◜ SOD: sound of Wu Mengxi ◞


STAGE NAME + Naomi (the company come up with it for her as her birth name is a little hard and pronounce to remember for non-chinese)

PERSONA + Girl Crush

singing twin + Pristin Kyulkyung
dancing twin + Red Velvet Wendy
rap twin + Pristin Nayoung
talking twin + Pristin Kyulkyung

TRAINEE YEARS + 5 years (2012 - 2017)

TRAINEE LIFE + Being a foreigner, she cant avoid the occasional bullying from the other trainees at first. But after around 2 years of being a trainee, the bullying started to stop as there were other trainees for them to bully. Mengxi is more of the kind to mind her own business, she wouldnt stick her nose into things that doesnt concern her. She made quite a number of friends, mainly also foreigners. It came as a surprise when SM started to train her as a rapper after 1 year of training as she got in with her singing, she thought she would be a vocalist. However, she did realised that rapping was easier for her to learn. 

PREDEBUT ACTIVITIES  + introduced as part of smrookies in 2015

Mengxi grew up in an orphange in Beijing. She has no idea where her parents are as they left her in front of the orphange when she is only a few months old. However, her life wasnt that sad except for the fact that she has no parents. To her, the orphange dean is her mother and the other orphans are her siblings. She has never been adopted so she stayed at the orphange for her entire life. Her name is given to her by the orphange dean and she followed the surname of the her. She had never really been exposed to kpop other than occasionally seeing some of the other orphans watching videos of them on the few computers that they have there. Mengxi worked really hard in school so her results are always either the top few or above average. As children of the orphanage can leave when they are of legal age which is 21 years old, Mengxi never planned to leave. She planned to stay there and help to take care of the other children when she is older.

It was until she walked by the venue where SM is holding their global auditions in 2012, when she was 14 years old. One of the staff saw her and asked her to join. She rejected at first but the staff keep convincing her and being the fickle minded person she is, she ended up joining and randomly singing a chinese song that has been listening to at that time. It came as a surprise when she got in and she wanted to ignore it but when she told the orphange dean about it, she convinced Mengxi to give it a try. Mengxi literally wanted to just give it a try, and planned to leave after a year but after she joined, she started loving it and soon 5 years passed and she got her chance to debut. 

Mengxi is one of the more hardworking trainees in SM, she is always seen coming in early and leaving late. To her, meeting up to people's expectations of her is not enough, she should always exceed their expections, this somewhat shows her perfectionist side. She has a naturally bright personality, she is the kind to see the glass half full instead, this makes her more approachable. People always deemed rappers to be full of swag and has to have a cool personality and what not, Mengxi is not your typical rapper. She has an elegant and graceful aura, and she is the person who would stand by the side waiting for her turn to talk or for the members to cue her to talk. As the member who has one of the most ships with her other members, the one and only reason is that she is a huge skinship lover. Always seen hugging or leaning on her other members, she isnt afraid to kiss them on the cheeks too. She doesnt hesistate to express her love for her members or her true feelings and emotions for anyone.

Mengxi is one who can be easily convinced, she is so fickle minded that she cannot really make any real decisions. Sometimes, she would suddenly decide that she doesnt like her favourite food anymore, she is someone who changes her ideal type almost everyday. Forgive and forget is never in her dictionary. Once you offend her or do something to break her trust, you can never get it back, she would remember it for life. She can be the most lovable person but once you offend her, she would be your worst nightmare. Although she looks quite elegant and graceful, her room always looks like a scene from an explosion. She is the type that would say that she wouldnt be able to find her things if they are tidy. Clean up before you go? Never. Mengxi always leaves traces whereever she goes, whether is it an half empty cup, sweet wrappers or used tissue papers.


Wu mengxi

other names + 吴梦溪 
dob  + 28.07.98 
birthplace + Beijing, China
hometown + Beijing, China
ethinicity + Chinese

face claim + Pristin Kyulkyung
backup face claim + Wjsn Meiqi 

social circle

» Mother of different blood, Wu Fengzhu | 58 | orphange dean | gentle, caring, kind | Mengxi still keeps in contact with the orphange dean. To her, she only has one mother which is the orphange dean. Fengzhu also treats Mengxi like her own daughter, like she does with the other orphans.  


» Close Friends, Kun, Winwin, Renjun, Chenle, Chantell | Few of Mengxi's closest friends in SM would be these few. She initially got to know Kun first while their clique started to expand while more chinese trainees got in.  


» Relation, name | age | occupation | personality | relationship with your character  


» Mayday & S.H.E; the only thing that can make her lose her cool would be these chinese artists.
» Pink; she is a huge fan of the color
» Perfume; she loves them


» Short hair; she would fight you if you want to cut her hair shorter than shoulder's length
» Shellfish; she is allergic to shrimps, crabs and lobsters
» Sasaeng; okay who likes them?
» Her parents; she dislikes people asking about her parents or the topic of her family in general and would always avoid it when they are taking about it


» Gaming; she plays LOL and many other games
» She always wears socks to sleep
» Applying at least 1 facial mask per day


» quite fearless when it comes to insects, heights and horror movies
» writes her own rap lyrics for some songs
» has a weibo account; Naomi-mx
» sleeps like a log, one of the most difficult members to wake
» aka mask mania, she loves facial masks


Mengxi has a birthmark the size of a coin on her left thigh. She dyed her hair pink for debut. Mengxi stands on 167cm and weights 47kg. Many people often says that her body are goals as she has abs and a lean and slim figure.


STYLE + Mengxi doesnt have a definite style for dressing and is often seen in many different styles. She is completely fine with showing a little bit of skin but she dislikes wearing lots of accessories at once. However heels are something that she wouldnt wear unless it is required. Her hair is mostly let down, unless she is in the mood to tie it up, which is extremely seldom. She usually wears an oversized tee in the dorm.

» Xixi | the orphanage dean calls her this
» Goddess | many fans calls her this due to her graceful aura and pretty face, however she thinks its too much.



» korean, fluent | after being in korea for 5 years, her korean is almost as fluent as most koreans.
» chinese, native | well, she is native chinese afterall


PERSONALITY + Try to be detailed as I might not be familiar with him

HISTORY + How they met each other? Anything about them in the past that I should know?

RELATIONSHIP + How they interact with each other, including their current status now. Are they dating already or is it a one-sided crush or are they currently strangers?

OTHER + Optional. Any trivias, or anything else you think you want me to know?

+ mystics_
+ ace
+ plotline #8 (backup: #3)


Group + if any


BACK-UP LOVE INT + name + group here



LAST COMMENT + First time applying, hope you dont mind me writing about Mengxi joining your chinese line? I didnt really proof read so I hope its okay?


SCENE REQUESTS + SOD on weekly idol or china programs 


PASSWORD + ioi whatta man



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