So Chapter 19 looks so long. But okay, I’ll try my best. You’ll probably see this after you come back from school. Hehe, it’ll be a nice surprise. I’m at home today because I’m sick. It’s a good and bad thing, really.

Haha. I’m beginning to wonder if Zhou Mi likes Victoria. I forgot about them. It’s been a while since you wrote about them, right? Gosh. But whatever; I find it cute that she’s so stubborn about everything, that she has to cover up with the fact that she’s not interested in relationships because she has work and stuff. She’s kind of a workaholic, no? But then again, a detective’s job isn’t that easy. Like a policeman’s… They have to work long, long hours and the pay isn’t that high, right? At least, that’s what I know.

Honestly, I don't see how Tiffany can be such a character. But this is AU after all, in a sense, so I suppose she can be a manipulating character. And they seem to know each other pretty well. Okay, I sense trouble with this. Her tone, Changmin’s somewhat hostility… But in the end he’ll have to comply and solve the case right? Judging by Tiffany’s character… Maybe she’ll bribe him. Or something. I find this part amusing yet disturbing… at the same time. I’m kind of scared of Tiffany.

I really love how Changmin always comes in and dampens the mood with his seriousness. But yeah, I guess he is the team leader and it’s his job to make sure things get done. And then there’s Victoria who’s kind of naggy, playful Kyuhyun along with sharp-tongued Yoona, and Minho who seems to always be the bullied one. Forever epic combination, LOL. But anyway, Tiffany didn’t bribe him? How did Changmin give in then? Oh, and by the way, the undercover part’s really cool. Can’t wait to see how they’ll investigate this case.

So Ryeowook knows Victoria. And why was Victoria gazing sternly? I’m not surprised Kyuhyun noticed it, but I’m confused as to why. Oh, and LOL, the description of Ryeowook. Small and scrimpy. So funny. How old is he? Wookie does look kind of mouse-like though. I’d give you that. Kyuhyun’s really practical, isn’t he? I mean, the way he cut Minho off and pointed out that it’s still a case after all… Ryeowook has a part to play in this case right? And I’m pretty sure it’s not a very small one either…

Ryeowook’s sister is Hyorin. Ryeowook’s girlfriend is Luna. Okay. Okay… Why is Victoria avoiding the topic like how she avoided it with Zhou Mi? It looks like she doesn’t want to bring up stuff from the past; maybe she wants to start afresh. She’ll have a case solely related to her, right? This one’s centered around…. Changmin? Since he was the one who wanted to start off with this case anyway? Oh, and Victoria’s words are so… sharp. I mean, she knows how to change the subject, and her words about the hospital’s reputation… But I’ve never doubted her abilities anyway.

Oh, and LOL, I suddenly remembered this quote from Howl’s Moving Castle, if you’ve watched it. Howl said, “There’s no point in living if I can’t be beautiful…” Reminds me of Minho now, haha. He’s so concerned about his image! But if Minho was a janitor, I think I’d swoon and sigh too. Lee Jinki, you say? Onew’s involved in this? Sorry, I didn’t read the character list for this chapter. But anyway, I agree with Minho. This little detail will come in handy later on in the investigation. I’m pretty sure Onew has a big part to play too, right?

Hmm. So Kyuhyun believes that there’s no point continuing the investigation? I’m pretty sure there is, it’s just that nothing has happened yet. But then again, Changmin did give in too easily to Tiffany, I suppose. And I wonder what he’s going to talk to him about. Jinki is the main doctor, maybe that’s why he knew about what time the room had been cleaned? But something tells me that there’s something more to it than what it looks like…

Victoria looks pretty upset with Changmin. I mean, for her to completely give up and be in defeat, she must really think it’s really pointless to just continue with whatever they’re doing. Oh, and I watched this movie once about staying in the hospital overnight… Super scary and dangerous. I hope something happens… Or they find out something. That’ll be fun. And interesting. I’d like that. Also, Kyuhyun’s right, I think. Tiffany’s motive is the one reason why they should continue the case. If Tiffany wanted it to be investigated, there must be something more…

If you ask me, this seems to be like a married couple fighting. You know, those kind of fights at two in the morning when they’re both so frustrated. Changmin and his pride… In a way, Victoria’s also wrong. I mean, they’re both rash, somehow. Victoria may be right for lashing out at him, but I’m sure it’s because she’s really affected by their previous quarrel… And haha, “What’s happening to us, huh?” The way she said us… I’m sure there’s something up with them two. Maybe Victoria likes him more than a friend… Gosh, I really hope they end up together. I loved how you wrote the argument scene. I can really see Changmin and Victoria like that, fighting and all… And then there’s Kyuhyun who brings them to a stop… Makes me wonder how they’re going to resolve this…

Okay, Luna knows something. She seems very sincere, and probably has not much to do with the case. I mean, I’m pretty sure she didn’t do anything. Jinki, however, I suspect. The scream, who was it? A guy? A girl? A patient? And the safety gun, what’s that? And Leeteuk has an affair… ?! Taeyeon’s probably a really good wife, but I… He can’t have an affair! My TaeTeuk heart, OTL. And you just love leaving us with cliff-hangers, huh? “Something’s wrong.” So… freaky.

I’m really looking forward to the next parts of the case… Hospitals and drugs and stuff… Don't disappoint! Although I know you won’t. It’ll turn out awesome as ever. This chapter was a good introduction. I’m sorry if I don’t really make sense though. Being sick kind of takes away part of your braincells. LOL.


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You are so amazing ;~;
Please get well soon dearie <3
please get well soon ;~;
it was such a beautiful and pleasant surprise <3
i'm trying to make time to update soon, and thank you for taking time to comment ;~;
oh gosh i really feel bad that you're doing this though you're sick...
thank you anyway dear <3