
Wow, okay it's been more than a year since i've lasted posted an entry.


Hi ^^ 

To those who are reading this, how are you? did you eat well? did you have a nice day? 

i'm drowning with university stuff and i'm slowly...distancing myself from kpop. well, just slightly, because this is still one of the only things that can make my cold cold heart melt -If you've seen any of the exo members smile, i'm sure you'll agree with me.....if not...just go with it for now :") 

The reason i'm writing this is that i've removed- well not removed, i've put two of my fics on draft (What ifs and It's Always Been You) because, well i think, or at least i hope, that my writing has improved since then, and i've strayed away from those ships...well not completely, the good fics always lure me back in. i still have a penchant for writing humor and struggle a lot with serious stuff and can't write angst to my satisfaction (call me cruel but i'd like to make someone cry reading something of mine....yes.) but my style of writing has changed and re-reading those two fics just made me cringe a bit. I'm guessing i will reupload them eventually, after editing it , when i get time and when i'm confident with it- God knows when that will be. 

In the mean time read my other fics and look forward to new ones, yeah? :D  

Hope you guys have a great week ahead! :)


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