Such Beautiful Lies - Character Application


Application :

Contact Information

Username : addictedtoyourlove

Character Information

Name : Baek Eunri

Age : 18 years old

Birthday : 31 December

Ethnicity : Korean-Japanese

Languages spoken : Korean - Fluent, Japanese - Fluent, English - Basic

Personality : Eunri is an antisocial girl who despises socializing with others. To others she seems cold and mean. She doesn't speak unless she feels that it is neccasary finds it troublesome. She's competitive - particularly when gaming so hates losing. In class she doesn't pay attention and usually is doing something else. She has a lack of enthausiasm for things which she dislikes. Also, shes claustrophobic and therefore hates small spaces and large crowds. She can't focus for longs amounts of time and isn't afraid to be blunt with her words. She's not even the slightest bit charismatic, y or cute. On a last note, she looses interest in people and things quickly.

Looks :

Ulzzang : Min Hyo Sun

Background : Eunri grew up with her parents and brother. She was different to them as whilst they did not have alices, she did. Nevertheless, she was still close to them; playing with her father more than her mother as her mother was at work most of the time. As a child she played console games alot and did roller skating frequently too - hence why they are her favourite hobbies now. At the age of 11 she was taken away to Alice Academy due to the fact that she was considered a danger to others around her due to her extensive amount of alices and studyed there. She didn't have many friends and found it hard because she wasn't allowed to see family members. But she still managed to stay in the academy until now at the age of 18 although she has tried to escape one or two times with obvious failure. Even now she struggles to control her alices as despite having two she finds it hard to control both of them at once; usually ending up harming herself.

Family / Siblings : Baek LiRee - Mother, Teacher, 49, Korean. Baek Sungmin - Father, Game Designer, 51, Half Korean, Half Japanese. Baek Kisun - Elder Brother, University Student, 21, Korean-Japanese.

Likes : Roller blading, sweet food, console games, gaming, storms, manga / anime, cosplay, not having to speak alot, dancing, singing, music, cloudy weather.

Dislikes : Spicy foods, loud people, large crowds, small spaces, sunny weather, snow, rain, warm places, having to focus alot, people that irritate her, being looked down upon, bullies, aegyo (slightly).

Hobbies : Roller blading, gaming, cosplaying, reading manga, watching anime, singing, dancing.


Fears : Large Bodies of Water, Small Spaces, Large Crowds, Death.

Habits : Biting her lip when thinking, Clenching her jaw when angry or losing, Tapping her finger on a surface if bored, Fiddling with her fingers if shes nervous, Clenching her hands if shes scared.

Triva : Her favourite colour is purple. She loves eating cakes. Her favourite flavour of cake is vanilla. She can't stand people that are really hyper or energetic.

Alice Information

Alice : Electrokinesis (Major), Flight / Telekinesis (Minor)

Alice type : Latent but moved to Dangerous.

Alice shape : Electrokinesis is Intermittent. Flight / Telekinesis is Diffusing.

Control device : She wears a silver ring and a two other plain rings. They limit her alices so that her flight / telekinesis one does not have much affect and she can't lift much or fly higher than the school wall and her electrokinesis alice cannot generate actual lightning bolts which could harm others.

Alice stone : Her alices are combined into one stone because they are somewhat related as lightning is in some ways just moving atoms very fast and telekinesis is moving atoms. It looks like this -


Author information

Bias : Chanjo / Chunji / L.Joe.

Anything extra to add ? Nope ~

Questions concerns ? Nope ~


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