Updating stories?

Okay, it's been a few days now already, I'm somewhat busy and not. Btw I made a new friend on my twitter and at first I was like okay, then things kinda escalated, this SNSD fan boy was asking me to be friends so I was like sure why not? Then he went on to say like I'm an introvert, I'm like okay, then he went to - I was a depressed mess and SNSD helped me up. I was thinking oh! Okay then, I told him my friend went through the same thing but he's fine now... it a real friend. Lol

He asked me if I had snap chat and I told him Yes, that's okay if he added because he was asking, I said I needed more  friends, you know just a friendly thing to say~  When I was still chatting with him on twitter I approve on Snapchat and that man snap a photo on a wimp! I just text back because I was l feeling under the waters. He then wrote me somewhat a hole page of written about himself to me. Yes, I was shocked to see that, he then said hope you mind, I just answer with a Yes indeed. I was feeling little bit weird because he snapping me every sec. and texting all together it was overwhelming me, Really! He then went saying I'm an extrovert and he's been observing me, I was just Like oh! You got me, inside I'm like nope I'm just having little talk because I don't know you yet!  Still snapping me every sec. he then asked if I liked Got7 and said Do you like Messi? I answer Got7 yes and your watching to much Kdrama, he then went on a full page story again saying if I have watched the Mv and so on, I told no, I'm planning on later maybe with a reaction video~ I said maybe with BTS not today too. He was like oh! Can you show me please, I said no sorry but he was pestering me to show him. Nope! I said then he stopped.... there was more talking I was texting less because I don't want him to have the wrong idea. By doing that, I said I have to go study, he said bye but kept saying other things so I couldn't somewhat leave, not even mins later he snap me saying oh your making me sad. I text back saying sorry study time. He then text me about 30min after saying I want to chat. This morning he send me a message but I didn't answer~

Am I a mean girl? Am I just over acting and he just want to be friends? lol whatever it is I surely got the weird vibe after Snapchat, and him telling me I'm like Taeyeon~ 

By the way, I'm going to upload some of my stories soon, please check it out!

Please leave me a comment down below!

Bye from my little room... Hehehehe ^^ 


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