Coward Boy

Hi :) I accidentally,no not accidentally,i stalk your timeline many times,i Accidentally read your blog.I know That i am the person you describe on that.Im sorry for being a coward.Im sorry because i lied to you.And I hurt you.Sorry because I keep pushing you,But i just did that because I know that you will be hurting because of me.Sorry because I am not the Boo you loved.Sorry For everything i did to you.I regret what i did to you.I Hope You forgive me.I just want to tell you that I love you when you love me,i didnt play you.Sorry because Im such a coward and weak. SORRY. I miss you T.T


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I don't have any idea about your story, but you knowing your fault and admitting it is not cowardice at all. Maybe you were a coward when you did what you were saying, but admitting it is a good start. Just learn from your mistakes :) good luck!