how do you persuade your parents if....

How exactly do you persuade your parents if you want something?


For example,you wanna be an architect but then your parents say "no you should be a teacher instead if you want to have a decent life blabla"


Help me out :'(


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try explaining to your parents the reason why you want to be an architect and just as what exocat15 said, research about the life of an architect and teacher! maybe the life of an architect has more pros than life of a teacher, who knows right? ;) good luck!!
YuzuruH #2
You should try assuring them that you'll do well and that you'll study diligently lol. That might work
maybe research about being an architect and use counterexamples to compare an architect and teacher? use facts to prove to them that you can have a good life as an architect, and not necessarily as a teacher.