I've Been Thinking

So, it's been years since I last write something. I've been moving from fandom to fandom right now, not really interested in a certain couple anymore. But recently, I've been wondering about writing a YunJae Fanfiction (which I'm going to remake for another ship as well) but have no idea what to write. So yesterday, as I was wandering around the net to search for one certain movie, I decided that I wanted to adapt this movie into a fanfiction. With a few extra stories of course. So I decided that I WILL WRITE IT DOWN. It's a quarter done, but hopefully, I can finish it by the weekend. I'm not going to post fanfiction as often since I got caught up with Univ life, and ideas comes and goes. But hope for the best for this one because I'm quite positive with this story. *finger-crossed*!


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