High Volume / TIU - Character Application


> Start of Application <

Username: addictedtoyourlove
I am applying for: High Volume/T.I.U 
Personal Information
Name: Min Gunwoo
Nicknames: Guni, Woo.
Date of Birth: January 1, 1991
Place of Birth: Bejing, China
Ethnicity: Korean-Chinese
Height: 173cm
Languages: Korean - Fluent, Chinese - Fluent, English - Basic.
Personality: Gunwoo is a calm and charismatic person who prefers not to involve himself in arguement. He is not easily angered and when he does get angry he hasn't got a fiery temper. You could usually find him sitting with headphones on his head, listening to music, dancing or playing games with other trainees. He has a large amount of friends and is one of the quitest out of all of them. He's not exactly shy or silent - he just doesn't like to speak if he feels that he has nothing important to say. He finds it hard to trust others with secrets. Hes sometimes lazy but when he does something he works hard at it. He secretly enjoys learning other girl groups dances even if they are slightly cute although he won't openly admit this to others.
Likes: Gaming, Pokemon, Listening to music, Dancing, Rapping, Singing, Quiet places, Winning, Peace, Storms, Rain, Food.
Dislikes: Sunny weather, Aegyo, Cute things, Fussy brats, Little children, Arguements, Hot weather, People shouting, Whiners, Idiots.
Hobbies: Playing Pokemon, Practising dancing, Listening to and learning raps, Learning other dances (even if he doesn't openly admit it), Gaming.
Habits: Biting his lip when thinking or concentrating, Clenching his jaw when losing or angry, Murmuring to himself if he's trying to learn dances or raps.
Trivia: His favourite colours are blue and yellow. His favourite bands are Big Bang and T-ara. He doesn't have a favourite type of food as he will pretty much eat anything that he can find or is given. He was previously a trainee in Core Contents Media from when he was 14 until 16 years old.
Name of Ulzzang: Yu Ha Min
Back-up Ulzzangs: Park Tae Jun / Park Jae Hyun
Relationships - Family.
Min Jungsoo - Father, 50, Wine Maker - They get along very well but Gunwoo hates how his father sometimes drinks his own wine as he dislikes alchohol.
Min Yookim, 53, Jewelery Store Owner - They argue alot and hardly ever get along but she does make him alot of accessories which he shows to his friends which he ofcourse is grateful for.
Relationships - Friends
Best Friends: Amber - F(x). G-Dragon (Big Bang).
Friends : Yoobin (Wonder Girls). TOP (Big Bang). Hoya (Infinite).
Relationships - Romance
Ideal Partner: Eunjung from T-ara.
How you met: He met her when he was a trainee and she was too. She was one of his friends. Since he has left the company they have not spoke often but still do keep in contact.
Would you mind being in a relationship with someone from the other group? No, I guess not.
Past Relationships: HyunA from 4Minute - They broke up simply because he no longer felt anything for her, they fought often and didn't have much in common.
Stage Information
Stage Name: Xenos.
Persona: Charisma King / Calm Rapper.
Position: Main Rapper ||| OR ||| Lead Rapper, Main Dancer, Vocalist.
Individual Fanclub: Noughts and Crosses.
Trainee Info: He was a trainee for Core Contents Media when he was 14 for two years. At the age of 16 he left the company and chose to sign onto NH Media instead. He has been training at NH Media for roughly five years or up until now. He found trainee like fairly easy compared to how other trainees viewed it as and he was a jack of all trades.
None ~
> End of Application <


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