and settle things out
That's kinda messed up. I've had the same thing happen to me before. I just recently got over it, don't worry you'll eventually forget all about him and his stupid antics.